صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Bove, v. to behove, 5115.

Bow, Bowe, v. to bend, to bow,

to submit, 507, 2511, 8147, 13220;
to go, to come, to wend, 362, 775,
851, 978; to retreat, 9490.
Bowande, part. of Bow, bending,
obedient, submissive, 901.
Bowe, s. a yoke for oxen, 901.

Bowe, s. a bough, a branch, 412,

Bowerdur, s. a border, a district,

Boyste, s. (A.N.) an ointment,
883; properly, "boyste" means
box," and is here used in the
same sense as when we say a cup,
a glass, and mean the contents of
the vessel.

Brade, adj. (A.S.) broad, large,

Braid, Braide, v. (A.S.) to turn

up, 904; to pull, to pull up, to

[blocks in formation]

Brede, v. (A.S.) to spread over,

1172; part. p. Bred, spread, laid
out, 383; pret. Bret, 8794.
Brede, s. breadth, spreading,
4964; "upon brede "=extensively,
3022; "borly of brede" of great
extent, very wide, 11874.
Bref, s. a writing, a parchment,

[ocr errors]

Breff, adj. (A.N.) brief, short, 74.
Bregh, s. (A.S.) the eyebrow,

Breke, v. to crash, to rush, 5827,

Brem, Breme, adj. (A.S. brem)
great, wonderful, 1563, 3714;
vigorous, fierce, cruel, 860, 1314,
5872, 9632.

Bremnes, s. fierceness, fury, 1066,

Bren, Brenne, v. (A.S.) to burn,

171, 570, 889, 1379, 1989, 7113;
pret. & part. p. Brent, Brente.
Brent, adj. burnt, refined, bright,

[blocks in formation]

Bret, pret. of Brede, spread, Buern, Buerne, Barne, s. (A.S.) a
passed, soaked, 8794.
Brethe, Brathe, 8. rage, anger,
5066, 5075; wind, 1945, 3697.
Brethe, v. to smell, 9777, 9119,


Brether, pl. of Brother, 8400,

13167, 13599; Brother, 8368.
Bretton, v. (A.S.) See Britten.
Breve, v. to write, to record, 14,
65, 3736.

Bridde, s. (A.S.) a bird, 345,
1061, 11788.

Brig, Brigge, s. a bridge, a draw-

bridge, 7130, 10161, 13880, 13886,

Bright, adj. beautiful, lovely,

Bright, v. to illumine, to light
up, 815.

Brise, v. to bruise, to shatter,
7929, 10275.

Britten, Britton, Bretton, v. (A.S.)

to dash, to batter, to kill, 1210,
1971, 2234, 14034.

Broche, v. (Fr.) to pierce, to
transfix, 6503; to spur, to dash,
7690, 10033.

Broche, s. a thrust, 10872.

Brode, adj. broad, great, large,
362, 1299; on brod abroad,
over, through, 8780.
Broght, pret. & part. p. of Bring,
brought, hurried; of lyue broght=
killed, 1443, 8633.
Brond, 8. (A.S.) a sword, 10275.

child, a man, a person, a soldier, a
noble, 90, 91, 170, 321, 324, 2887,
8143; pl. people, 321; Burnes,
486; Burnys, 6111.
Buffette, s. a blow, 9674.

Bult, pret. of Belt, tumbled head-
long, 7476, 9992.

Burbele, Burbull, v. to bubble, to
mingle, 3697; to choke, to be
choked, 5760.

Burd, Burde, s. (A.S.) a board, a
table, 211, 383, 486; the wood, or
wooden portion of a shield, 5827;
a shield, 5836.

Burd, Burde, s. (A.S. bryd) a
lady, 483, 683, 3298; Burdde,
3984, 12037, 12085, &c.
Burgh, Burghe, s. a town, a city,
815, 1112; buernes of the burgh =
burghers, 9612; burgh-men, 8570.
Burion, v. (Fr. bourgeon) to bud,
1059; s. a bud, 2736.
Burly, adj. See Borly; adv.
stoutly, furiously, 11059.
Burn, s. (A.S.) a streamlet, a ditch,
11472, 13454.

Burnys, pl. of Buern, 6111.
Bus, v. pres. t. behoves, must,
5168, 5643, 11722, 13549.
Buske, v. (Icel.) to busk, to go,
to array, to make ready, 683, 757,
1186, 1322, 2568, 12968; to hide,
to lie hid, 1168.
Busshement, s. (A.N.) an ambus-
cade, 13014.

Bustious, adj. See Boistous.


But, conj. unless, 879, 927; so
that, 13730; but if if only,
8620, unless, 7369.
Buyldyng, s. a house, 1519.
By, prep. by, for, with, of; beside,
along with, 11569; adv. by the time
that, when, 814, 1074; by wisshyng
= flowing past, 1606.

By, Bye, v. to abide, 2230; to
pay for, 4865; to buy, 11513.
Byccer, v. See Biker.

Byde, v. See Bide.
Bydene. See Bedene.
Bydon, part. p. of Bid, directed,
ordered, 4534.

By-flamede, pret. blazed, burned,


Byg, adj. See Big.

Byggyng, s. See Biggyng.
Bykre, v. See Biker.
Byld, v. See Bild.
By neithe, By-nethe, adv. beneath,
downward, 1609, 5529.
Byronnen. See Beronnen.
Byse, v. (A.S.) to busy, to work
earnestly, 11333.
Bytell-browet, adj. beetle-browed,
with prominent brow, 3824.

Cable, s. a cable, a rope, 1944.
Cacchen, Cacche, Cache, v. (A.S.)
to catch, to attach, to take, 489,
1077, 2876; to press, to push,
2710; to capture, to seize, 1467,
9766; pret. Cacht, Caght, Kaght
= derived, obtained, 2155; Coght
= caught, 300.

iliary before verbs in the infinitive
to express a past tense), 374, 9916.
Cant, adj. strong, hearty, courage-
ous, 1191, 2267.

Caple, Capull, s. (A.N.) a horse,
5530, 7720, 9895, 10878.
Care, s. grief, vexation, 1306;
fear, 5997; concern, 427, 2464.
Caren, Karyn, s. carrion, a dead
body, 1972, 11185, 13027.
Carle, s. (A.S. ceorl) a low fellow,
a marauder, 9766.

Carpe, v. (Lat.) to talk, to tell,
to speak, to discourse, 829, 2450;
part. Carping.

Carpentour, s. a carpenter, 1597.

Carve, Karve, v. to carve, to cut,
to hack, to hew, 1268, 1650; pret.
Karve, 9468.

Case, s. (A.N.) chance, event,
2537, 2932; case, matter, purpose,
532, 11480.

Cast, adj. rank, vile, 10448.
Cast, Caste, 8. reach, extent,

1447; reason, reasoning, 7951,
11241; a plan, a contrivance, a
plot, a stratagem, 714, 1184, 10488,
11241, 11243, 11328.
Cast, Caste, Kast, v. to contrive,
to plan, 144, 204, 1530; to con-
sider, to determine, 259, 4601; to
set one's self, to volunteer, 5953,
6223; part. p. cast, thrown, 11311.
Caupe, s. a blow, a stroke, 1237,

Caupe, Cawpe, v. (Fr. couper,
Ital. colpire) to exchange blows, to
strike, to fight, 1262, 6486, 7775,
10342. See Coup.

Cage, v. to catch, to entangle by Cauping, Caupyng, s. fighting,

shaking, or warping, 3703.

Caire, v. See Kaire.

Caitif, s. (A.N.) a wretch, a
dastard, 1393; Caiteff, 10352.
Cald, part. p. called, 1490, 2844;
Calt, 388.

[blocks in formation]

fight, 1265; part. tossing, tum-
bling, 13161.

Cause, s. a case, matter, 1004;
occasion, 1105; reason, 2896.
Cautel, 8. (A.N.) a scheme, a
device, 11490.

Cayre, v. See Kaire.


[blocks in formation]

Charge, s. (A.N.) a message,

1772; charge, command, 8952.
Charge, v. to value, to make ac-
count of, 1931, 2720; to select, to
entrust, 8944.

Chaseond, part. pres. rushing,
dashing, 10136.

Chateryng, s. talking, 1967; silly
talk, 1931; in both cases the word
conveys the idea of boastful speech.
Chauffe, v. (A.N.) to warm, to
heat, 7996.
Chaunce, Chaunse, s. chance,
accident; by chaunce = afterwards,
as it turned out, 108; an under-


Chese, v. (A.S.) to choose, 1772,
2299, 8952; to recognize, 13509;
pret. Ches, 9627; part. p. Chosen,

Cheve, Chef, Chefe, v. (A.N.
chevir) to accomplish, 16; to obtain,
395; to happen, to befall, 518, 708,
5985; to result, to turn, 525, 947,
1007; to go, to haste, to enter,
370, 6019, 8265, 9331.

Chevere, v. to shiver, to quiver,

Childer, Childre, Children, Chil-
dur, pl. of Child, 1356, 1383, 1418,
1499, 2099.

Chivaler, 8. (Fr.) a horseman, a
knight, 6019.

Choise, adj. fine, 1356; elegant,
beautiful, 490.

Choisly, adv. completely, cer-
tainly, 894, 1621.

Chop, Choppe, s. (A.S.) a blow,
7701, 8265, 8643; v. to pierce,
1967; to rush, to drive, 7259.

taking, 1009, 1292; a mishap, 1751. Chosen, Chosyn, pret. and part.
Chef, Chefe, v. See Cheve.
Chefe, Cheffe, adj. chief, choice,
main, 1663; the cheffe = the upper

end, 1663.

Chefely, adv. particularly, earn-
estly, 1292.

Chekker, 8. (A.N.) the game of
chess, 1621.

Chele, adj. cold, 7958.
Chene, s. a chain, pl. Chenys, 894.
Chere, s. (A.N.) countenance, be-
haviour, entertainment, 366, 1186,
1356, 13509; lot, condition, 8683;
of no gre chere not of sufficient
rank, or excellence, 7197.
Chere, adj. dear, noble, faithful,
1772, 5286, 7197.


[blocks in formation]

p. of Chese, gone, entered, 490,
670; liked, esteemed, 1621; pre-
pared, fitted up, 1663.

Chricken, v. (A.S.) to shriek, to
crackle, 9511.

Chynyng, s. shining, gleaming,


[blocks in formation]

Cleane, adj. See Clene; s. a | Cloyse, adj. See Close.

lady, 1914; adv. entirely, 9468.
Clede, v. pret. Clede, to clothe,

Clene, Cleane, Kleane, adj. pure,

clean, 164, 399, 1395, 9468; in-
most, secret, 467; distinct, separ-
ate, 1634; whole, 10835; polished,
finished, 77 ; super. Clennest, 1496.
Clenly, adv. properly, 774.
Clennes, Klennes, s. purity,
modesty, 523, 13041; clearness of

skin, 1503.

[blocks in formation]

Clere, adj. resplendent, bright,
409; pure, 534; adv. clearly, pre-
cisely, 77.

Clergy, 8. (A.N.) science, learn-
ing, 8104.

Clerk, s. (A.N.) a scholar, 53.
Clese, s. pl. clothes, 774.
Cleufe, Cleve, v. (A.S.) to cleave,
to pierce, 4034; pret. Clefe, clove,
5938, 7318.

Clip, Clippe, v. (A.S.) to clasp,
to embrace, 474, 552; to be
eclipsed, 426; part. Clippyng, em-
bracing, 2931.

Clippis, s. an eclipse, 409.
Clocher, s. a covering; a place
of shelter, 13502.

Close, s. the passage or enclosure

between the gate and the building,
301; an entrance, 11173, 12982.
Close, Cloise, adj. secure, secret,
privy, 781, 1949; walled, 12341;
Cloyse shut, 11152.
Close, v. to be situated within,


268; to surround, 1509, 1634; to
enclose, to bury, 4337, 7159, 9616,

Closet, s. an enclosure, the inside,

Cluster, Clustre, v.

to set in
clusters or groups, 1634, 1647,
5476; to adorn, 8752.

Clynke, s. the sound of blows,


Cobb, v. to lay about one, to

fight, 8285; Kobb, 11025.
Cogge, 8. (A.S.) a boat, a vessel,
1077, 3242.

Coght, pret. of Cache, caught, 300.
Coint, Coynt, adj. (A.N.) cun-
ning, skilful, curious, 125, 187,
191, 7715.

Cointly, Coyntly, adv. cunningly,
skilfully, 164, 204, 11228.
Coke, s. a cook, 1596.
Cold, v. (A.S.) to grow cold, 1306.
Colde, pret. of Can, could, was
capable, 2529.

Cole, adj. cold, 1076, 9255.

Coler, s. the collar, the neck,

Color, Colour, s. colour, a banner,
the ground of a shield, 5462,
10970; v. to colour, to gloss, 523,
1063; Colowr, 7852.

Combir, Combur, Cumbre, v. to
trouble, to vex, 2065, 11331,


Cumbranse, 8.
trouble, misfortune, 2281, 9169,

Come, v. (A.S.) to go, to come,
to reach, to arrive at, 193, 1021,
1071, 1101, 1300; to become,
2181; pret. Come, Comen, Comyn;
part. p. Comyn = descended, 1847.
Come, s. coming, approach, ar-

rival, 375, 975, 1142, 1230, 2026.
Comely, Comly, Coumly, Cumly,
adj. beautiful, 474, 1395; as a s. a
lady, 552.

Comford, Comfford, v. pret. Com-
ferd, to comfort, to reassure, 532,

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