1268 1272 CASTOR AND POLLUX. A Sore dynt in the syde at the same coursse. Carue euyn at Castor with a kene sworde, And all be haspes of his helme pat pe hede zemyt; fase, Bare hym ouer backeward to pe bare vrthe. When pe freke was fallen & on foote light, He laid vppon lyuely & no lede sparit, 3ald hym not get for 3ynernes of hert. 1276 pan pollux full pertly aprochet in hast With seuyn hundrithe sad men assemblit hym with, ffrochit into þe frount & a fray made; Bere backeward the batell & his brother toke, 1280 Horsit hym in haste, halpe hym olofte; And pollux with a proude wille prickit to an- One Eliatus, a lede, and hym o liue broght. The kynges son of Cartage & a knight noble, 1284 Aliet vnto Lamydon by his lefe suster, Cosyn to the kyng, & he his kyde Em, Pité of pat pert knight persit his hert, þat the shire water shot ouer his shene chekys. 1288 Myche woo hade pe wegh for pe wale knight, And assemblit his sad men on a soppe hole, With a horne þat he hade, in a hond while, ffor to dere for the dethe of his dere cosy. Gird euyn to the Grekes with a grym fare; 1296 Slogh hom downe sleghly & slaunge hom to grounde; Book IV. 43 Sedar fights with Castor, and wounds him. Pollux with seven hundred men comes to the rescue. (Alyattes, king of Lydia.) (fol. 22 b.) The Trojans are rallied, and drive the Greeks to their ships. Book IV. Laomedon is informed that the Greeks are masters of the city. Sad at heart, he assembles his men and returns to the city. He is attacked in front by the ambuscade, and in rear by the band from the ships. (fol. 23 a.) Hercules strikes terror into the hearts of the Trojans. Wondit of pe wightist, warpide hom vnder; 1300 pere Lamydon þem leuyt, for a lede come With tithynges fro the towne told to the kyng; A grete nowmber of Grekis, & pe goodes takyn. And siket full sore with sylyng of teris, Left the Grekes on pe ground by the gray water: 1312 Tho pat left were on lyue pogh pai lite were. He was astonyet full stithly to be stad so, 1320 Betwene the batels on bent & so bare leuyt, A felle fight & a fuerse fell hom betwene. Pricket furthe into prise and full playne made, DEATH OF LAOMEDON. 1332 Gird gomes vnto grounde with vngayn strokes, 1336 Non so derffe to endure a dynt of his hond, THE DETH OF LAMYDON BY ERCULES. Tyll he come to þe kyng in a kene yre, 1340 Grippit hym grymly, gird of his hede, bat moche sorowe for pe sight & sobbyng of teres, 1344 Sesit was the Citie, socour non pere, paire fomen so felle, and so few other, The Grekes gird hom to grounde & to grym dethe: Of the dite & pe dyn was dole to be-holde. 1348 The Troiens with tene turnyt pe bake, fileddon in fere and þe filde leuyt, Ouer hilles & hethes into holte woddes, hat left were on lyue with mony laithe hurtes, 1352 When the Grekys hade the gre & the grounde wonen. THE TAKYNG OF DE TOWNE. Thai soght into the Cité vpon sere haluys, bur, 1356 Childer full choise and of chere febill, Wyth olde ffolke vnfere ferly to see. All tight to be tempull of pere tore goddes, ffor drede of the dethe, & myche dynne made. 1360 Mony wyues, for woo, of pere wit past, Book IV. 45 He falls upon Laomedon; kills him, and throws his head into the crowd of Trojans. The city is taken, and the Trojans flee to the woods. As the Greeks crowd into the city, the Trojans (fol. 23 b.) old and young, rush to the temple for safety, Book IV. and in their haste leave all their goods behind. The city is plundered and destroyed. The people are killed or taken captive. Hesione, daughter of Laomedon, is given to Telamon, who was the first to enter the city. (fol. 24 a.) And pere barnes on brest bere In þere armes, Hyd hom in houles and hyrnys aboute. Maydons for mornyng haue pere mynde loste, 1364 (Soche payne of a pepull was pitie to be-holde) Hurlet out of houses, and no hede toke Of golde ne of garmenttes, ne of goode stonys; 1368 Gemys ne gewellis, ne no ioly vessell, The Grekes were full gredy, grippit hom belyue, 1376 Geton girduls full gay, mony good stonys; 1384 Dydden all to the dethe & for ne drede lettyd; Sesit hom sone in seruage to holde. EXIONA, THE KINGES DOUGHTER LAMYDON. When the pales was put doun of pe prise kyng, pai fonde per a fre faire to be-holde, Euyn of his owne doughter Exiona was callid. 1388 Bannet worthe the bale tyme þat ho borne was, ffor the care pat pere come because of hir one. Ercules egerly euyn vponone Betoke hir to Telamon, for he the towne entrid, 1392 In reward as by right for his ranke wille. POETA. But caitif unclene, for thy curst dede! DEPARTURE OF THE GREEKS. Syn the fortune felle pat faire into honde, hat was cumly and clene and a kinges doughter, 1396 pou shuld have holdyn pat hynd, had hir þi-selfe, Weddit with worship and to wife holdyn. Book IV. Hercules, into 47 whose hands she fell, should have wedded her, and saved her from the degradation And pou so doggetly has done in pi derfe hate, to which Telamon prast hir vnder praldam with pi pro hert, 1400 To a kyng þat is curst, of vnclene lyfe, ffor to lede in his lechery all his lyfe after. mase, Myche greuaunce shall groo & a gronnd hate; 1404 Wer wakyn & wo for pi wickede dede, Mony boldes for þat bright in batell be kylde. When the toune was ouertyrnyt, takyn þe godys, be Grekes to pe gray water gyrdyn belyue; 1408 Shottyn into shippes all þe shene godis, Launchet furthe lightly & the lond passit, Didyn sacrifice solempne vnto sere goddes. And Lamydon the lege kyng out of lyfe broght, 1420 The kynges doughter caght & out of kythe led, Se now the sorow þat þere suet after; And yche wegh pat is wise & of wit stable, 1424 Light harmes Let ouer-passe, Lap noght in yre ffor foly þat may falle of a felle hert. A PROUERBE. A word þat is wrappid, and in wrath holdyn, subjected her: much war and woe might thus have been The Greeks which enrich their children for their realms and many years; but at length bring war and woe. (fol. 24 b.) Heed not the angry word of a |