صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

In all the provinces, by waysides, not common.-DISTRIB.
W. Asia through India to Australia.

4. EHRETIA, Linn.

Glabrous or scabrous shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, entire or dentate. Flowers small, usually white, in axillary or terminal corymbs or panicles, rarely on 1-flowered axillary peduncles. Calyx small, 5-partite. Corolla with short cylindric tube; the limb with 5 obtuse imbricate spreading lobes. Stamens 5, inserted on the tube, exserted, rarely included, ovate or oblong. Ovary 2-celled, the cells bi-ovulate; sometimes imperfectly 4-celled and the cells with solitary ovules; style terminal, cylindric, bifid or bi-partite; stigmas small, capitate or clavate. Drupe small, usually globose, 4-seeded or (by suppression) 1-3-seeded; usually dividing into 2 bilocular or into 4 unilocular, often compressed pyrenes. Seeds straight, with little albumen and thin testa.-DISTRIB. About 55 species, all tropical, chiefly in the Old World.

Leaves ovate to elliptic-oblong, shortly acuminate, with about 5 pairs
of main-nerves

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Leaves obovate or obovate-elliptic, obtuse retuse or sub-acute, with
7 or 8 pairs of main-nerves

1. E. lævis.

2. E. parallela.

1. EHRETIA LÆVIS, Roxb. Cor. Pl. I. 42, t. 55; var. timorensis, Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 142 (1883). A small tree; young branches rusty-puberulous, becoming ultimately glabrous, dark coloured when dry. Leaves thinly coriaceous; ovate to elliptic-oblong, shortly acuminate, the base slightly cuneate or sometimes rounded; both surfaces glabrous, brown when dry, the lower paler and reticulate; mainnerves about 5 pairs, rather straight, ascending slightly, thin but prominent on the lower surface like the midrib; length 2.5 to 5 in., breadth 1.25 to 2.25 in.; petioles about 4 in. Cymes axillary and terminal, shorter than the leaves, corymbose, puberulous; the ultimate branches scorpioid. Flowers small, numerous, sessile. Calyx less than 1 in. long, its mouth with 5 oblong lobes. Corolla-tube 1 in. long; the lobes 5, shorter and spreading. Anthers exserted. Fruit when 4-seeded about 2 in. in diam., smaller when 2-seeded, depressedglobose, ribbed; pyrenes 4 or 2, sometimes only 1, each with a single seed; the persistent calyx much shorter than the fruit, its lobes acuminate. E. timorensis, Dene. in Nouv. Ann. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. III. 395; DC. Prod. IX. 505. E. philippinensis, DC. l.c. 504. E. lævis, Benth. Fl. Austral. IV. 389.

MALACCA: Maingay (K.D.) 1164; Ridley 3302. PERAK: Scortechini

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167, 898; King's Collector 7436, 8344.-DISTRIB. Burma, Griffith (K.D.) 6002, Malay Archipelago, Australia.

2. EHRETIA PARALLELA, Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 143 (1883). A shrub, all parts except the inflorescence glabrous; young branches thinner than a goose-quill, pale when dry. Leaves membranous; obovate or obovate-elliptic, obtuse, from retuse to sub-acute, cuneate at the base; both surfaces dark brown when dry; main-nerves 7 or 8 pairs, scarcely curved, ascending, parallel, very bold and distinct on the lower surface like the midrib (when dry), faint on the upper; length 1.5 to 1.75 in., breadth 75 to 1 in.; petiole 25 in. Inflorescence, flowers, and fruit as in E. lævis, Roxb., var. timorensis, but smaller. PENANG Curtis 1572.-DISTRIB. Burma, Griffith (K.D.) 6004.

5. COLDENIA, Linn.

Much-branched, diffuse or prostrate scabrous herbs. Leaves alternate, crisped. Flowers small, axillary, sessile or sub-sessile; the upper sometimes in a short one-sided bracteate cyme. Calyx 4-5-partite. Corolla with short funnel-shaped tube and 4 or 5 spreading segments imbricate in bud. Stamens 4 or 5, inserted on the tube; anthers ovate. Ovary broadly ovoid, 2-celled, with 2 ovules in each cell, or imperfectly 4-celled with 1 in each; styles 2, distinct at the base but united upwards (although easily separable); stigmas 2, capitate. Fruit almost dry, composed of 4 sub-connate 1-seeded pyrenes; seeds with thin testa and little if any albumen; the cotyledons plane.-DISTRIB. Species 12, 10 of which are American, 1 African, and the undernoted which is cosmopolitan.

COLDENIA PROCUMBENS, Linn. Sp. Pl. 125 (1753). A scabrous-hairy prostrate herb. Leaves elliptic-obovate, coarsely and deeply serrate, almost pinnatifid. Fruit, prior to disintegration into its component pyrenes, pyramidal. Gaertn. Fruct. I. 329, t. 68; Lamk Ill. t. 69; Roxb. Fl. Ind. I. 448; Wall. Cat. 942; DC. Prod. IX. 558; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 933; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 144; Trimen Fl. Ceyl. III. 197; Cooke Bomb. Fl. II. 205; Prain Beng. Plants 718. Lobophyllum tetrandrum, F. Muell. in Hook. Kew Journ. Bot. IX. 21. Waltheria microphylla, Miq. in Pl. Hohenack. n. 87в (not of Cav.). By waysides, not common.-DISTRIB. Everywhere in the tropics.

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Herbs or shrubs, usually twining, occasionally erect; very rarely trees; sometimes parasitic. Leaves alternate or in parasitic species

obsolete; stipules 0. Flowers in cymes, rarely solitary, regular, hermaphrodite; bracts at cyme-bases or under solitary flowers opposite; bracteoles at base of pedicels small, scale-like. Sepals 5, imbricate, occasionally slightly connate below, often persistent, sometimes accrescent. Corolla campanulate or infundibuliform, rarely sub-rotate; limb with 5 short or long lobes often plicate in bud, after flowering either involute or reverting to the original æstivation. Stamens 5, adnate to corolla-tube; anthers oblong, opening by longitudinal introrse or lateral slits. Carpels usually 2, very rarely 3 or more; connate throughout in a superior ovary with its base often encircled by an annular or lobed disk, and its cells as many or, by development of accessory partitions, twice as many as the component carpels, rarely, from absorption of dissepiments, fewer than carpels; ovules 2 in each carpel, sessile erect anatropous; style solitary or rarely styles 2; stigma capitate or 2-lobed or 2-fid. Fruit an indehiscent often dry berry, or a 2-4-valved or circumscissile or irregularly opening capsule. Seeds 4 to 2, rarely solitary, erect; albumen scanty or 0; cotyledons generally plicate, rarely flat.-DISTRIB. Species about 1,000, in all regions, but more abundant in sub-tropical and tropical countries.

Corolla-tube usually uniformly enlarged from base to apex, the

5 bands or lobes rarely, except in Erycibe, clearly defined from the intervening spaces; pollen not spinulose :—

Yellow parasitic twining leafless herbs

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Green non-parasitic leafy herbs, shrubs or trees :—


Fruit indehiscent, woody or fleshy, rather large; style short
or 0; stigma 5-10-rayed; corolla-lobes 2-fid, the lobules
induplicate, contorted; woody, climbing shrubs or erect trees 2. ERYCIBE.
Fruit dehiscent, or if indehiscent small, with thin fragile

Flowers in racemes or panicles—

Bracts not enlarged in fruit; outer 3 or all of the sepals
enlarged in fruit; style entire or shortly 2-lobed; capsule
indehicent or rarely 2-valved

Bracts in fruit much enlarged, scarious, adnate to calyx;
sepals not enlarged; capsule 4-valved, 1-seeded
Flowers in cymes or solitary; capsule valvate or opercular,
rarely dehiscing irregularly :-

Styles 2, free or partially united below; sepals not or
slightly enlarging in fruit:—

Capsule 4-valved, 2-1-locular, 4-2-seeded; styles quite
free, each 2-branched; cymes few-flowered
Capsule irregularly dehiscent, splitting into numerous
vertical segments; styles usually partially united below,
stigmas capitate; cymes sub-capitate

Style entire, stigmas usually 2:—

Ovary 1-locular; capsule 4-valved, 4-seeded; stigmas
shortly oblong; calyx-lobes not enlarged in fruit :--





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Outer 3 sepals not larger than the 2 inner, and not
decurrent on the peduncle :-

Stigmas elliptic; capsule 8-valved, rarely 4-valved 10. JACQUEMONTIA.
Stigmas globose:-

Capsule 4-valved; fruiting sepals not enlarged;
bands of corolla usually with 5 purple lines;
stems not winged

Capsule with circumscissile dehiscence; fruiting
sepals considerably enlarged; bands of corolla
without lines; stems winged

Corolla-tube not uniformly enlarged from base to apex, the
5 bands on the lobes clearly defined by 2 prominent lines; pollen

Fruit dehiscent, or if indehiscent then with thin fragile walls:-
Stamens arising from the backs of 5 scales attached to
the corolla-tube; flowers small urceolate, fasciculate; fruit

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Stamens arising directly from the corolla-tube :-
Corolla more or less campanulate; calyx-lobes never
aristate, inflorescence never scorpioid; stamens not ex-

Corolla more or less hypocrateriform; calyx-lobes aristate,
or if obtuse the inflorescence scorpioid; stamens exserted :-
Flowers rather small, pink or red, slightly irregular
Flowers large white, regular

Fruit indehiscent, coriaceous or fleshy :

Ovary 4-celled ..

Ovary 2-celled ..


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1. CUSCUTA, Linn.

Flowers small,

Leafless twining yellow-reddish parasitic herbs. white or rose-coloured, fascicled, sessile or shortly pedicelled; bracts small or 0. Sepals 5 or 4, sub-equal; free or shortly connate at the base. Corolla ovoid or campanulate, usually with a ring of fimbriate or lobed scales near the base or below the stamens; lobes short, imbricate. Stamens 5 or 4, adnate near throat of corolla; filaments short, linear; anthers oblong, partially exserted. Ovary more or less completely 2-celled; ovules 4; styles 2 or 1; stigmas 2. Fruit a globose or ovoid, dry or succulent, circumscissile or irregularly bursting 4-2-seeded capsule. Seeds glabrous; albumen fleshy; embryo slender, spiral; cotyledons minute or obsolete.-DISTRIB. Species about 80, in temperate and tropical regions.

CUSCUTA HYGROPHILÆ, H. H. W. Pears. in Hook. Ic. Plant. t. 2704.

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A small slender parasitic twiner. Flowers in dense umbellate cymes, 25 in. wide. Sepals ovate obtuse, connate below, 1 in. long. Corolla 15 in. wide, campanulate; lobes ovate obtuse. Stamens 5, shortly exserted. Scales near base of corolla-tube shortly fimbriate. Ovary obtuse, more or less perfectly 2-celled; ovules 4; styles 2; stigmas capitate. Fruit an oblate capsule, 15 in. wide.

JOHORE: near the town, parasitic on Hygrophila quadrivalvis, Ridley 9161!

Closely related to C. chinensis, from which it differs in having the sepals without keels, and of which the writer believes it to be a form.

2. ERYCIBE, Roxb.

Shrubs, scandent or diffuse, less often erect; rarely trees. Leaves alternate, elliptic, entire, coriaceous. Flowers rather small; cymes in axillary or terminal panicles or racemes; bracts lanceolate, small. Sepals 5, small, sub-equal, orbicular, coriaceous, adpressed to base of fruit. Corolla rather small, white or yellowish, sub-rotate; tube hirsute externally; limb 5-lobed, the lobes obcordate, induplicate-contorted in bud, with a thicker triangular centre externally hirsute, and submembranous semicordate margins glabrous on both sides. Stamens 5, sub-included, adnate to throat of corolla; filaments short; anthers ovate-lanceolate. Ovary globose, 1-celled; ovules 4; stigma large, sessile, sub-globose or conic, 5- or 10-ridged. Fruit a fleshy, leathery or woody berry, ovoid or ellipsoid. Seed solitary, glabrous; albumen scanty, intruded between folds of fleshy cotyledons.-DISTRIB. Species about 30; throughout S.E. Asia.

Leaves more or less pubescent beneath :

Pubescence on under surfaces of leaves persistent:

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Branches angular; bark fissured; pubescence on under side
of leaves black, closely adpressed; leaves with acuminate
tips, the lateral nerves in 5 pairs, obliquely ascending,
hardly visible above
Branches cylindric; bark not fissured: pubescence on under
surface of leaves not adpressed, brown or tawny; leaves
obtuse, the lateral nerves in 12 to 15 pairs, spreading not very
oblique; fruit velvety

Pubescence on under surface of leaves usually disappearing,
except from the midrib, as the leaves become old; branches
with fissured bark :-

Flowers in pyramidal terminal panicles, the panicle branches
subtended by foliaceous bracts

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Flowers in axillary cymes, or if passing into a terminal
panicle the panicle branches not subtended by foliaceous


1. E. strigosa.

2. E. magnifica.

3. E. expansa.

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