صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Glaive, Glayve, 8. a sword, a
broad-sword, also, a weapon com-
posed of a long cutting blade at
the end of a staff, 4740, 13824.
Glayre, s. a bright dazzling light,

Gleme, s. a light, a gleam, 3067,
10971; v. to shine, to gleam, 3943.
Glentte, v. to glance, to glitter,
3067, 10971.

Gley, Glie, v. to squint, 3772,

3943, 3995.

Glissen, Glisson, Glyssen, v. to
glitter, to sparkle, 3067, 5296,
10971; part. in ond and and.
Glod, Glode, pret. of Glide,
glided, went, proceeded, 2996,
6096, 6292.

Glogh, v. to gaze, to stare, 2922.
Glose, v. (A.S. glesan) to falsify,
to hide, to conceal, 11468.
Glotte, v. to glut, 11777.
Glover, s. a glover, a maker of
gloves, shirts, breeches, &c., made
of leather, 1584.

Glyssenond, part. See Glissen.
Goand, Goond, part. of Go, going,
1676, 4978, 13463, 13557.
Gobbett, Gobet, Gobett, s. (A.N.)
a piece, a nugget, 190, 2882,
11740; in gobettes in pieces,


Godarde, s. a gutter, a drain, 1607.
Goddes, Goddis, s.
3016, 4661.
a goddess,
Gode, Good, Goode, s. a sum of
money, money, wealth, 972, 11731,
11735; pl. Godes, Godys, Goodes,
goods, property, household goods,
1406, 1408.

Godely, adv. goodly, freely, 381.
Goldsmyth, s. a goldsmith, 1584.
Gome, s. (A.S.) a man, a person,
54, 1332, 8371, 10149; pl. folk,
Gome, s. the

gum, 3057.

[blocks in formation]

Gos, 3 sing. pres. ind. of Go, 5403.
Gost, 8. (A.S.) spirit, life, 8216,
Gosshe, v. to gush, to flow, 1607.


Goter, s. a gutter, 3072; a vein,


Goulis, Goulys, 8. gules, in
heraldry, 5927, 6291.
Governance, Governaunce, Go-
veruanse, Governaunse, s. courage,
conduct, guidance, control, rule,
229, 422, 656, 6278, 12220.
Grace, 8. (A.N.) luck, chance, 76;
Graide, v. (Icel.) to build, to
fortune, 224.

erect, 6025; part. p. Graid, 1664;
Gret, 1659.

Graidly, Greidly, adv. (Icel.)
carefully, eagerly, gladly, at once,
Graithe, Graythe, adj. ready, de-
54, 656, 3133, 11440.
termined, skilled, steady, 229, 1706,
2536, 10623.

Graithe, v. (Icel.) to work, to
push on, 1081; to quarrel, to
fight, 1444; to dress or prepare,
12158; pret. Graithid, Greithed,

Graithly, adv. (Icel.) readily,
speedily, eagerly, 930.
Graithnes, 5. readiness, skill,
Grase, s. grace, favour, 826.
promptitude, 4509, 8943.
Graunser, 8. (A.N.) grandsire,
Graunt, v. (A.N.) to grant, to
2169, 10628, 13394, 13422.
agree, 260; to promise, 979; part.
p. Graunt, granted, offered, 631,


[blocks in formation]


Gredy, adj. greedy, 1370.
Grefe, s. grief, ruin, 1720; anger,
6440; to grefe grievously, un-
naturally, 3044.
Greidly, adv. See Graidly.
Greithed, pret. of Graithe, 10642.
Greme, v. (A.S.) to grind the
teeth, to be enraged, to curse,
1006; to provoke, to rouse, to
enrage, 12153.
Greme, Grem, Gremy, 8. (A.S.)
grief, sorrow, anger, rage, 603,
1720, 1755, 2545, 3491, 4754.
Grement, s. agreement, consent,


Gremy, s. 2545. See Greme.
Grene, s. a field, a plain, 7732,
7814, 11440.

Grepe, v. to grope, to search for,
to consider, 2455.
Grese, s. Greece, 2117.

Grese, s. (A.N.) a step, steps, a
stair, 369, 1664, 1676, 8752,
13463; pl. Greses, Gresis.
Gret, Grete, Grett, adj. (A.S.)
great, chief, 107, 1178, 1455; as a
s. a great one, a person of rank, a
person of wealth, 1858, 7018,
11735; super. Grettyst, 1006;
Grettist, 10642.

Gret, pret. of Graide, built, 1659;
grew, became, changed, 9643.


Grete, s. a command, an order,
2757; crying, wailing, 8677.
Gret-full, adj. quite filled, full,

13826; Grecfull, 331.
Grettenes, s. greatness, 3312.
Grethit, pret. See Graithe.
Gretyng, s. crying, wailing, 3491.
Grevance, Grevanse, 8. strife,
vexation, 1403, 1814.

Greve, v. (A.N.) to grieve, to vex,
to injure, 572, 1431, 2143, 8535.
Greves, 8. groves, bushes, 331,
Greve, s. grief, 13957.

1060, 2738, 12972, 13457.
Grieche, v. to grudge, to with-
Grice, 8. Greece, 40.
hold, 7072.
Gright, v. See Gre.
Grippe, v. (A.S.) to seize, 930,

1340, 1370, 12319; to dig, 1377;
to haul, 1784. Gryppe, 938.
Grippe, s. a grip, a foundation,


Grise, s. Greece.

Groaund, part. growing, advanc-
ing, 11462.

Grond, Gronnd, Ground, adj.
great, chief, 1403, 1431.
Grone, s. a groan, 9017.
Groo, v. to grow, to increase, 1403.
Ground, Grounde, s. ground, land,
field, 1174, 1352; a floor, a plat-
form, 1664; a foundation, origin,
cause, as applied to disputes or
quarrel, hence, a dispute, quarrel,
Grucche, Grutche, v. (A.S.) to
or strife, 80, 296.
Grusshe, v. to crush, to gash, to
grudge, to withhold, 8374, 9956.
lay open, 9482.

Grydell, s. a girdle, 13826. See

Grym, adj. (A.S.) grim, fierce,
terrible, 177, 907, 1188, 1317; as
a s. a monster, 880.



Grymly, Grimli, adv. grimly, Halp, Halpe, pret. of Help,

fiercely, wrathfully, 10453.
Grynde, v. to grind corn, 1604.
Gryppe, v. See Grippe.
Gryse, 8. Greece, 1026.
Guttes, 8. pl. the bowels, 9406.

Gyde, s.
Gyf, conj.

See Gide.

See Gif.

Gyle, s.

See Gile.

Gyn, 8. a snare, wile, pretext,


Gyng, Gynge, s. (A.S.) a com-
pany, followers, 1225, 2882, 8924,

Gyrd, v. See Gird.

Gyrt, v. to lash with words, to
gibe, to taunt, 5118.

Gyste, s. a deed, an adventure,

Hacche, s. a hatch, a cover for
the hold of a ship, 2005.
Hade, would have, 1251.
Hade, would hide, or conceal,


Hagge, v. to hack, 10023.

Haile, v. to haul, to lift up, 1086.
Hailsen, v. (A.S.) to salute, 1792,
4557; part. Hailsyng, as a s. 367.
Haithill, adj. great, worthy, or
famous; Haithill of dedis:
for his stories, 38. See Hathel.
= famous
Hald, v. (A.S.) to hold, to keep,
to fulfil, 1110; part. p. Haldyn,
held, believed to be, 2951.
Halde, 8. (A.S.) a hold, a strong-
hold, a fortress, 4786.
Hale, v. (A.S.) to pull, to draw,
to haul, 1782, 2847, 2968, 5847;
to tear, to scratch, 9137.
Half, Halve, s. a half, a side, a
set, 1328, 1353.

Haloghe, adj. holy; as a 8. pl.,
gods, 650; Haloes, 8419; Halowes,
2001, 2946, 10948.

helped, assisted, 1280, 5734,

Hame, s. home, 9337.
Han, v. to have, 569, 12058.
Hap, Happe, v. to happen, to be
certain, 1102, 1438, 7553, 10195;
to set on, to fix on, 9198; to cover
over, to conceal, 12627; s. fortune,
chance, 1789.

Happon, v. to happen, to befal,
1157; pret. Happynt, 3142.
Hard, adj. deep, intense, 3820;
painful, 11298; ade. with difficulty,
5318; fast, quickly, 5874, 11953;
Harde, keenly, fiercely, 8215.
Hardgrem, s. hardship, injury,

Hardlaike, Hardlayke, s. injury,
affront, disgrace, 2213, 2769, 3476,

Hardly, Hardely, adv. hardly,
scarcely, 1866, 1934.

Hardy, adj. strong, bold, brave,

Hardynes, 8. boldness, courage,
238, 257; strength, 2195.
Harl, v. to drag, to hurl, 2968,

Harlotte, s. (A.N.) a rascal, a
robber, 12889.

Harme, s. guile, injury, wrong,
252, 1421, 1719.

Harnes, 8. covering, defence,

Has, imperat. of Have, have, put,


Hasp, v. to fix, to clasp, to lock,

8593; part. Haspyng, as a s.
Haspe, s. a clasp, a fastening,
clasping, embracing, 367.
1270, 5254, 11102; a hasp, a hank
of any textile material, so called
from the manner in which it is
Hast, Haste, s. haste, 1276, 3688,
fastened, 3899.
13973; v. to haste, 4225.


Hastines, 8. impetuosity, rash
daring, 299.

Hat, v. to call, to name, 4276,
4370; to be called, to be named,
924, 10637; pret. & part. p.

Hat, adj. hot, 9156.

Hate, s. hate, scorn, rage, 1448,
1818, 6594.

Hate, s. (Icel. haete) anything,

the smallest conceivable, 11934.

Haten, Hatne, v. to heat, to be-

come hot, 9153, 9304, 9958; pret.
Het, 2054.

Hathel, Hathell, Hathill, s. a
prince, a noble, 3857, 3953, 6987,

8333, 9818, 10339.
Haunte, v. (A.N.) to practise,
1628; to frequent, to keep by,


Have, v. to endure, 1719.
Haven, Havin, Havyn, s. a port,
a seaport, 1049, 1072; as an adj.


Hawbergh, s. (A.N.) a coat of
mail, 5828, 6184.

Heale, 8. (A.S.) welfare, safety,
601, 8688.

Hede, v. to heed, to notice, to
attend, 252, 2188, 3017, 10339;
to fear, to guard against, 2080.
Hede, s. heed, thought, 1365,
2052; the head, 1270; extremity,
end, 1672; a chief, 12934.
Hede, adj. chief, of highest rank
or value, 1925; Hed, 10902.
Hedet, adj. headed, 300.
Hedlynges, adv. headlong, 7485,

Hedstoupis, adv. head foremost,
6638, 7249, 7434.

Hedur, adv. See Hidur.

Hefe, Heive, Heve, v. to rouse, to

stir, to be stirred, to tremble, to be
vexed, 4603, 8962, 12815, 13426,

Hegh, adj. high, great, proud,
headlong, 238, 255, 833, 1983.
Heghly, adv. assuredly, solemnly,
709, 2020.

Heght, v. to name, or call, 106,
1559; to promise, 761, 1007, 4544;
pret. & part. p. Heght, Hight. See

Heght, s. height, 1636.
Heldur, s. 11588. See Holdur.


1756; the whole, 2301; in hele =

Hele, 8. (A.S.) health, safety, 844,

Helme, s. a helmet, 1198.
Helpe, s. an aid, an ally, 10803.
Helping, s. assistance, the purpose
of assisting, 2988.
Helply, adv. helpful, 3579.
Hend, Hende, adj. (A.S.) gentle,

polite, high, noble, 718, 3017,
3851, 8380. See Hynd.
Hendly, adv. politely, kindly,
1792. See Hyndly.

Henge, pret. of Hing, hung, was
kept hanging, 8089.
Hente, Hentte, v. (A.S.) to seize,
to take hold, 1308, 3334, 7969,
9721, 9739; Hent, 11952.
Hepe, s. (A.S.) a heap, a mass,
1990; a company, 991.
Hepe, v. (A.S.) to heap up, 3696;
to increase, to grow, 1450, 3548;
to become thick, 3688.
See Herkyn.
Herchyn, v.
Herde, part. p. of Hear, 1866.
Here, s. (A.S.) a man, a person,

1432, 6188; a company, forces,
1163, 6253. Hery, a person,

Here, Hore, s. hair, 3021, 3023,
3820, 3989.

Here, v. to hear, 151, 1516; to
obey, 8892.

Herit, Horit, adj. haired, 3757,
3780, 5531.

Herkyn, Herchyn, v. to hearken, | Hethyn, adv. (A.S.) hence.

5115, 7553.

[blocks in formation]

Hest, Heste, s. (A.S.) a promise,
639, 995, 1110, 7104; a command,

Het, v. See Hete.

Het, pret. of Haten, heated, in-
flamed, 2054.

Het, v. to hit, to strike, to steal,

Hete, Het, v. (A.S.) to promise,

to undertake, 240, 573, 591, 995,
2020, 2435, 10504; to name, to be
named or called, 1975, 4257; pret.
& part. p. Het.

Hete, s. heat, 509; a bout, a
burst, an effort, 9523, 10288.
Heterly, Hetturly, Heturly, adv.
eagerly, fiercely, furiously, 3499,
3548, 5254, 5826, 11955; Hitturly,

Hethe, s. a heath, 1350.

Hething, Hethyng, s. contempt,
insult, degradation, 1753, 1818,
1925, 2594, 10383.

[blocks in formation]


Hext, adj. (A.S.) highest, 13504.
Hidlis, 8. (pl. of Hidle, a hiding-
place); put into hidlis = put into
hiding, concealed, 12304.

Hidur, Hedur, Hydur, Hider,
Hyder, adv. here, 627, 1103, 1105,
1134, 1838, 1887, 3344.
High, Hygh, Hie, Hye, v. (A.S.)
to haste, to hie, to wend, to sail,
299, 991, 1163, 2027, 3245, 3581,
4608; to hoist, 4605; pret. Hit,
Hyt; Highit.
High, adv. highly,
boastfully, 1967.


Hight, pret. & part. p. of Heght,
and Hete, called, was called, 115,
316, 1243, 1263, 1462; promised,
761, 1040, 9970.

Hild, Hilde, part. p. of Hile,
covered, clad, 2374, 2738.
Hir, Her, Hur, pron. her; Hir,
most frequently.

Hit, Hitte, v. (A.S.) to hit, to
strike, 5937, 5943; to go, to turn
into (as a vessel into harbour),
13492, 13495; to come true, to
be verified, 2071.

Hit, Hyt, pret. of Hie, High,
2027, 3245; pret. of Hit, 4671.
Hit, pron. it.

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