ADVOCATE. AERIAL. AFFABILITY. ADVOCATE. Me his advocate And propitiation; all his works in me, 19 Milton. Learn what thou ow'st thy country and thy friend; What's requisite to spare, and what to spend: Learn this; and after envy not the store Of the greatest advocate who grinds the poor. Dryden. Foes to all living worth except your own, Pope. AERIAL. WHERE those immortal shapes Milton. Of bright aerial spirits live insphered, Dryden, from Virgil. From all that can with fins or feathers fly, Prior. Here subterranean works and cities see, Pope. AFFABILITY. HEARING of her beauty and her wit, Her wondrous qualities and mild behaviour. Shakspere. Gentle to me, and affable hath been Thy condescension, and shall be honoured ever Milton. Be affable to all men, for it well H. G. A. WE pour out our affections with our blood, What war so cruel, or what siege so sore, Against the fort of reason, evermore Spenser. Most wretched man, Of all the tyrants that the world affords, By tyranny, or Spenser. Earl of Stirling. Affections injured igour of compulsion, Like tempest-threatened trees, unfirmly rooted, Ne'er spring to timely growth. Her sweet humour, John Ford. That was as easy as a calm, and peaceful; Fair as the flowers themselves as sweet and gentle. Beaumont and Fletcher. Alas! our young affections run to waste, For some celestial fruit forbidden to our wants. Byron. Few are the fragments left of follies past; Have in them germs of an eternal spirit, And out of good their permanence inherit. AFFECTION. Baseness is mutability's ally, 21 But the sublime affections never die. Dr. Bowring. 1 A mind that, in a calm angelic mood Of happy wisdom meditating good, Beholds, of all from her high pov powers required, Much done, and much designed, and more desired; Harmonious thoughts, a soul by truth refin'd, Entire affection for all human kind. Affection, earth's great purifier, stirs Our embers into flame; and that ascends. Wordsworth. * There is in life no blessing like affection; And wealth an empty glitter without love. Miss Landon. Oh! there is one affection which no stain As love is, unto baseness; its desire Is but with hands entwined to lift our being higher. Percival. Affection is the Deity's best gift, Ann S. Stevens. Affection's power who can suppress, Brandon. THOUGH affliction, at the first, doth vex Most virtuous natures, from the sense that 'tis From heaven, not man. Sir William Davenant. Perfumes, the more they're chafed, the more they render Or else adulterate. John Webster. Like a ball that bounds According to the force with which 'twas thrown, The more he's cast down, will the higher rise. Nabb. Heaven but tries our virtue by affliction; Affliction is the wholesome soil of virtue, Mallet. Affliction is the good man's shining scene; Prosperity, alas! Is often but another name for pride Sigourney. AFFRONT. AFTER. 23 AFFRONT. OFT have they violated The temple, oft the law with foul affronts, Milton. His holy rites and solemn feasts profaned, But harm precedes not sin; only our foe Milton. Milton. You've done enough, for you designed my chains, The grace is vanished, but the affront remains. Young men soon forgive, and forget affronts; Dryden. Addison. When truth or virtue an affront endures, Pope. A moral, sensible, and well-bred man, Cowper. Angrily, hath yet to learn Lessons hard to learn, yet sweet! H. G. A. AFTER. 'TIs the divinity that stirs within us; 'Tis heaven itself that points out an hereafter, And intimates eternity to man. I still shall wait Some new hereafter, and a future state. Addison. Prior. |