صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Tite for Antenor truly to send;

Make hym kyng of þis kith by comyn assent,

12348 ffor to kepe you fro care with a cleane wit;

In this lond for to lyue lengyng to-gedur,
Your fos to offend, & fylsyn your lyues."

All liked the lede for his lefe counsell,


Book XXX.

He advises them to send for

Antenor, and

make him their king.

They accept his counsel, and

12352 þai soght thurgh the Cité, & sent for Antenor; appoint Antenor.

And he come to pe comyns with a cant wille.
Eneas with anger, after belyue,

Wold haue dungyn hym to deth, & deiret pe fals, 12356 ffor he was bigger in the burgh, boldir of kyn,

Of ledys vppon lyue, lelly, pen he.

þan ros pai full radly, all the ronke pepull,
Somyn on a sop soghtyn to Eneas,

12360 ffor to sese of his sute, & his sad yre:

Syn hom happit so hard in hast per before,
With hor fos to be felly ferkit to dethe,
bat no deire, ne no dethe, shuld dull hom


12364 To stir with no stryue, ne stroy hom no more.


hies wordis to be weghis warpit Eneas:-
"There is no lede vpon lyue may so long suffer

Soche a traytor for tene, pat treason hase

12368 And fowle with his falsyng hase feblit vs all,
In dole to endure the dayes of oure lyue.

With his gyle & his gawdis, the gay Pollexena, bat was comyn of our kyng, & a cleane maidon, 12372 He made to be martrid purgh malice of hym: And I, pat am outlawhit for euer of þis lond, ffro frendes & felowes, pat me faith ow;

pat wold haue leuyt here my lyue in langour

& woo,

12376 And haue counceld the comyns in hor case feble, Thus am flemyt to flight thurgh his false caste."

Eneas strives to crush him.

The Trojans plead with Eneas not to

stir up a new war.

Æneas declares

no one could

suffer such a

traitor to live.

(fol. 189 a.)

Book XXX.

The Trojans consult together,

and determine to exile Antenor.

Antenor with a great company sets sail from Troy.

They are attacked and plundered by pirates.

Than the comyns toke counsell, knightes &


And the traytor Antenor from the towne flemyt, 12380 Neuer the Cité to se, ne his sute after;

And grauntid hym his gode & gate by a tyme.
Antenor full tite pan turnyt to ship,

With riches full Rife, & Relikes ynow;
12384 Shot on the shyre waghes shalkes full mony,
And soght furth on the se with the softe windes.
Tho pure men with payne on the pale sea,

Met with a menye, & mart of hom fele;
12388 Robbet paire Riches, & refte of pere godes,
And myche torfer & tene tide of þaire hondes.
ffro tho ledis at the last lawsit þai were,

With sorow & sad fight sailit away,

They reach Gela, 12392 Till they come to the coste of a cleane yle,

in Sicily,

where Tetides is king.

Antenor founds a city;

surrounds it with walls; and

names it Melæna.

þat Gelanda aioynet was to the iust nome.

There was a kyng in pe cost, þat the kith aght,
Hight Thetides truly, tellis the writ,

12396 pat his prouyns & pepull peasably keppit
Mony wintur I-wis, & in wele leuyt.

There Antenor truly turnyt to lond

With a few of his feres, as fell hym by chaunse,

12400 On a plentious place, pleasaund to se

There fildis were faire, fresshe watur in, And woddes to wale with wellis full clere. There aboue on the bonke he bild vp a towne, 12404 By leue of the lord, þat the lond oght, With Riches full Rife & Relikes of troy, þat he broght in his barge to the bare yle. han he wroght vp a walle wightly abowte, 12408 With toures full tore the towne to defend. pai cald hit a coynt nome, comyns & all, Menelon, by mouthe, mighty & other. When hit knowen was the case with comyns of



12412 Of the plentius plase & plesaund of lyue,

Mony weghes thedur went, & wond in the toune, And Replenisshed the place & the playn londis. The kyng was full curtas, þat þe kith aght, 12416 Myche louyt he the lede & the lell pepull. ffor the wit of the wegh, & his wale dedis, He was chosyn with þat choise chevest of councell, And wele louit with the ledis of the lond all.

12420 Now turne wyll I tite, & take pere I leuyt,


Book XXX.

It thrives well;

and Antenor

becomes second

to Tetides.
(fol. 189 b.)

To the grekes agayne in the gret toune.
Cassandra the clere, the kynges owne doughter, Cassandra be-

þat abode in the burgh with bale at hir hert,
12424 Hir modur & hir myld Suster mertrid to dethe,
Myche water ho weppit, wailyng in sorow:
Hit was ruth any renke, þat Rioll to se!
When ho sesit o sicken, & sorow abated,

12428 The kynges into councell callit hir þan,
To spir of hor spede, spekyn hir to:
pan purpast þai plainly to pas out of londe.
The maidon to tho mighty menerly saide,

wails the loss of all her kindred.

The Greeks consult her regarding their return to Greece.

12432 Hom shuld happon full hard in a hond while: They will pass Agamynon the grete shuld grymly be slayn

through many perils, and Agamemnon will

With meneye of pat mighty, þat he most louet; be slain.
And othir fuersly be flemyt, & fallyn into angur.

12436 All happit hom to haue as the hynd saide,
As I shall tell you full tite, & tary not long.

This Thelamon I told of, þat trayturly was slayn, Two sonnes of hym-selfe, sothely he hade, 12440 þat he wan on his wyfes, as pe writ sais.

The first of po fre faithly was cald

Emynent the mighty, with men pat hym knew,
Of Claustra the clere qwene, clennest of other:

12444 Antissas pat tothir, tellis the story,

Ethimyssa his make to the mon bere.

(See Notc.)


Book XXX.

(fol. 190 a.) Agamemnon and Menelaus advise the Greeks to

return home.

The Greeks will

not be advised by them:

but allow them
to depart, if they
please, while
the whole fleet

is making ready.


Thies were gyuen to the gouernaunce of a gay


Heght Teucra, full tru, as the tale shewes, 12448 Tho noble to norisshe in hor nait yowthe, Till þai waxen were of wit & of wight dedis, And abill vntill armys, as pere astate wolde.

Then Agamynon the grete & his gay brothir 12452 Asket leue at the lordes & the lege kynges,

ffor to wende to the watur in hor wale shippes, And turne out of troy & the toune leue;

But the grekes to po grete grauntid hit noght, 12456 ffor pai hadon hom in hate & in hert straunge, ffor the dethe and the deire of the duke Thelamon, Syn Vlixes with vtteraunse auntrid to flight. Yet pai grauntid po grete the gate to the sea, 12460 And abide on the buernes in hor big shippes Till all barges were boune & buernes within And draghen furth to the depe as hom due thoght.

The xxxj Boke: Of the Passage of the
Grekys ffro Troy,

Hyt fell thus by fortune, pe fairest of pe yere
12464 Was past to the point of the pale wintur;
Heruest, with the heite & the high sun,
Was comyn into colde with a course low;

Autumn was becoming colder;

Trees, thurgh tempestes, tynde hade pere leues; trees had lost

12468 And briddes abatid of hor brem songe;

The wynde of the west wackenet aboue,
Blowyng full bremly o the brode ythes;

their leaves, and birds had ceased to sing; westerly winds,

and clouded

skies, with mist, and rain, and

The clere aire ouercast with cloudys full thicke, floods, told that

12472 With mystes full merke mynget with showres; fflodes were felle thurgh fallyng of Rayne,

And wintur vp wacknet with his wete aire. The gret nauy of the grekes & the gay kynges, 12476 Were put in a purpos to pas fro the toune.

Sore longit po lordis hor londys to se,

And dissiret full depely, doutyng no wedur; pai counted no course of the cold stormys, 12480 Ne the perellis to passe of the pale windes. Hit happit hom full hard in a hond qwile, And mony of po mighty to misse of hor purpos. Thus tho lordes in hor longyng laghton þe watur,

12484 Shotton into ship mong shene knightes,

winter was near,

(fol. 190 b.)

when the fleet was ready to sail.

Longing for home, and suspecting not the approaching perils,

they set sail with

all the treasures

With the tresowre of þe toune, þai token before, of Troy.
Relikes full Rife, & miche ranke godes.

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