Book VI. I went into the wood on a Friday to hunt with my people. Till midday we found nothing: but when evensong was past, I beheld a hart feeding on a plain all alone. Fast from my On through the wood I worked till I came to a dusky place and lost the deer. Hit fell me on a fryday to fare vppon huntyng. With myrthe in the mornyng & mony other pepull, All went we to wod the wilde for to cacche; 2348 And laburt full long, laytyng Aboute. Till mydday and more myght we not fynde, ffor to wyn as for waithe in þat wode brode; Tyll hit entrid to euyn, & euynsong was past. 2352 Then it fell me by fortune, fer on a playne, As I beheld þurgh a holte, a hert for to se, hat pastured on a playn pertly hym one: And I cast me be course to cum hym before. 2356 ffast fro my felowes & fuersly I rode, Euper lede hade I lost, & left me behynde, Till I drogh to a derke, and the dere lost. Then I ceased and 2364 Than I sesit of my sute, & softly doun light, dismounted. All weary I became; and seizing the reins, I bound my horse to a bough: All swoty for swyme and his swift course, That stremys from hym straght, & stert vppon þe erthe, 2368 And dropis as dew or a danke rayne. All wery I wex and wyll of my gate, And raght to my reyne, richet o lenght, then stretched me 2372 And graithed me to grounde as me gode liked, on the ground under the bright trees; and placing my bow and quiver In a shadow of shene tres & of shyre floures, Ouer hild for pe hete hengyng with leues. as a pillow, I soon 2376 Arowes and other geire atled I anon, fell asleep. Pight as a pyllow, put vnder my hede; And sleghly on slepe I slypped be lyue. VENUS, JUNO, AND PALLAS. I drow into a dreme, & dreghly me thought. 2380 That mercury the mykill God, in pe mene tyme, Thre goddes hade gotten goyng hym bye, : That come in his company clere to beholde :- Book VI. I dreamed that 79 Mercury and the three goddesses, (fol. 39 a.) Venus, Pallas, and Juno, stood 2384 And Palades, with pure wit pat passes all other; before me. And sothely hym seluyn said me thies wordes. : That Mercury spoke thus: Paris! I appear these three before thee with goddesses, that are stad in a strife, which you are to decide. As they sat at a feast, an apple of An appull of a new shap, þat neuer man hade sene, a new shape was 2396 Coyntly by crafte was cast hom amonge. Hit was made of a mater meruell to shew, 2400 That the fairest of po fele shull þat fe haue : 2404 A mede of po mighty to mend the with All, : cast among them. The inscription bore that the fairest should have it. You must make their peace; and such they promise as your reward. Yf pou Juge it to Jono, this ioye shall pou If you adjudge it haue, to Juno, you shall become the mightiest on -earth. 2408 To be mightiest on molde, & most of all other :This ho grauntis ye to gyffe of hir good wille. And if pou put it to Palades, as for your prise If to Pallas; lady, Thou shalbe wisest of wit,-this wete pou for thou shalt be the 'wisest of wit.' sothe, Book VI. If to Venus; thou shalt have the fairest lady in Greece.' I answered ; 'I cannot determine, unless I see them (fol. 89 b.) naked and all together.' Mercury said; 'Be it as you desire.' And all stood naked before me. 2412 And know all the conyng, þat kyndly is for men. Hit shall falle the, to fortune, pe fairest of Grice 2416 When mercury hade menyt this mater to ende, 2420 The certayn to say, but I hom segh naked; Than shuld I full sone say, as me thought, 2428 And broght to me bare :-I blusshet hom on. I waited hom witterly, as me wele thoght, All feturs in fere of po fre ladys. Hit semit me for certayn, & for sothe dom, Truly, Venus was 2432 pat Venus the vertuus was verely the fairest, the fairest, and I awarded her the apple. Then I awoke. I am certain, that, if I am brightest lady of Most excelent of other, and onest to wale: 2436 That the mede shuld be myne, þat mercury saide. gret anger, And fille you with faynhed, in faithe I you hete." 2448 THE COUNSEL OF DEIPHOBUS. When he told hade his tale tomly to the ende, THE COUNSELL OF DEFFEBUS. 81 Book VI. Then Deffebus drogh negh, dressit hym to say,- (Deiphobus.) All soberly, for sothe, & sylens he hade. 2452 "Now, dere fader yppon dese, & our due Kynge! "Dear father! Suffers your son to say at this tyme : And pe dome of yche dede were demyt before, To grepe at þe begynnyng, what may grow after; 2456 To serche it full suerly, and se to be ende, yssu; suffer me to If the result of (fol. 40 a.) who would undertake any heavy charge ? With due deleberacion for doutis of Angur; Who shuld hastely on hond an heuy charge take? And he cast be course what shuld come after, 2460 Shuld neuer purpos vnperisshit be putto A Ne neuer no man no note to no end bryng. Iff tylmen toke tent what shuld tynt worth, Of sede pat is sawen, be sesyng of briddes, 2464 Shuld neuer corne for care be caste vppon erthe: none should ever Ne neuer dede shuld be done but drese furth to noght. If husbandmen considered how much seed the birds destroy, be sown. Therfore, fader, it is fairest, þat ye a flete ordan, Therefore, father, With a nauy full nobill, þis note to begynne; 2468 Puttis it to Parys, & let hym passe furthe, As he said you hym seluyn, is sothely the best: send forth a fleet, and give Paris charge. And if it happon hym to haue any hynde lady, And if he win any 2472 Or any worthy to wyn & Away lede, noble lady, Hit may chese you, be chaunse, to chaunge hir you may choose agayne, Your suster to sese and in sound wyn, pat our fame so defoules, & is in filthe holdyn." 2476 When Deffebus hade done, he dressit hym to sit, By leue of the lordes, pat liket his wordes. to exchange her for your sister." Book VI. (Helenus.) "Ah! comely king, work not unwisely in your wild ire! By the gift of that will happen: found that all my prophecies have come to pass. (fol. 40 b.) Put off this purpose: on no wise let Paris go on this venture. Else this city shall be taken by the Greeks, and destroyed, &c. Abstain, then, lest ye be overwhelmed with woe; you and your sons slain; and Hecuba, your wife, left in misery." THE COUNSELL OF ELINUS THE BYSSHOP Then Elinus, eftesones, (was Eldist of birthe say; 2480 Come before the kyng, declarit his wit, 2484 Vnwisely to wirke in your wilde yre. I know me so konyng in the clene Artis, Thurgh gifte of god, & your goode fyndyng, þat I wot all the wordys, & the wilde Angres, 2488 hat be course are to come, & the cause why. Your seluyn sothely asayet haue before, I told you neuer tale in tyme pat is past, But ye faithfully haue found it fore as I said. 2492 Therfore, putte of this purpos; Let Paris not go On no wise in this world, for woo pat may happyn. I say you for certen, & it so worthe, That Paris be put furthe his purpos to holde, With the Grekes to ground gird vnder fote, 2500 Abstene pen stithly, pat no stoure happon, 2504 þat ye be drepit with dole, and done out of And Ecuba, your owne wife, angur to pole; |