APPEARANCES. APPETITE. APPEARANCES. HEROIC virtue did his actions guide, Or grant her passion be sincere, How shall his innocence appear? Appearances were all so strong, 49 Dryden. The world must think him in the wrong. Swift. Appearances to save, his only care; So things seem right no matter what they are. Churchill. Appearances deceive, And this one maxim is a standing rule Men are not what they seem. Havard. APPETITE. READ over this, and after this and then To breakfast with what appetite you have. --Shakspere. Why should she hang on him, As if increase of appetite had grown By what it fed on. Each tree Shakspere. Loaden with fairest fruit, that hung to the eye Milton. How few, alas! in nature's wide domains Alas! our carnal appetites are still The ministers to our unruly will; Unchecked, unbridled unto them we give The reins, and do like brutes that perish live, In sensual joys and pleasures take delight, And are the very slaves of appetite. H. G. A. E 50 APPLAUSE. ARBITRARY. APPLAUSE. I WOULD applaud thee to the very echo, Shakspere. He said, and as the sound of waters deep Sylla wept, Milton. And chid her barking waves into attention; Kings fight for empire, madmen for applause. He spoke and bowed, with muttering jaws, I have no taste Dryden. Gay. Dryden. Oh, popular applause! what heart of man In murmured pity or loud-roared applause. Byron. Applause Waits on success; the fickle multitude, ARBITRARY. In vain the Tyrian queen resigns her life The regal tyrants shall with blushes hide Franklin. Walsh. Prior. ARBITRATION. ARBOUR. ARCADE. ARBITRATION-ARBITRATOR. 51 THIS might have been prevented, and made whole, With very easy arguments of love, Which now the manage of two kingdoms met With fearful bloody issue arbitrate. Does arbitrate the event, my nature is That I incline to hope, rather than fear. Milton. Though heaven be shut, And heaven's high arbitrator sit secure ARBOUR. Milton. LET us divide our labours; thou, where choice Leads thee, or where most needs, whether to wind The woodbine round this arbour, or direct The clasping ivy where to climb. Milton. For noonday's heat are closer arbours made, ARCADE-ARCH. THE nations of the field and wood Build on the wave, or arch beneath the sand.-Pope. Load some vain church with old theatric state, Or call the winds through long arcades to roar, Pope. 52 ARCADE. ARCHANGEL. ARCHITЕСТ. Let Rome in Tiber melt, and the wide arch Shakspere. Hath nature given them eyes To see this vaulted arch, and the rich cope Of sea and land. Shakspere. Gates of monarchs Are arched so high, that giants may get through. Shakspere. ARCHANGEL. His form had yet not lost All its original brightness, nor appeared 'Tis sure the archangel's trump I hear- Milton. Norris. ARCHITECT-ARCHITRAVE. THE hasty multitude Admiring entered, and the work some praise, Our fathers next in architecture skill'd, Milton. Blackmore. Westward a pompous frontispiece appeared, ARGOSY. ARGUMENT. ARGOSY. Your mind is tossing on the ocean; 53 Shakspere. Look, where yon argosy, which late did set H. G. A. ARGUMENT. Our idle words, servants to shallow fools; But all's not true that supposition saith, To the height of this great argument I inay assert eternal providence, Not less, but more heroic than the wrath For arguments, like children, should be like Afflicted sense thou kindly dost set free; Oppressed with argumental tyranny, Drayton. Milton. Decker. And routed reason finds a safe retreat in thee.-Pope. |