GB/T 30733-2014 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 30733-2014, GB/T30733-2014, GBT30733-2014): Determination of total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen content in coal - Instrumental method [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]

الغلاف الأمامي, 20‏/03‏/2015 - 14 من الصفحات
This Standard specifies the method summary, reagents and materials, instrument and equipment, determination, calibration, results statement, accuracy etc. of determining carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in the coal by instrumental method. This Standard applies to quick determination of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in lignite, bituminous coal and anthracite.

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نبذة عن المؤلف (2015) specializes in providing translation services of all Chinese Standards.

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