Africa, المجلدات 19-20Oxford University Press, 1949 Includes Proceedings of the Executive council and List of members, also section "Review of books". |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 81
الصفحة 184
... cultural possession of the immigrants has become incorporated into the cultural possessions of the hosts . But it was incorporated in a special way , namely , as an institution which belonged to a section , remained vested in that ...
... cultural possession of the immigrants has become incorporated into the cultural possessions of the hosts . But it was incorporated in a special way , namely , as an institution which belonged to a section , remained vested in that ...
الصفحة 185
... cultural posses- sions for the benefit of the community at large . The absorption of the gani in the life of Nupe is thus repeated within this narrower compass . Again , the cultural possessions of sections are acknowledged by the whole ...
... cultural posses- sions for the benefit of the community at large . The absorption of the gani in the life of Nupe is thus repeated within this narrower compass . Again , the cultural possessions of sections are acknowledged by the whole ...
الصفحة 339
... cultural tradition , before suggesting that identities in scale - system found among two peoples ' separated 450 years ago ' might be explained by reasoning as simplistic as this , especially in the light of the fact that it is ...
... cultural tradition , before suggesting that identities in scale - system found among two peoples ' separated 450 years ago ' might be explained by reasoning as simplistic as this , especially in the light of the fact that it is ...
Dietary Change in a Sudan Village following Locust Visitation N L Corkill | 17 |
The Ingredients of Magic Medicines Hans Cory | 33 |
Quelques Devinettes des Enfants Noirs de Léopoldville S ComhaireSylvain | 40 |
53 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abakwe abɔ Adkeme Administrative African languages age-grade Amharic Arabic argot Asiatics Bahima Bantu beer Belge Belgian Congo Bolobo boloki bride brother c'est called cattle ceremony chef chief clan Colonial Coloured outmarriages Congo culture custom d'une Dahomey deux Dogon Efik Eloko enzhugano Eritrea été être Études European Ewé expression fait father female fleuve gani Griaule groom Guiné husband Igbo illus important indigènes Institute joking relationships kinship kraal land lineage London mahamba male marriage marriages involving Coloureds married matrilineal Mission molimo mother Native nganga Ngoni Northern Rhodesia nouns Nuatja Nuer Nupe Owerri pêcheurs person pirogue political population problems Proportion recherches région relations ritual social society Sorkawa Sorko sorority-group South Africa structure Sudan Tense tion Togo tone pattern traditions tribal tribes verb village group village headman wife woman women Yoruba Zulu