Ane Compendious and Breve Tractate Concerning Ye Office & Dewtie of Kyngis, Spirituall Pastoris, & Temporall Iugis

الغلاف الأمامي
Early English Text Society, 1864 - 39 من الصفحات

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الصفحات المحددة

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة vii - ... daughter's minority Four years later, Lauder's inventive powers were again exercised, in producing one of those plays, or moralities, which were so common at that time. It was for the purpose of celebrating the marriage of the young Scottish Queen with Francis, Dauphin of France, at Paris, in July, 1558. Although neither of his plays has reached our times, yet the Council Registers and the Treasurer's Accounts enable us to ascertain the nature of the latter performance, in which the chief personages...
الصفحة 27 - Marchawdis had nocht lost so mony packis, Our commoun peple had nocht bene opprest; On ather syde, all wrangis had bene redrest: Bot Edinburgh, sen syne, Leith, and Kyngorne The day and hour may ban that I was borne.
الصفحة 25 - Poems), a contemporary of Lauder: " Trait ilk trew Barroun as he war thy brother, Quhilk mon, at neid, the and thy realme defende : Quhen, suddantlie, one doith oppresse one vther, Lat lustice, myxit with mercy, thame amende.
الصفحة vi - ... in Edinburgh. He, at least, had early distinguished himself by his literary talents ; as we find that, upon an occasion of public rejoicing, he furnished a play, or dramatic representation, which was performed at the expense of the Magistrates and Council of Edinburgh. On the 28th of December...
الصفحة 31 - ... and not poignant. The following extracts from Palsgrave, who wrote in 1530, bear directly on the change of lignage into lineage : "Also, whan so ever these III letters, gna, gne, or gno come to gyther, eyther in a nowne substantive or in a verbe, the reder shall sounde an i shortly and confusely betwene the n and the vowel folowynge.

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