Book V. (fol. 29 b.) To redress these wrongs by their advice and aid seems right and proper. They have the means: and the time suits. But the fortune of war might be Token all our tresoures, trussit into grise; Hit were sittyng, me semys, & to sue fore. Mony knightes full kant, & kyd men of Armys. 1744 Armur and all thing abill perfore. Well viteld, I wis, for wynturs ynow ; ffele fryndes and fauer out of fer londys, 1748 þat we to helpe vs may haue in a hond whyle: against them, and 1752 And siker were to sit and solas vs here: it would be safer to enjoy them selves at home. If the council think so, he will send a message to the Greeks, asking them to restore his sister, and to forget old quarrels. The council agree to the message. But be harme and the hethyng of my kynd suster, 1756 pat it reuys me my rest & my right hele. 1764 1768 To qwit claym all querels, & be qweme fryndes. DEPARTURE OF ANTENOR. Of his wit & his wordes & his wise speche, In dede thus to do pai demyt it all. When Priam hade persayuit all pere pure wille, 59 Book V. (fol. 30 a.) Antenor, 1772 He chese hym a chere man the charge for to beire. Priam chooses Antenor he toke for his triet wit; He was gret, & graithe, & a gome noble, Wisest of wordes and willé perto. 1776 He spake to hym specially, þat he spede shuld and counsels him to use favour and With fauer and fair wordes his frenship to haue. fair words. And he lowted his lege with a low chere, And grauntid to go with a goode wille. HOW ANTENOR WENT ON MESSAGE TO THE GREKYS, 1780 Then he shope hym to ship in a sharp haste, And dressit for pe depe as hym dere þught; Halit into havyn in a hond while, Shippit hym full shortly & his shene folke; 1784 Grippit vp a gret sayle, glidis on þe water, Sailet on soberly and þe se past; Teght into Tessaile, turnyt into hauyn, There Pelleus be proude was a prise kyng. 1788 At Mansua for mirth in þe mene tyme, A hauyn toun, as hap was, pere pe hind lay, But went to the wale kyng on his way sone, Antenor full tite told of his wille : 1796 "ffro Priam full prist put am I hider, As a messynger made at pis mene tyme. ffor to mene to your mynde, as I most nede, Antenor prepares for the voyage. He reaches Thessaly lands at Magnesia and goes direct to King Peleus. The king wel comes him, and kindly asks the cause of his visit. Antenor reminds him of all the harms he had done to his king 1800 The harmys and þe heuenys hym happit of yow. without cause; ffirst of his fader, in fight was distroyet Book V. (fol. 30 b.) and states, that if he wished to escape the vengeance of Priam, he must restore Hesione. His Cite and his Syb men to sorow for eld; And oper Redurs full ryfe in his Rewme dyd. Pikked all his prouynce & full pore leuyt, Qwherfore, to qweme qwyt of all other, To skape out of skathe and sklaunder to falle, Peleus calls Priam 1816 a fool, and commands Antenor to depart instantly. Autenor hastily sets sail for Salamis, where Telamon then was. Telamon receives him coldly, yet asks the cause of his visit. 'fol. 31 a.) 1820 1824 When Pelleus persayuit þis in a proude yre, With hethyng and hate as hys hegh wordes. Withoutyn lowtyng or lefe, lengit he noght, And hasted to the hegh see in a hond while; 1832 And wentto þat worthy his wille for to shew. . Yet he fraynit at pat freike whe dur he fare wolde, ANTENOR AND TELAMON. 1836 And the cause of his come to his courtte pan. The Troiane full umbly tolde hym Anone; "ffro Priam, full prist, haue I presit hedur, Book V. 61 Antenor answers, and demands Hesione, whom Telamon kept as And wonen ouer the waghis his wille for to say, a concubine. 1840 That in Troy truly is a triet kyng, And lord of þe londe as be lyne olde; hat now of youre nobilte newly desyres His Syster to be sent to his syde Rewme. 1844 pat hynd for to helpe hertely he prayes, hat ye kepe in youre company on vnclene wise, 1848 That were knowen for kynges of cuntre fele, Such a lady might have been married to one greater than Sho might haue bene mariede to more pen your Telamon. ffor worship to wed and as wife holde, That ye haue thus in hething, & a hore mase. 1852 And oper dishonor ye did to his dere fader, But all will be forgiven if he will this lady. All he grauntes to forgyue & neuer to greue after, only send home That he may menske hur with mariage pat ye mart haue, 1856 And Restore hir astate in sum straunge rewme: This is the cause of my come, I couet no more But a graunt of your good wille pat gret for to haue." Telamon is 'wode' as a lion: When Antenor had tolde & his tale endit, 1860 The kyng was caste into a clene yre; And wrothe at his wordes as a wode lion, He Answares in Anger Awrthwert agayne ;---"Be, sir, who so euer pou be, with pi bold speche, 1864 Me meruellis of þi momlyng & þi mad wordes; marvels at such Syn he no knowlage, ne Acoyntaunse of my cors has, Ne I hardely herde of hym hade in my lyue, mad words, That he pis Message Wold make to me at this tyme. (fol. 31 b.) Book V and will not hear Priam's prayer. He bids him tell his master that he had gone with Hercules to avenge themselves on Laomedon: that the lady had been assigned to 1868 I am not purpast plainly his prayer to here, Knowen be it to pi kyng of pat case wele, 1872 When Lamydon was o lyue & the lond aght, 1876 Depe woundes to the dethe, & mony derfe strokes, Was cause of the conquest with my clene strenght; him for his great 1880 All the soueranis by assent assignet me hir, services: and that Priam must win her by his sword. 1888 ffor to wirke with my wille, & weld as myn owne; 1892 On pain of thy life 1896 pass from my And of Or pou shall lelly be lost and pou leng oghter." Lut not pe lede, ne no lefe toke,— |