No balm in absence will effectual prove, Sir Robert Howard. Thus absence dies, and dying proves No absence can subsist with loves That do partake of fair perfection; By love's quick motion, find a way To see each other in reflection. Suckling. Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; And every little absence is an age. All flowers will droop in absence of the sun Dryden. Dryden. His friends beheld, and pitied him in vain, Dryden. Though I am forced thus to absent myself Southern. Condemn'd whole years in absence to deplore, In spring the fields, in autumn hills I rove; Methinks I see thee straying on the beach, Pope. Cowper. What tender strains of passion can impart Pattison. Every moment There's not an hour Otway. Of day or dreaming night but I am with thee; Procter. Short absence hurt him more, The limner's art may trace the absent feature, But oh! the scenes 'mid which they met and parted, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Think'st thou that I could bear to part We must part awhile; Maturin. Moore. Byron. A few short months-tho' short, they will be long Burn with a tender glow when I return. James G. Percival. Oh Absence! by thy stern decree, Is filled with doubts and fears! J. T. Watson. 6 ABSOLVE. ABSTINENCE. ABSOLVE. WHAT cause Milton. Moved the Creator, in his holy rest, But all is calm in this eternal sleep; For God, not man, absolves our frailties here. Pope. ABSTEMIOUSNESS-ABSTINENCE. His life is paralleled E'en with the stroke and line of his great justice; Shakspere. Yet in abstinence in things we must profess, William Browne. Against diseases here the strongest fence Religious men, who hither must be sent Herrick. Dryden. Clytorean streams the love of wine expel, Dryden. ABUSE. ACCIDENT. ABUSE-ABUSED. THE man that sits within a monarch's heart, Little knows 7 Shakspere. Any but God alone to value right Milton. Some praise at morning what they blame at night, And always think the last opinion right; This hour she's idolized, the next abused. Pope. Pick out of mirth, like stones out of the ground, Profaneness, filthiness, abusiveness; These are the scum with which coarse wits abound; The fine may spare these well, yet not go less. Dame Nature, as the learned shew, Provides each animal its foe; Herbert. Hounds hunt the hare, the wily fox Thus envy pleads a natural claim To persecute the muse's fame, On poets in all times abusive, From Homer down to Pope inclusive. Swift. ACCIDENT. As the unthought-on accident is guilty Of what we wildly do, so we profess Ourselves to be the slaves of chance, and flies Of every wind that blows. Shakspere. And trivial accidents shall be forborne, That others may have time to take their turn. Dryden. Such a minister as wind to fire, That adds an accidental fierceness To its natural fury. Denham. 8 ACCLAMATIONS. ACCOMPLISH. ACCLAMATIONS. GLADLY then he mixed Among those friendly powers, who him received Returned, not lost. His speech was answered with a general noise Milton. Which soldiers uttered as they forward went, The sure forerunner of a fair event. Sir John Beaumont. The herald ends, the vaulted firmament Dryden. ACCOMPLISH—ACCOMPLISHMENTS. TELL him from me, (as he will win my love,) I'll make my heaven in a lady's lap, Shakspere. Shakspere. The next I took to wife, O that I never had! fond wish too late, Accomplishments were native to her mind, Milton. Mrs. Hale. |