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النشر الإلكتروني

during his whole life, and that a long life, be willing to rejoice in his light.

And let me be remembered in the prayers of all God's people that are of a calm spirit, and are peaceable and faithful in Israel, of whatever opinion they may be with respect to terms of church communion. And let us all remember, and never forget our future solemn meeting on that great day of the Lord; the day of infallible decision, and of the everlasting and unalterable sentence, Amen,



At a Council of Nine Churches, viz.

The church in Enfield, Rev. Mr. Peter Reynolds, pastor; Mr. Edward Collins, delegate.

Sheffield, Jonathan Hubbard, pastor; Mr. Daniel Kellogg, delegate.

Sutton, David Hall, pastor; Mr. Jonathan Hale, delegate.
Reading, William Hobby, pastor; Mr. Samuel Bancroft,


The first church in Springfield, Robert Breck, pastor; Mr. Thomas Stebbins, delegate.

Sunderland, Joseph Ashley, pastor; Mr. Samuel Montague, delegate.

Hatfield, Timothy Woodbridge, pastor; Oliver Partridge, esq. delegate.

The first church in Hadley, Chester Williams, pastor; Mr. Enos Nash, delegate.

Pelham, Robert Abercrombie, pastor; Mr. Matthew Gray, delegate.

CONVENED at the call of the first church in Northampton, together with the elder of the church in Cold-Spring, added by the consent of both the pastor and the church of Northampton, in order to advise to a remedy from the calamities arising froin the unsettled broken state of the first church in Northampton, by reason of a controversy subsisting about the qualifications for full communion in the church.

The Rev. Mr. Hubbard was chosen moderator, and the Rev. Mr. Williams, scribe.

The council, after seeking the divine presence and direction, had the matter in controversy laid before them, and finding the sentiments of the pastor and church, concerning the qualifications necessary for full communion, to be diametrically op

* Reverend Mr. Billing.

posite to each other; the pastor insisting upon it as necessary to the admission of members to full communion, that they should make a profession of sanctifying grace; whereas the brethren are of opinion, that the Lord's supper is a converting ordinance, and consequently that persons, if they have a competency of knowledge, and are of a blameless life, may be admitted to the Lord's table, although they make no such profession: And also finding that, by reason of this diversity of sentiments, the doors of the church have been shut for some years, so that there has been no admission. And not being able to find out any method wherein the pastor and brethren can unite, consistent with their own sentiments, in admitting members to full communion: The council did then, according to the desire of the church, expressed in their letters missive, proceed to consider of the expediency of dissolving the relation between pastor and people; and, after hearing the church upon it, and mature deliberation of the case, the questions were put to the members of the council severally :

1. Whether it be the opinion of this council, that the Reverend Mr. Edwards, persisting in his principles, and the church in theirs in opposition to his, and insisting on a separation, it is necessary that the relation between pastor and people be dissolved? Resolved in the affirmative.

2. Whether it be expedient that this relation be immediately dissolved? Passed in the affirmative.

However we take notice, that notwithstanding the unhappy dispute which has arisen, and so long subsisted, between the pastor and church of Northampton, upon the point beforementioned, that we have had no other objection against him, but what relates to his sentiments upon the point aforesaid, laid before us: And although we have heard of some stories spread abroad, reflecting upon Mr. Edwards's sincerity with regard to the change of his sentiments about the qualifications for full communion; yet we have received full satisfaction that they are false and groundless: And although we do not all of us agree with Mr. Edwards in our sentiments upon the point, yet have abundant reason to believe that he took much pains to get light in that matter; and that he is uprightly following the dictates of his own conscience; and with great pleasure reflect upon the Christian spirit and temper he has discovered in the unhappy controversy subsisting among them, and think ourselves bound to testify our full charity towards him, and recommend him to any church or people agreeing with him in sentiments, as a person eminently qualified for the work of the gospel-ministry.

And we would recommend it to the Rev. Mr. Edwards

and the first church in Northampton, to take proper notice of the heavy frown of Divine Providence, in suffering them to be reduced to such a state as to render a separation necessary, after they have lived so long and amicably together, and been mutual blessings and comforts to each other.

And now, recommending the Rev. Mr. Edwards, and the church in Northampton, to the grace of God, we subscribe, JONATHAN HUBBARD,

Moderator, in the name of the Council.

Northampton, June 22, 1750.

A true copy, examined by


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We cannot agree to a dismission of the Reverend Mr. Edwards, at least for the present, for the following reasons; previous to which we observe, that though we presume not to infringe the rights of others' consciences, yet we beg leave to enjoy our own: and being sought to for advice in council at Northampton, are constrained to say to the church: That

1. We disapprove the separation of the Reverend Mr. Edwards from his people; because that, in the nature of the thing, there is no just cause therefore; his sentiments being, as we apprehend, perfectly harmonious with the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ, and strictly conformable to the practice of the apostles, and that of the reformed churches in general through the world.

2. On the supposition that Mr. Edwards were in the wrong in the present controversy, yet there is, as we apprehend, no proportion between the importance of the controversy, and that of his dismission.

3. That it appears to us, that there have been no proper essays, in the way of fair reasoning with or before the parties, to convince either of them of the truth or falseness of their principles; which love to the truth itself and their souls requires.

4. Because the church, or at least its committee, while they offer us reasons for separating them from their pastor, yet will not suffer us so to enter into the grounds of those reasons, as to offer to them that light which the word of God affords: which we esteem an imposition upon our consciences, and doth but tend to keep them in the dark.

These, brethren, are some of the reasons for which we can by no means approve a separation, at least at present: but if such a separation should eventually come on, we bear a free and cheerful testimony in favour of our dearly beloved brother, your once dearly beloved pastor; though now esteemed your enemy, because, as we apprehend, he has told you the truth. He needs not indeed any recommendation of ours; which is more properly a commendation of ourselves, than of him. Nor need we say much to others, for that his praise is in most of our churches through the land: yet we are constrained to say to the world, that God has furnished him with those ministerial gifts and graces, by which he has hitherto shone as a burning and shining light: and though his people in general cease to rejoice in his

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