700 WRITE. WRITE-WRITERS. SOUND judgment is the ground of writing well, Words from the pen will naturally flow. Roscommon, from Horace. The readers and the hearers like my books, Sir John Harrington. 'Tis the way of writing at which offence is taken, And this is the misfortune of an author, That unless some are angry with him, none are pleased; Which puts him under this dilemma, That he must either ruin himself or his printer. Or makes a feast, more certainly invites Sir R. Howard. Some write confined by physic; some, by debt; Young. Happy within whose honest breast concealed, likened? WRITE. WRONG. 701 The pen of a ready writer, whereunto shall it be Ask of the scholar, he shall know-to the chains that bind a Proteus: Ask of the poet, he shall say-to the sun, the lamp of heaven: Ask of thy neighbour, he can answer to the friend that telleth my thought; The merchant considereth it well, as a ship freighted with wares; 1 The divine holdeth it a miracle, giving utterance to the dumb. It fixeth, expoundeth, and disseminateth sentiment; Chaining up a thought, clearing it of mystery, and sending it bright into the world. To think rightly, is of knowledge; to speak fluently, is of nature; To read with profit, is of care; but to write aptly, is of practice. Martin F. Tupper. WRONG. Ir often falls in course of common life, That right long time is overborne of wrong; Oh, for a lodge in some vast wilderness- Cowper. When people once are in the wrong, Prior. I see the right, and I approve it too; Anon. SEE the minutes how they run; How many makes the hour full complete, How many years a mortal man may live. --Shakspere. God of the changeful year!-amidst the glow Of strength and beauty, and transcendant grace, Which on the mountain heights, or deep below, In sheltered vales, and each sequestered place, Thy forms of vegetable life assume; Whether thy pines with giant arms displayed, Brave the cold north; or, wrapt in eastern gloom, Thy trackless forests sweep a world of shade; Or whether, scenting ocean's heaving breast, Thy odoriferous isles innumerous rise, Or under various lighter forms imprest, Of fruits and flowers, Thy works delight our eyes, God of all life! whate'er those forms may be, O may they all unite in praising Thee. It seems that life is all a void, The pleasant, pleasant spring-time, W. Roscoe. Jane Taylor. Richard Howitt. YOUTH. YOUTH. For youth no less becomes Lusty youth 703 Shakspere. Is the very May-morn of delight, Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, Aaron Hill. Intemperate youth, by sad experience found, Denham. Expand the passions of thy heart in youth; Henry Taylor. Ah! who can say, however fair his view, Kirke White. The youth you spoke of was a glowing moth, Alexander Smith. THAT sport most pleases that doth least know how; None seconded, as out of reason judg'd, Milton. For virtue's self may too much zeal be had; -With all the zeal Spread out earth's holiest records here, Byron. Charles Sprague. |