صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Book XXI.

Diomedes and
Troilus fight

with great spears:

(fol. 132 b.)

and would have

killed each other had not Menelaus

parted them.

Menelaus unhorses, and

captures Miseres.

Polydamas rescues him.

The Greeks again

take him, and

would have

killed him;

but Troilus rescues him.

Telamon and


combining their forces,

drive the Trojans

towards the city.

Megaron, son of

Then the batell was brem in the brode feld, Mony fell in the fight at the first tyme! 8544 Dyamede that duke, & the derfe Troilus,






Evyn macchit hom to mete with two mayn
speires :

With all the bir in hor brest and hor byg horses,
So pai cast hom to caupe with a course felle,
The ton hade doutles ben dede, & drepit for ay,
Hade not Menelay mightyly met hom betwene,
With a batell full big bere hom in sonder.
He frunt to a fuerse kyng of frigies lond,
A mon full of might, þat Meseron was cald:
He had hym of horse, hyndward anon,
And he was takon full [tite] & turnyt away.
Polidamas, the prise knight, come prikond

With a folke pat was felle, & the fight entrid.
He Reskewet the Renke, russhet vnfaire,
And myche baret on bent to the buernes dyd:
han the grekes agayne grippit the kyng,
Wold haue [had] of his hede in a hast þere,
But Troiell full tydely turnyt hom agaynes,
Kyld doun pere knightes, and the kyng toke!
He deliuert the lord, lete hym of hond;
And fell of his foos fuersly pat tyme.
Telemonius Aiax come angardly fast,

With pre thowsaund pro men prang into batell; Gird in with the grekes, & myche grym wroght, 8568 And mony tulke out of Troy tyrnit to ground. ben þurghe chaunse of Achilles & his choise helpe,

pai bere the burgh-men abacke to the bare

walles :

bai bounet fro batell, & the bent leuyt,

8572 filed all in fere frikly to toune!

Mageron the mighty macchet with Achilles,



Wold haue takon the talle kyng, & to toun led: Book XXI. He was a proude son of Priam, & a prise knight, Priam, attacks 8576 And a wight man in wer, þof hym woo happnit.


Achilles were hym full wightly, & the wegh and is slain; slogh;

Bare hym bak to pe bent, & the buerne deghit.

hen was clomour & crye for care of hym one,

8580 And myche dole for his dethe, pat derit hom all! Telamon, the toure kyng, pe Troiens pursuet; Paris hym put of, & preset hym sore,

With other kynges & knightes, and the kyde


the Trojans

bewail him.

(fol. 133 a.) Telamon pursues the Trojans :

brothers protect the rear,

8584 But hom worthe to be worse, wete ye for sothe, Paris and his
And soghtyn to the Citie in a sad hast!
Than kaght þai the corse of pe kynges son,
Broghtyn into burgh with baret & crye.

8588 When Ector herd of pat hynde vnhappely was


pan fraynit þat fre, who pe freike sloghe. "Achilles the choise kyng," oon chaunsit to say, "ffell hym in fight & fele of oure knightes!" 8592 Ector, wode of his wit for woo of his brother, Haspit on his helme, & his horse toke; Went out wightly, vnwetyng his fader. Two Dukes full derne, he to dethe broght, 8596 And manly with mayn mellit with other; Kyld downe knightes, karve hom in sonder. Mony wondet the weghe, & to woo caste;

Britnet hom on bent, and on bake put.

8600 The grekes, for his greffe, girdyn hym fro,

and carry off the body of their brother.

Hector enraged

by his brother's death, rushes to the fight unknown to his father:

the Greeks in terror give way

Thay knew hym full kyndly be caupe of his before him.


Then the Troiens full tyte to the toune floghen,

Issuet out egurly Ector to helpe;

The Trojans come to his aid,

8604 Gird evyn to the grekes, and hor ground toke; and recover their

ffoghten full felly, and hor fos harmyt.


Book XXI.

Hector cuts

down a guard of 200 Greeks, and



Leocides attacks Hector, and is felled to the earth.

(fol. 133 b.)

Polidamas, the pert, was presset so fast, hat he was wonen in wer, & away led: 8608 Than Ector in yre Egerly faght,

And the grekes in his grem gird he to dethe,Two hundreth in hast, pat the hend led,And deliuert the lede with his lyfe hole! 8612 This a grete of the grekes graidly beheld, Had meruell full mekyll, macchet hym to Ector, (Liochydes, the large, so pe lord hight):


He wend, the prinse in the prese haue put out

of lyue.

Ector wrathit hym with, and the wegh hit,

hat he deghit of the dynt, er he doun fell.
Achilles, this chaunse choisly beheld,

bat so mony of þaire men were marrid by hym,

Achilles perceives 8620 He hopit but if happely þat hardy were slayne,

that the Greeks

canhot take

Troy, unless

Hector be slain:

and plans how to accomplish that end.

Hector kills

þat neuer greke shuld haue grace the ground for

to wyn;

Ne neuer Troye for to take, terme of hor lyue. He bethoght hym full thicke in his thro hert, 8624 And all soteltie soght, serchit his wit,

On all wise in this world, þat werke for to end,
And the prinse with his power put vnto dethe.
As he stode pus in stid, starit hym vpon,
8628 Policenes, a pert Duke, pat in prese rode,

hat was chere to Achilles, cherisit with loue,
And thidur soght, for his sake, his sistur to

A mon he was of More Ynde, mighty of godes, 8632 pere hit auntrid full euyn, þat Ector hym met, And the lede with a launse out of lyue broght. Achilles the chaunse cheuit for to se:

Vne wode of his wit, walt into angur.

8636 The dethe of pat Duke he dight hym to venge. To Ector full egurly he etlit anon:

Ector keppit the kyng er he caupe might,


Drof at hym with a dart, & pe Duke hit. 8640 Hit was keruond & kene, & the kyng hurt,

And woundit hym wickedly thurght the waist


bat he sesit of his sute, soght he no ferre.


Book XXI.

and wounds

Achilles with

a dart.



Achilles for the chop cherit hym not litle,
Braid out of batell, bound vp his wounde,
Stoppit the stremys stithly agayne;
Lep vp full lyuely, launchit on swithe,

To pat entent, truly, as the trety sais,

8648 To deire Ector with dethe, or degh pere hym


As Ector faght in the fild fell of the grekes,

He caupit with a kyng, caght hym anon;
Puld hym, as a prisoner of prise for to wyn,

8652 With strenght thurgh the stoure, as the story



Achilles binds up his wound,

and goes to

seek Hector.

(fol. 134 a.)

Hector, with his
shield shot
behind, is leading
a noble prisoner
to his tent,

His sheld on his shulders shot was behynd, And his brest left bare, so the buerne Rode, To weld hym more winly þat worthy to lede. Achilles grippit a gret speire with a grym wille, when Achilles Vnpersayuit of the prince prikit hym to, Woundit hym wickedly, as he away loked, Thurgh the body with the bit of the bright end, 8660 That he gird to pe ground, & the gost yald.



This Sedymon segh, þat soght out of Troy :
Evyn wode for þat worthy was of lyue done,
He cheuet to Achilles with a chop felle,
hat he braid to the bent with a brem wound;
And for ded of pat dynt the Duke pere hym leuit.
The Myrmaidons, his men, þaire maistur can take,
Bere hym on his brode sheld to his big tent,
There left hym as lyueles, laid hym besyde:
But yet deghit not the Duke, pof hym dere tholit.

steals upon him, and strikes him dead with a spear.

Achilles is struck

down, and carrie 1
to his tent as

Book XXI.

The Trojans lose heart, and

flee to the city.

The body of

Hector is brought

to Troy.

The grief and despair of the people.

(fol. 134 b.)

Some, even, lose their reason.


Then the Troiens with tene turnyt them backe,
Soghten to pe Citie with sorow in hert,

Entrid all somyn angardly fast,

And the body of the bold prinse broghtyn hom with.

When the corse of pat comly comyn was to


Miche dole & dyn was dole [for] to here,

8676 With Sobbyng pro the Cité, & Syling of teris, With gawlyng & grete the grettist among.


All the Citiesyns, for sothe, for sorow of the prinse,

Miche water pai weppit, wringyng of hond: The dit & the dyn was dole to be-hold! All the wemen of wit thurgh the wale toune, Wyfes, & wedowes, & worshipfull maidnes, Within houses & hallis hard was pere chere. 8684 Wyth myche dole vppon dayes & on derke nightes,

Sum walt into wodenes, & of wit past:

The petie & the playnt was pyn for to here!
Euer thai said in hor sagh, as þai so might,

8688 pai had no hope of pere heale, ne pere hede


All hor trust þan was tynt, truly pai said,

Thurgh the dethe of pat dere, & done out of hope!

"Alasse, the losse and the lure of oure lefe

prinse !

Now sesit be oure Citie with oure sad fos;
Our husbandes to hard dethe, & our hede slayne;

We set vnder seruage, in sorow to abyde!"
On this wise all the weke, woke pai within,
8696 With Remyng & rauthe, Renkes to be-hold.

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