Book II. She sits beside Jason; and while the company are eagerly listening to Hercules, the lovers are left to themselves. 508 And he assignet hir a seite, pat hir-selfe liket, With chere for cherys the chiualrus Knightes, As maner was of Maidones, with hir myld chere. His comaundment to kepe sho hir course held, 512 And Joynet by Jason iustly to sit; And he welcomed þat worthy as he well kouthe: ffor to mele with pat maidyn & hir mode here. 516 The Kyng with other knightes hade comford to speike Ercules of armes, & auntres to telle Of chiualry & chaunce, pat cheuyt hym before, pat no lede was lelly po louers betwene, 520 But pai might say by hom-self all pere sad wille. Medea excuses herself to Jason for speaking to him so freely. (fol. 10 b.) Such courtesy is due to him as a stranger. MEDEA. The woman was war þat no wegh herd, And vnder shadow of shame shewid forth hir ernd, With a compas of clennes to colour hir speche. 524 In sauyng hir-seluen and serche of his wille, "Now frynd," quod pat faire, "as ye bene fre holden, Will ye suffer me to say, and the sothe telle? Voidis me noght of vitius, [ne] vilaus of tunge ; 528 Ne deme no dishonesty in your derfe hert, hof I put me pus pertly my purpos to shewe. Hit sittes, me semeth, to a sure knyghte, bat ayres into vnkoth lond auntres to seche, 532 To be counseld in case to comfford hym-seluyn, Of sum fre þat hym faith awe, & pe fete knoweth ; This curtysy he claymes as for clere det, And be chaunce may chere hym & cheue to pe 536 I wot ssir, ye are wight & a wegh nobill, AND JASON. A storre man of strenght & of stuerne will, That wilnes for to wyn this wethur of gold, 540 And puttes you to perell in pointis of armes, And likly for litle your lyffe for to tyne. I haue pittye of your person & your pert face, Book II. 19 She pities Jason, and promises to And zenernes of 30wthe, pat 30mers in my hert, assist him to win 544 hat causes me with counsell to caste for your 548 helpe, And put you in plite your purpos to wyn, And my wille for to wirke, if I wele serue." TH[E] ONSUARE OF JASON TO MEDEA. Jason was full ioly of hir iuste wordys, 552 And pat comly can clip in his close armes. He onswared hir onest[1]y opynond his hert,"Now louely and leell, for your lefe specho I thanke you a thowsaund tymes in my thro hert, 556 bat ye kythe me suche kyndnes withouten cause why; the golden fleece, if he will do as she desires. Jason thanks her a thousand times, And here I put me full plainly in your pure and submits to her wille, To do with me, damsell, as your desyre thynke, MEDEA. 560 Than saide pat semely to be sure knyght, "pure will." (fol. 11 a.) "Sir, wete ye not the wochis þat this wethir Unless he is zemes, The keping in case is vnknowen to yowe, And the truthe of the tale vntold to your ere? 564 The perlouse pointtes pat passe you behoues, thoroughly acquainted with all the difficulties he has Book II. to overcome, she advises him to abandon the enterprise. Jason rejects such advice: were he to follow it he would for ever be accounted a coward. (MS. has "ylke a") (fol. 11 b.) Medea, on finding Hit is vnlike any lede with his liffe pas, And ye may strive with no stuerne but of your 568 Wo shuld pas out of perell fro po proude exin, Or þat dragon so derfe, as pe deuyll felle ? 3et turne your entent, & betyme leue; 576 Wirkes as a wise man, & your wille chaunge, ffor pere is doutles no dede but pe dethe tholc." 580 TH[E] ONSUARE OF JASON TO MEDEA. The wegh at hir wordes wrathit a litill, I hope ye found me to fere & my faith breike; Shuld chose hym by chaunce to chaunge out of lyue, Ere he fayne any faintes & be fals holdyn." MEDEA. Medea full myldly vnto pe mon said :— AND JASON. 596 "It is playnly your purpos to put you to dethe, With suche fyndes to fight till ye fay worthe: I haue pitie full playn of your proude wille, 600 I will shunt for no shame of my shene fader, 604 But in dede for to do, as I desyre wille." JASON. "Moste worshipfull woman, wisest on erthe, Book II. 21 him determined, promises to aid him on one condition. What-euer ye deme me to do, & my days laste, Jason accepts I hete you full highly with hert to fulfille, 608 And your wille for to wirke: wittenes our goddes." ben Medea with mowthe motys pus agayne : the offer. "And ye wede me with worship & to wiffe holde, If he will wed Lede me with likyng into your lond home; 612 No gatis me begyle, ne to grem brynge, I hete you full hertely, pat I you helpe shall JASON. 620 "Ah! this glorius gyste & this grete mede, her, she will help him to get the fleece, and to overcome all his dangers. (fol. 12 a.) Jason praises Medea, and That ye hete me so hyndly to haue at my wille! promises to fulfil (Your-selfe, pat is sothely the semliest on lyue, And pe fresshist and fairest fed vpon erthe; 624 As the Roose in his Radness is Richest of floures, all her desires. In the moneth of May when medowes are grene, 644 648 MEDEA. Medea was mery at this mene graunt, And to pat souerayn full soberly said o this wise : "ffrynd, I am ffayne of þis faire heste, 640 And wele I hoope pu will holde pat pu here said: |