When all their rejoicings were ended, the nobles are summoned to a council in the tent of Agamemnon. Calchas came with (fol. 71 b.) When all were silent he spoke thus: "Ye nobles!. Kings, Dukes, and Earls have you not brought your forces together to attack Troy? The xi Boke. How the Grekys sailet fro EVERY VERY wegh, þat will wete of þere werke more, 4548 Listen a litle, & leng here a while: Let vs karpe of thies kynges or we cayre ferre. When thies worthy hade worshipped all pere wale goddes, And the day with deuocioun dryuen to pe end, 4552 The secund day suyng somyn were pe grete In Agamynons gay tent; gedrit for sothe, fforto speke of hor spede, whille pai space hade. This Calcas in company com with Achilles 4556 And Patroclus the pure kyng into the proude tente. pai hailset pat hynde & hertely hym welcommyt, And sithen to sit all somyn þai yode Among po kynges in company, as paire course felle. 4560 When all the pepull were pesit, pe presens full still, Calcas to the kynges carpes thies wordes :— "Ye noble men of nome, pat to note wendyn In pis company clene! kynges & Dukes, 4564 Erles & other men onest of astate, hat are aioynet to pis Journey with ioynyng of wer! CALCHAS TO THE GREEKS. Is not the cause of your comyng with company grete, To turne vnto Troy, þat you tenit has, 4568 And are opunly your enmys, & euermore you noies? Book XI. 149 Why then do ye tarry so long? It is foolish to wait when all are ready. Why tary ye so tomly, & turnys not furthe? And are redy to pe rode, & restis pus lenge? here-as all thing is ordant, hit angris to abide, 4572 Or tary ouer a tyme, when tulkes ben redy. Ne hope ye not highly, þat here are sum fals, And aspies your spede with spit þat þai may, To write to pat wale kyng your werkes by-den? inform Priam of 4576 his fenyond fare is forthoryng to hom, To assemble on yche syde soudiours ynogh, wenge. Ye shuld haue soght to pe Cité sone oponone! 4584 And monythes full meuyt of pe mylde aire, Syn winter was went & windes were lithe; 4588 3eforus with softe wyndes soberly blew, Planettes in the pure aire pullishet full clene, Besides, there may be some traitors among you, who may your deeds. allies to withstand You should have gone direct to Troy. Many weeks of this summer are gone by, and months of seasonable weather for your fleet. (fol. 72 a.) Why lose all this 4592 When ye might soberly haue sailet, & set on time? your fos, And haue flayet the freikes with your felle hast? When tythandes hade ben tolde of soche a tore pepull, Hit wold haue noyet hom anon þe nombur to here. 4596 Thoche tarying ouer tyme turnys hom to ioy, And hertis hom highly to hold you for faint. A sudden attack would have struck terror into your enemies: but this delay only emboldens them. Book XI, Your gods will not fulfil their DEPARTURE OF THE FLEET. Ne hope ye not hertely þe hest of your goddes promise of success 4600 But if ye tary ouer tyme þai tene hom pereat, if ye tarry: they will turn against you. Therefore take heart; haste to And in case to be contrary cast your auentur ; worse. perfore hefe vp your hertis; hast you to saile; sea, and follow to 4604 Sette furthe to be se; sitte no lengur. your foes. Rest no longer." The counsel of orders that the fleet be made ready to sail. The fleet departs from Athens, (fol. 72 b.) The wind rises; the clouds are overcast; darkness comes down, with thunder and lightning, and a fierce rain. Has harnes ouer hacche; highes in ancer; Syn your goddes haue it grauntid pe gre shalbe yours, 4608 Highes you in haste, houes here no lengur. Iche buerne to be boune at the blast of a trumpe: 4616 And dryue on pe depe se pe doughti comaundet. 4620 Richet pere rapes, rapit vnto see. Hokit out of hauyn, all the hepe somyn A STORME ON THE SE. When sodenly the softe aire vnsoberly rose; 4628 Wex merke as the mydnighte mystes full thicke; A STORM AT SEA. With a launchant laite lightonyd the water; Book XI. 151 4632 The storme was full stithe with mony stout The waves rise windes, Hit walt vp the wilde se vppon wan hilles. All drede for to drowne with dryft of the se; 4644 My counsell is kyndly, kythe if ye list, 4648 Our Emperour, hym owne selfe, offeraund to Be ho plesid with prayers & other pure giftes, And we haue wedur at our wille, & our way holde." like hills; and all are in terror of their lives. Calchas declares it is the wrath of the gods; and counsels that the fleet be steered into Aulis, in order that Agamemnon may appease Diana. The advice of Calchas is followed, and the 4652 hen keppit was the counsell of Calcas belyue. Into Awlida pe yle, to honour Diana, 4656 þat was fast by the flete but a forlonge. 4660 With Sacrifice full solempne & mony sad giftes, fleet is steered Agamemnon (fol. 73 a.) Book XI. the storm abates. The fleet sails to the coast of Troy, and casts anchor under the castle of Saracbla. The garrison attempts to drive off the Greeks: but in vain. The Greeks swarm to the shore; defeat the Trojans; (To kepe, to receive,-to admit.) capture the castle; pillage and destroy it. (fol. 73 b.) Then the se wex sober, sesit the wyndis; Calme was the course, clensit the aire; 4664 The derke ouerdrogh, & the dym voidet; The bremnes abatid; blusshit the sun. Hade wedur at paire wille, wentton to ship, And past fro pat port the pepull in fere; 4668 Halit to the high se in a hond while; Sailit on soundly as hom self list, Tyll þai comyn to the cost & countre of Troy; And pere hyt into hauyn as hom happe felle, 4672 Vnder a castell of pe cuntre, pat cald was Saracbla. There pai fastnet the flete & the furse shippes, Cachit hom with cables & castyng of ancres, And logget hom to lenge in pat le hauyn. 4676 The kepars of the castell caghten pere armys, Wentten out wightly the water to kepe; Bowet to the bonke in hor bright geire. To put of pat pepull pristly pai wend, 4684 The troiens þai tokyn & tirnyt to dethe, Wonen to the walles, walt hom to ground; 4696 Tokyn the tresure; turnyt into hauyn. When pis castell was caght, kylled the pepull, |