صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

6 Platydactylus monarchus, Pinang, Singapore, Philippines, Amboina, BorSchlegel. Malayan Peninsula.

7 Ptychozoon homalocephalum, Pinang, Singapore. (Creveld.)

8 Hemidactylus peronii, Dum. Pinang.

and Bibr.

9 Hemidactylus coctai, Dum Pinang.

and Bibr.


Ramree Island (Arracan).

Isle of France.

[blocks in formation]

Bengal, Bombay.

Singapore, Amboina, Timor, Java, Marian Isles, Ceylon, Bengal, Assam, South Africa, Madagascar.

12 Gymnodactylus pulchellus, Pinang, Singapore.


13 Varanus nebulosus, Dum. Pinang.

and Bibr.

14 Varanus flavescens, (Gray.) Pinang.

Philippines, Borneo, Java,
Bengal, Assam.

Java, Siam, Bengal.

Bengal, Nipal.

15 Varanus salvator, (Laurenti.) Pinang, Malayan Pen Philippines, Moluccas, Am.

[blocks in formation]

24 Euprepis ernestii, Dum and Pinang, Malayan Pen- Java.

[blocks in formation]

25|Lygosoma chalcides, (Linné.) Pinang, Singapore. Java.


1 Pilidion lineatum, (Boie.) Pinang, Singapore. (Java.

[blocks in formation]

6 Python reticulatus, (Schnei Malayan Peninsula & Chusan ?


7 Acrochordus javanicus, Hornstedt.

8 Acrochordus granulatus, (Schneider.)

Amboina. Java, Banka, Sumatra, Bengal ?


Pinang, Singapore.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

19, Coluber radiatus, Schlegel. Pinang, Singapore, Java, Sumatra, Cochin-ChiMalayan Peninsula. na, Tenasserim, Assam.

20 Coluber korros, Reinwardt. Pinang,

Singapore, Java, Sumatra, Arracan, TeMalayan Peninsula. nasserim.

21 Coluber hexagonotus, Cantor. Pinang.

22 Dipsas dendrophila, Rein-, Pinang, Singapore, Celebes, Java.


Malayan Peninsula.

[blocks in formation]

27 Dryinus prasinus, (Rein- Malayan Peninsula & Celebes, Java, Cochin-China, wardt.)


Var. A, Same localities.

Siam, Burmah, Tenasserim, Arracan, Bengal, Assam. Same localities.

Var. B,


[blocks in formation]

28 Leptophis pictus, (Gmelin.) Malayan Peninsula & Manilla, New Ireland, Wai


giou, Amboina, New-Guinea, Pulo Samao, Java, Sumatra, Cochin-China, Tenasserim, Burmah, Bengal, Assam, Coromandel. Bengal, Assam, Ceylon.

[blocks in formation]

Sp. Bengal, Ceylon.

[blocks in formation]

32 Tropidonotus stolatus, (Lin- Pinang, Malayan Pen-Philippines, Tenasserim,Benné.)


[blocks in formation]

gal, Assam, Nipal, Coromandel, Ceylon, Bombay.

Philippines, Tenasserim, Ben-
gal, Madagascar.
Same localities.

34 Tropidonotus cerasogaster, Malayan Peninsula. Bengal, Assam.


35 Tropidonotus junceus, Cant. Pinang.

36 Homalopsis rhinchops,


Malayan Peninsula & New-Guinea, Amboina, Ti-

mor, Sarapua, Java, Su-
matra, Tenasserim, Bengal,

37 Homalopsis buccata, (Linné.) Pinang, Malayan Pen- Java.

[blocks in formation]

43 I. Elaps melanurus, (Shaw.) Malayan Peninsula. Tenasserim, Nerva, (Coro


44 II. Elaps intestinalis, (Lau- Pinang, Singapore, Sp. Java, Malwah, (Central renti.) Var. Malayan Peninsula India.)

45 III. Elaps nigromaculatus, Pinang, Singapore.


46 IV. Elaps bivirgatus, Kuhl, Pinang, Malayan Pen- Sp. Java, Sumatra. Var.


[blocks in formation]

49 VII. Bungarus fasciatus, Pinang, Malayan Pen- Java, Tenasserim, Bengal, (Schneider.)



50 VIII. Hamadryas ophiopha- Pinang, Singapore, Java, Sumatra, Bengal, Asgus, Cantor.

51 IX. Naja lutescens, Lau


Malayan Peninsula.

sam, Coromandel.

Sp. Countries between the Sutledj and Cape Comorin, Ceylon, Hindoostan to Cape Romania, Sumatra, Java, Ternate, Borneo, Philippines, Chusan.

Var. D, (Daudin.) Pinang, Singapore, Bengal, Coromandel.

Malayan Peninsula

Var. nigra, Pinang, Singapore.

52 X. Trigonocephalus grami- Pinang, Singapore, New Holland, Timor, Pulo

neus, (Shaw.)




Samao, Celebes, Eastern
Java, Banka, Sumatra,
Tenasserim, Bengal, Chir-
ra Punji, Nipal, Coroman-
del, Ceylon.

Pinang, Singapore, Sumatra, Tenasserim.
Malayan Peninsula

53 XI. Trigonocephalus suma- Pinang, Singapore Sp. Sumatra.

tranus, (Raffles.) Var.

Malayan Peninsula.[

[blocks in formation]

55 XIII. Laticauda scutata, Laurenti.

[ocr errors]

Singapore. Java.
Malayan Peninsula

Sea of the Malayan Bay of Bengal. Sea of Ti-
Peninsula and Is-

Celebes, Molucca,



and Liewkiew Islands, New Guinea, Tongataboo, China Sea.

56 XIV. Hydrus striatus, (La- Sea of Pinang, Ma-Sea of Liewkiew Islands, cépède.) layan Peninsula. Timor, Sumatra, Bay of


57 XV. Hydrus nigrocinctus, Sea of Pinang, Sin-Bay of Bengal, estuaries of (Daudin.) gapore, Malayan the Ganges.

58 XVI.



Var. ?

Sea off Pinang.

Hydrus gracilis, Sea of Malayan Pen- Bay of Bengal, Malabar, insula and Islands. Sumatra, Borneo.

59 XVII. Hydrus schistosus, Sea of Malayan Pen- Bay of Bengal, Malabar, Su(Daudin.)

insula and Islands.


60 XVIII. Hydrus pelamidoi. Sea of Malayan Pen- Bay of Bengal, Sea of Celedes, (Schlegel.) insula and Islands bes, Molucca Islands, Chi

61 XIX.

na Sea.

Hydrus bicolor, Sea of Malayan Pen- Bay of Bengal, Sea of Suma(Schneider.)



1 Ichthyophis glutinosus, (Lin- Singapore.

né.) Var.?

2 Rana leschenaulti, Dum. and Malayan Peninsula. Bibr.

tra, Java, Celebes, Mo. luccas, China Sea (to 27° N. L.) Otaheite, Bay of Port Jackson (33° 55′ S. L. 151° 25′ E. L.)

Sp. Java, Ceylon, Assam.

Bengal, Pondicherry.

3 Rana tigrina, Daudin.

Malayan Peninsula Coromandel,

Bengal, As

and Islands.

sam, Tenasserim, Java,

Sumatra, Timor, Philip

pines, Canton Province.

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