INDE X ΤΟ JOURNAL, ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, PART 1, Bandá, copperplate grant from, 73 Bangash Nawabs of Farrukhábád, 259 EXPLORATIONS, recent trans-fron- tier, 78 FE ESTIVAL of Holi in Braj, 120 Furrakhábád, the Bangash Nawabs of, GOBIND DEVA, temple of, at Brindá- ban, 115 Gosain Hari Vans of Brindában, 97 Growse, T. S., Mathurá notes, 97 Bhagalpur, transcript of copper-plate at, HADT Siddha, 137 404; translation of ditto, 407 Bogra or Bagura, antiquities of, 88 Braj, Holi festival in, 120 Brindában, Gosain Hari Vans of, 97; tem- ple of Gobind Deva, 115 Hamirpur, N. W. P., two ancient inscrip- Hari Vans, Gosáin of Brindában, 97 Holi festival in Braj, 120 INSCRIPTIONS, two ancient on copper- plate in Hamirpur, N. W. P., 80 Irvine, W., the Bangash Nawabs of Far- Mango, story of a, 336 Manik' Chandra, song of, 135, 149, 201; SAHAR, medieval Hindu columns from, particulars about him, 141 Mathurá, notes on, 97: miscellaneous 'an- Moʻallaqah, of Zuheyr rendered into Eng. Muhammad Khan, the Bangash Nawáb, 268 NADIR Shah's invasion, 331 Nanyaurá, copperplates, 81, 84 ORIGIN and development of the Hindu Sikhara, 114 PAL RE Rajas of Bengal, 384 Frannath Pandit, notes on two ancient WALKER, J. P., Col., recent trans- copperplate inscriptions in Hamirpur N. W. P., 80, 86 RADHA frontier explorations, 78 HA Suddhá Nidhí by Hari Vans, ZUHEYR, the Arabian poet, 1, 25 translation of, 131 Radhá Vallabhis, 97 OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. . VOL. XLVII. PART II. (NATURAL HISTORY, &C.) (Nos. I ro IV.-1878: with 15 plates.) EDITED BY THE NATURAL HISTORY SECRETARY, "It will flourish, if naturalists, chemists, antiquaries, philologers, and men of science in different parts of Asia, will commit their observations to writing, and send them to the Asiatic Society at Calcutta. It will languish, if such communications shall be long intermitted; and it will die away, if they shall entirely cease." SIR WM. JONES. CALCUTTA : PRINTED BY G. H. ROUSE, AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, AND PUBLISHED AT THE ASIATIC SOCIETY'S ROOMS, 57, PARK STREET. 1878. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Page ANDERSON, J.;-On the Indian Species of the Genus Erinaceus, 193 214 1 (Erinaceus niger) from Muscat in Arabia, ... BRANFILL, B. R. ;-Physiographical Notes &c., on Tanjore (Tanjá-úr), 212 179 BROUGH, R. S. ;~On the proper relative Sectional Area for Copper LYDEKKER, R.;-Aberrant Dentition of Felis Tigris, -Great Snow-fall in Kashmir, SHARP, D. ;—Preliminary diagnoses of new Coleopterous Insects be- ;-The Application of Photography to the Reproduction of Maps and Plans by Photo-mechanical and other processes, 191 ... 12 2 4 177 169 141 26 53 |