Chaucer: Animaduersions Uppon the Annotacions and Corrections of Some Imperfections of Impressiones of Chaucer's Workes (sett Downe Before Tyme and Nowe) Reprinted in the Yere of Our Lorde 1598, العدد 9;العدد 64

الغلاف الأمامي
Early English text society, 1865 - 62 من الصفحات

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 111 - I labour to pourtraict in Arthure, before he was king, the image of a brave knight, perfected in the twelve private morall vertues, as Aristotle hath devised...
الصفحة 11 - MSS. handes there were manye false copyes, whiche Chaucer shewethe in writinge of Adam Scriuener (as you haue noted) ; of whiche written copies there came to me 1 That is, the description of the Plowman in the General Prologue.
الصفحة cxviii - Esquire. London / Printed for John Colbeck at the / Phoenix near the little North-/door of S. Pauls Church 1652. 12mo. ('This was first published in 1651 under the title "The Application of Certain Histories concerning Ambassadours and their Functions. By Francis Thynne Esquire. Taken out of Sir Robert Cotton's Library. London. Printed for J. Crook and S. Baker, and are to be sold at the sign of the Ship in Pauls Churchyard, 1651 Bodl. 8°. F. 146. Line." This [1652 ed.] is nothing more than a new...
الصفحة 8 - Script. Brit.' p. 526, ed. 1559. But it is impossible that any one who had read it should ascribe it to Chaucer. He is quoted in it twice by name, fol. xxxiii. and fol. xlv., and in the latter place the reference seems to be made to a printed book. The reader shall judge : — * He sayd he durst not it disclose, But bad me reyd the...
الصفحة 57 - Seinte Hughe. And to prove [that] this childe of eighte yeres olde and that yonge Hughe of Lincolne were but one, I will sett downe two auctoryties out of Mathewe Paris and Walsinghame; whereof the fyrste wryteth, that in the yere of Christe 1255, beinge the 39.
الصفحة 136 - The English, Scotch and Irish Historical Libraries ; giving a short view and character of most of our Historians, either in print or manuscript.
الصفحة xciii - Soule's daye, at 2 of the clocke in the afternoone, where your oppinioun in wrytinge or otherwise is expected. " The question is, ." Of the antiquitie, etimologie, and priviledges of parishes in Englande.
الصفحة xxv - ... capitayns as haue ben in the same / or also of the workes or memory of the famous and excellent clerkes in all kyndes of scyences that haue florisshed therin / Of whiche bothe sortes it hath pleased god as highly to nobilytate this yle as any other regyon of christendome...
الصفحة xxiii - Christmas at Eltham with a small nomber, for no manne might come thether but suche as wer appoynted by name : this Christmas in the kynges house, was called the still Christmas.
الصفحة 18 - I canne yet see) make hym iudge of his Workes, (whereof I wolde be glad to be en-: formed,) since these be Gowers woordes, vttered by Venus in that booke of confessio Amantis : And grete well Chaucer when ye mete, as my disciple and my poet...

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