OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. VOL. XLVII. PART I. (HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, &C.) (Nos. I to IV.-1878: with 23 plates.) EDITED BY THE PHILOLOGICAL SECRETARY. "It will flourish, if naturalists, chemists, antiquaries, philologers, and men of science CALCUTTA: PRINTED BY G. H. ROUSE, AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, AND PUBLISHED AT THE ASIATIC SOCIETY'S ROOMS, 57, PARK STREET. 1878. CONTENTS The Moʻallaqah of Zuheyr, rendered into English, with an introduc- tion and notes.-By C. J. Lyall, C. S Stray Arians in Tibet.-By R. B. SHAW, Political Agent, (with a On Representations of Foreigners in the Ajantá Frescoes.-By A Copper-plate Grant from Bandá.-By RAJENDRALÁLA MITRA, Recent Trans-Frontier Explorations, communicated by Col. J. T. WALKER, C. B., R. E., Surveyor-General of India, (with a Notes on two Copper-plate Inscriptions found in the Hamirpúr District, N. W. P., by V. A. SMITH, B. A., B. C. S. With a note by PRANNÁTH PANDIT, M. A., B. L., The Song of Mánik Chandra.-By G. A. GRIERSON, C. S., The Lokaniti, translated from the Burmese Paraphrase.-By LIEUT. R. C. TEMPLE, B. S. C., Offg. Wing Officer, 1st Goorkhas,...... The Bangash Nawabs of Farrukhábád-A Chronicle, (1713-1857). By WILLIAM IRVINE, C. S., Fatehgurh, N. W. P., PART I, The Pála and the Sena Rájás of Bengal.-By RAJENDRALÁLA MITRA, 362821 " |