Book VIII. Antenor the Wise was a tall, active, Was non so riche of Renttes, ne of renke godes, but slender man: 3948 Long man & large, lyuely & small. talkative but far seeing. Polydamas, son of Antenor, ['favour.' countenance.] was tall, agile, and slender, like his father; (fol. 62 a.) Meriones, king of knight, with crisp famous warrior. Hecuba, te honest and honourable queen, was broad and massive, almost like a man. She was learned as became a lady, meek and charitable. Mony wordys hade the wegh, wise of his dedis, Wele louyt of his lege, delited hym in myrthe, Зере, A large man of lenght, delyuer, & small, His colour blent was in blake, with a blithe chere. 3964 A faire man of fourme, & a fre knight. A hard brest hade pe buerne, & his back sware. Was shewyng in shap of a shene brede, 3976 She hade a wonderfull wit a woman to bene, Alse sad in þe syens as semyt for a lady 3980 Onest ouerall, as aght hir astate, CASSANDRA AND POLYXENA. An delited hir deply in dedis of charité, Worthy Ector wyfe, was a we faire. 129 Book VIII. Andromache, wife of Hector, was tall and stately, 3984 Long body hade the burdde, bright of hir colour. with bright clear Ho was mesurably made, as pe mylke white. 3988 Hir lippes were louely littid with rede. Gilde hores hade pat gay, godely to se. And all hir dedis full duly done by a mesure. 3996 Of wemen werkes wilnet ho none, Most was hir mynde hir maidonhede to kepe. Mony cas for to cum ho be course wiste, By artys of astronomy, & ame of hir wit,— 4000 By staryng on the sternys thurgh hir stithe lore. Polexena the pert was prise of all other, Of feturs & fourme the fairest on lyue; ffull tendur of hir tyme, triet of hewe. 4004 Of hir fairnes fele may no freike telle, Ne no wegh has wit ne wordys perfore, ffor to labur so longe of hir lefe shap; 4008 Ho was of bewte aboue all borne in hir tyme, Saue he demyt hir dedly, when hir day come.) And ay cheriste hir chastité with a choise wille, To pat abundaunse of bewte ho was best norisshed, 4016 Witté to wale, wantid no thewes; eyes, ruddy cheeks and lips, and golden hair. (fol. 62 b.) Cassandra, daughter of Priam, was of seemly size and mould, but pale, and squinted a little. She was well skilled in astronomy. Polyxena was by far the fairest of Priam's daughters. Her beauty baffles all description. Book VIII. Thus Dares represents those noted ones of Greece and Troy: (fol. 63 a.) and now to our story of what befell them. Voidet all vanities, & virtus dissyret. Of the gretist of Grece, & of gret Troy, þat he hade comyng with in company, & knew well pe persons, 4024 As the worthiest to wale & wildest in Armys. Of these nomly to neuyn, & nobill men other, How pai bere hom in batell, I buske me to say; And telle how hom tyde, whill I tyme haue.--4028 Stir fuorth to our story, & stynt here a while. Neynt Boke. Of the Nowmber of Shippes and the Nauy of the Grekes. Comyn was by course pat the cold wyntur Was wastid & went with his wete shoures. ffrostes were faren, and the fell cold; 4032 The slippond slete slidon of the ground; fflodys were fallyn into furse vales, And into caues be course cleufit the erthe. 4036 The rede beames aboue blusshet with hete ; Ver entrid full euyn, eger with all. The sun in his serkyll set in pe last, 4040 ffeueryere faryn with his fuerse windes At the metyng of Marche with his mayn droghte. ffor to rest in pe Rode & hor rede take. 4048 þat syn the firmament was fourmed, & folke vpon erthe, Syche a Nauy was neuer of nowmber to-gedur; Winter was now past, and Spring had opened, and the great navy of the Greeks entered the harbour of Athens. Never had such a collected. fleet been (fol. 63 b.) Book IX. Agamemnon had 100 ships; Menelaus from Sparta had 60 ships. (Sparta) (Boeotia) Arcesilaus from Botia and king Protheus had 50 ships. (Sicyonia) Ascalaphus and his brother Ialmenus with 30 ships. Epistrophus, king of Phocis, and his brother Tedius, with 60 ships. Telamon, king of Salamis, with 50 ships. Teucer, Nestor from Pylus, with 50 ships. (fol. 64 a) Thoas from Etolia, Agamynon the gret, was gide of hom all, A hundrith shippes full shene with sharp men 4056 Pight full of pepull & mony prise knight. Menelay the mighty, þat was his mete brother, 4060 And sped hym fro spart his awne spilte Rewme. two, Archisalus was an, auntrus in werre, And Protheno, a prise kyng, prestly pat other. 4064 In hor company come clene shippes fyfté, With abill men of armys, auntrus in fight. per suet of Siche semly men two, Ascalaphus, a skathilduke & skant mon in wer, 4068 And Helminus, a hede vrle, hadyn to-gedur Thretty shippes full shene o pe shire water, With barons of the best & bold men within. Ephistaphus, a pert kyng & prinse out of focce, 4072 And Tedius pat tothir, þat was his trew felowe: ffyfty shippes in fere folowet hom two, With a company of knightes cast for the wer. 4076 ffyfty shippes full faire of his fuerse Rewme; And Erles also, with mony gret lordis. 4080 The Duke of Teucor, to telle truly, was pere; Amphimakus also, auntrus in wer; Donori, the derfe Erle, & doughty Theseus. Nestor, the nobill Duke, þat was an old man, 4084 ffore out of Phylon with fyfti gret shippes. Toax fro toylé, þat was a true kyng, |