صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


fear, dread, terror, 2366, 3503; as | Tale, s. (A.S.) a story, a remark,

an adj. dazed, muddled, deadly,
3604, 9561.

Syb, Sybbe, adj. See Sib.
Sychen, part. 1524. See Sichen.
Sycher, adj. See Siker.
Syde, adj. (A.S.) long, wide, far
off, distant, 1513, 1843, 7670,

Sydelyng, adv. side-ways, 7320.
Syense, s. science, knowledge,


Syker, adj. See Siker.

Sykyng, part. & s. sighing, 495,
866, 8032, 8452, 10484.
Syle, v.

See Sile.

Syling, Sylyng part. falling,
flowing, 1307, 8142.
Symylacres, 8. idols, 4315.

Syn, Syne, adv. since, seeing that,
1106, 1865; after which, after-
wards, 2551.

Synagod, s. a temple, 4467.
Syster, s. pl. sisters, 10759.
Sythe. See Sithe.

Sythen, Sython, adv. See Sithen.

Tabernacle, s. a canopy, a throne,

Tabill, s. a table, 1665.
Tables, s. the
gammon, 1624.


of back-

Tache, Tacche, v. (A.N.) to fix,

to fasten; to tache on to rush on,
to attack, 6717, 8297.
Taght, pret. of Teche, (A.S.)
taught, advised, counselled, 881,
6117, 10279; Toght, 9232.
Tainted, adj. attainted, 8109.
Take, v. (A.S.) to take up, to
begin, 747; to attack, 10197;
part. p. Takyn, seized, 10197.
Takell, Takyll, s. tackle of a
ship, 3704; arms and armour,

number, reckoning, 1941, 2619,

Talent, 8. (A.N.) desire, inclina-
tion, 464.

Taliour, s. a tailor, 1586.

Tall, adj. fine, solemn, obsequi-
ous, 3098.

Tally, adv. finely, elegantly, com-
pletely, 8813.

Tane, Tan, part. p. of Take, taken,

1010, 2645, 9072, 12207, 12825.
Tapster, s. a seller of liquor, a
taverner, 1594.


Tary, v. to delay, 1508, 11653;
part. Tarying, as 8. delay,
hindrance, 1094, 1938.
Tase, Tas, pres. t. of Take, takes,

661, 7067.

Taste, s. smell, the sense of smell,

1668; with taste for to touche =
tested by the sense of smell.
Taverner, s. the keeper of a
tavern, 1594.

Taward, Tawardes, prep. with,

against, towards, 3324, 5072, 6097.
Tes, 3 sing. pres. of Te, to raise,
to elevate, hence to esteem, to hold
dear, 8313.

Tegh, v. to go, to haste, to hie,
1518, 1786, 2541, 12903; pret.
Tegh, Teght, Tight, 1358.
Tegh, v. to tie, to fasten, 3523,
10382, 12154.

Tegh, v. (A.S. teón) to tug, to
draw, to pull, 7628.

Teler, 8. (O.F. Telier) a linen

draper, a cloth merchant, 1586.
Tellus, 3sing. pres. tells, 286, 4313.
Temyn, part. p. of Teme, related,
of the same blood, 3306.
Tendle, s. a candle, a splint of

resinous wood used as a candle,
6038, 7353.

Tendre, v. to make tender, to
melt, 10769.


Tene, 8. (A.S.) grief, anger, spite, | Therapon, adv. thereupon, 8447.
rage, injury, mischief, 81, 1978, There, adv. where, 1355; thence,
2718, 10079.
Therewith, adv. thereat, there-
11818; there, 11817.

Tene, v. (A.S.) to grieve, to in-
jure, to become angry or spiteful,
4567, 4600, 9448, 10078.
Tenful, adj. angry, spiteful,

Tenfully, adv. angrily, bitterly,

Tensiche, adv. ten times, 5966.
Tent, adj. tenth, 4480.
Tent, s. attention, heed, 2462; v.
to attend to, to heed, 665, 719,

2310, 2718, 10237.

Ter, pret. of Tere, 9501.
Tere, s. a tear, 1307.

Tere, v. to tear, to shatter, 1966;
pret. Ter, 9501.
Terne, s. a tarn, 11187.

Terne, v. to turn, to result, 2943.
Terage, s. (L.) land, territory,
realm, 154, 1072, 12786; Terrage,


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upon, 10162.

Thes, Thies, pron. these, 1454,

1736, 6859, 8269, 9416, 11048.
Thester, Thestur, adj. (A.S.)
dark, 2362, 4629, 13461.
Thethen, adv. (A.S.) thence, 8790.
Thewe, 8. a sinew, pl. resolution,
Thi, 2974, prob. for This.
pluck, 4016.
Thicke, adj. as s. the thick part,

9021; ado. much, often, greatly,
thoroughly, 147, 8623, 9972; in
crowds, 2867; angardly thick = in
great crowds, 11831.
Thigge, v. to beg, 13549.
Thin, pron. thine, 7931.
Think, v. to intend, to resolve,

Thirle, v. (A.S.) to pierce through,


Tho, pron. (A.S.) those, 1312.
Thoche, adj. such, 3513.
Thof, conj. though, if, 136,
1253; Thogh, 1312.

Thoght, Thoghte, s. mind, 144 :
thought, purpose, 994; pret. of
Thenke, thought, imagined, ex-
Thole, Thowle, v. (A.S.) to bear,
pected, 10339.
to suffer, to endure, 577, 950,
1253, 1520, 2283, 8499, 9674.
Thondir, Thoner, s. a thunder-
storm, 7619, 12496.

Thonke, v. to thank, 955; pret.

Thonket, Thonkit, 1024, 2152.
Thonre, v. to thunder, 1987;
Thunre, 3691, 4629.
Thos, pron. those, 1499.
Thow, pron. thou, 2070, 2086,
Thowle, v. See Thole.


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Thristé, Thristy, adj. trusty,
4088, 13998.

Thristely, adv. certainly, surely,


Thrive, Thryve, v. to prosper,
4832; part. Thrivand, Thryvond,
successful, famous, worthy, 1482,
2742, 4103, 9508; part. p. Thre-
van, 13760.

Thro, adj. (A.S.) eager, earnest,

bold, cruel, 147, 470, 1399, 6446.
Throly, adv. pertinaciously, 208;
vehemently, terribly, 1987.
Throng, Thronge, s. a crowd, a
melée, 1341, 11043; pret. of Thring,
crowded, pressed, crushed, thrust,
2362, 6446, 6516; Thronght, 7040;
adj. strong, earnest, 12235.
Throtle, v. to throttle, to kill,


Thruble, v. to trouble, to rage,
7619, 12496.

Thrugh, prep. through, 1129;
Thurgh, 169.

Thrugh, s. a stone coffin, a sar-
cophagus, 11820.

Thrungyn, part. p. of Thring,
pressed, close, 11723.
Thry, for prie or pries, thrice; or
he rest thry = ere he rest thrice,

Thught, pret. of Think, thought,
Thryvond, part. of Thrive, 9508.
9957, 10277, 12254; Thughten,


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Tilt, (Icel. tilla, pret. tylte) tilted,

shot, 914.

Tirghit, part. p. of Tirr, or Tirgh,

tired, become heartless, 4758.
Tirne, v. to turn, to throw, 1512,

Tise, Tyse, v. to entice, to beguile,
201, 11781.

Tit, adj. dear, loved, 7106.
Tite, Tyte, adv. soon, quickly,
immediately, 180, 256, 1819.
Tithaundes, Tithynges, Tyth-
andes, Tythondys, s. pl. tidings,
1141, 1301, 3006, 6263.
Titly, Tytly, adv. immediately,
quickly, 1094, 2030.

To, prep. by, 128; towards, 1001,
1316; for, 1045, 1397; against,


To, adv. too, 3043, 3044, 10770.
Toght, part. p. of Teche, taught,
instructed, 9232.

Toile, s. the piece of armour
buckled to the tasset, and hanging
over the cuishes, 6420; struggle,
battle, 6958, 7435.

[blocks in formation]


Tore, adj. (Icel.) difficult, irk-

some, tedious, 644, 2782, 3911,
8717; sturdy, great, lofty, 1035,
1131, 1637, 3348, 6717; full, re-
plete, 3348; Toure, 320.
Torette, s. a turrit, 1560.
Torfer, Torfor, s. (Icel. tor-föri)
harm, mischief, disaster, 81, 2033,
7435; pl. Tourfer, 5672.
Torne, part. p. of Tirn, turned,
driven back, 1208; or, sundered.
Torres, s. pl. towers, mountains
(of waves), 1983.
Torret, turreted, 1637.

Torrit, adj. tower-like, crested,

Tote, v. (A.S.) to gaze eagerly, to
observe, 862, 8178.

Tother, Tothir, Tothyr, adj. & 8.

the other, 63, 1672, 6325, 8015;
the ton fro the tother the one
from the other, 3911.
Touch, v. to test, to try, 1668;
to open up, to explain, 1716;
Touchet, touched, 1337.

Toke, pret. of Take, took, handed, Toun, Toune, s. a town, 320.

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Tour, Towr, s. (A.N.) a tower, | Trist, s. trust, hope, confidence,

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Trayn, Trayne, s. See Train.
Tre, s. wood, 1658, 5499, 11676;
the shaft of a lance or spear, 9434,
9510, 11096.

Tregetre, s. trickery, magic, 1624.
Trendull, 8. a hoop, a spindle,

Trespas, s. offence, affront, 13403.
Tretable, adj. (A.N.) tractable,
reasonable, 3835.

Trete, v. (A.N.) to treat, to bar-
gain; part. Tretyng, treating, bar-
gaining, 7851.
Trety, s. a story, tradition, 154,

8383. Another form of Tretys.

Trew, s. (A.N.) a truce, 2619,

8372. See Tru.

Trew, adj. true, faithful, trust-
worthy, 8383, 11976.

Trewmen, s. pl. trusty men,

Treyne, s. See Train.
Triet, Tryet, adj. (super. of Trie)
choice, the best, 1665, 9106; well
known, famous, 1810.

Trifuls, 8. pl. trifles, inventions,
fables, 43.

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