With reference to the paragraph in the Report which relates to the Rev. Dr. Hæberlin's edition of the Smritis, the senior Secretary read the following letter from Dr. Hæberlin, dated the 30th January, 1847. MY DEAR SIR,-With reference to my proposal to print an entire collection of the Smritis, as submitted to the meeting of the Asiatic Society on the 1st of July last, I have the pleasure to inform you, that soon after that date, I addressed a letter to Mr. H. Torrens, then Secretary to the Society, stating, at his request, the probable expense of the undertaking, and requesting to know as soon as possible whether the Committee of Papers had sanctioned the arrangement, and when I might commence upon the work. In reply Mr. Torrens stated, that I could commence the work whenever I pleased. I send for your perusal his letter to me. A considerable portion of the work has in consequence of this intimation of the then Secretary, been already printed. A specimen of the same I beg herewith to forward to you. As it now appears that the Asiatic Society is scarcely in a position to carry on this important work, I am ready to take the entire responsibility upon myself if the Society will subscribe for 100 Copies. The work will be issued in two octavo volumes, and the price per volume will not exceed 10 Rupees. I should be sorry, if from any circumstance, the publication of this interesting work should be retarded. Hitherto no attempt has been made to collect these scattered writings. A few of these Smritis only were some years ago [printed in Bengálí characters, and in the form of the usual Native Puthis; but these are not generally known, nor are they at all fitted for common use. I am, therefore willing, with the assistance of the Society, to bear a considerable risk myself, rather than postpone the publication of the work to any future period. Kindly let me know, as soon as possible, whether this proposal meet with the approbation of the Society. Believe me, yours sincerely, J. HÆBERLIN. The Senior Secretary stated on the part of the Committee of Papers, that they recommend to the Society the adoption of the Rev. Dr. Hæberlin's proposal, and a subscription to the Smritis for 100 copies, to be paid from the "Oriental Grant." Agreed unanimously. Captain Broome proposed the addition of a section to represent Numismatics and Architectural Antiquities; this was seconded by Lieutenant-Colonel Forbes, and unanimously agreed to. The Senior Secretary, on the part of the Committee of Papers, read the subjoined list of members proposed for the several Sections. Secretary-Dr. W. B. O'Shaughnessy. SECTION 5.-Geography and Indian Statistics. G. A. Bushby, Esq. Dr. Duncan Stewart. S. G. T. Heatley, Esq. Baboo Hurreemohun Sen. Secretary-S. G. T. Heatley, Esq. The foregoing list having been approved of, Captain Broome expressed his desire to leave the nomination of the Section of Numismatics and Architectural Antiquities to the consideration of the Committee of Papers. Some typographical amendments having been suggested and agreed to, and various remarks made, leading however to no distinct resolution, the Report, with the additions above noted, was unanimously adopted. W. B. O'SHAUGHNESSY, Senior Secretary. Asiatic Society, 11th February, 1847. Captain Latter having left Calcutta, is not included in this list.—Secs. P Statement of Disbursements on Account of Oriental Publications, from 1842 to 1846. July 30th, 1842. Paid Maulavi Abdullah for 90 copies of Fatawe Alamgiri, @ 19 0 0 2 0 0 21 0 0 Ditto ditto paid Rev. J. Thomas for printing Index to the Malábhárata, Jan. 3d, paid Pandit for correcting the proof sheet of Mahábhárata, March 8th, paid Yusuf Ali for copying De wán Sherif in Persian, Ditto "Share Gulestán," 6 sections, April 2d, paid Munshi for copying Jawahar ul Qurán in Persian, 19 sections, of 8 leaves to a section @ 3 sections per Rupee, Nov. 8th, paid Assistant Maulavi's salary for Sept. and Oct. 1842, Dec. 12th, paid ditto ditto ditto for Nov. 1812, Jan. 13th, 1843. Paid Shafatullah for copying Tawárikh i Nádiri, per bill for Dec. 1842, Sept. 21st, paid Maulavi Abdullah for printing 90 copies of Fatawe Alamgiri, vol. III. @ 10 Rs. per vol. Stitching ditto @ 4 annas per ditto, Oct. 20th, paid ditto ditto, April 5th, paid Shafatullah, Assistant Maulavi, for co- Paper for the same, 900 0 0 22 8 0 922 8 0 Paid in part, 9 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 600 Nov. paid Munshi for copying 45 juz of Tafsir Ali Ibn Hasan Zauwárí for the month of Oct. 1843, Jan. 9th, 1844. Paid Helál Uddin for copying a Persian book, March 8th, paid Hájí Farhat Husain for copying an Arabic work, Kholásatul Ophá, being 52 juz @ 24 per Rupee, 20 12 0 March 8th, paid Helál Uddin for copying a Persian book, .. Jan. 9th, paid Hafiz Ahmad Kabir for printing 500 copies of Istalahát Súfia, March 5th, paid Munshi Helál Uddin.for copying 32 August 8th, paid Nacoo Painter for painting a Map of "Kitáb Umda," Sept. 5th, paid II. M. Smith for printing 750 copies coloured of the Nurbudda River, Nov. 6th, paid for copying Tawarikh Dost Muhammad, with paper, Dec. 30th, paid Mauluvi Amánatullah for a printed copy of Burhan Qáte, compiled by Ibn Khalafut Tabrezí Muhammad Husain, .. Ditto, paid extra Munshi for copying the following works: August, paid ditto for translating an Arabic work, Arabic work Naharul Fúeq Shareh Kanzud Daqaak Nov. 24th, paid Maulavi Qurban Ali for copying the Arabic work Naharul Fáeq Sharch Kanzud Daqáak for Oct. 1846,.. Dec. 4th, paid ditto ditto ditto for Nov. 4 0 0 Dec. 18th, paid Rev. A. W. Street, Bursar, Bishop's Col lege, for press work and paper of 9 pp. 500 copies of Extra Title and Preface to Abdur Razaq's Dictionary of Technical terms, by Dr. Sprenger @3-4 per page, 29 4 0 Co.'s Rs. 6,463 1 6 Statement of Dishnirsements on Account Purchase of Oriental Publications from 1842 to 1846. August 8th, 1842. Paid Thacker and Co., for 5 copies of Alif Lailah, vol. 4th, June 25th, 1844. Paid Bhabánícharan Bánarji for sundry August 9th, 1845. Paid ditto ditto ditto per ditto, Oct. 4th, paid Dr. Roer for sundry books per vouchers, Feb. 4th, 1846. Paid James Francis Corcoran for 35 copies of the 1st part of the Urdu Translation of Æsop's Fables, March, paid Bhabánícharan Bánarji for sundry Bengálí April 6th, paid ditto for a copy of Bhágabat Gítá, 60 0 0 3 0 3 10 8 13 84 80 0 200 70 0 0 12 0 22 98 SECRETARY'S NOTE.-Of the account thus furnished the following items seem to be irregularly charged to the Oriental grant. Mr. Smith's Bill for map of Nurbudda river, |