صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

4 Megalophrys montana, Wag- Pinang.

ler, Var.

5 Limnodytes

6 Polypedates

Sp. Java.

erythræus, Malayan Peninsula. Java, Tenasserim, Arracan.

leucomystax, Pinang, Singapore, Bengal, Coromandel, MalaMalayan Peninsula.



7 Bufo melanostictus, Schnei- Malayan Peninsula Java, Tenasserim, Bengal,

[blocks in formation]

[The extra-Malayan localities have necessarily been confined to such of which the elevation has been specified by authors, the Malayan are given from personal observation.]

PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND (PULO PINANG), 5° 25′ N. L. 100° 19′ E. Valley Mean annual temperature: 80° 03 Fahr. Average monthly range of the thermometer: 11°; greatest daily range: 13°. Annual quantity of rain: 65.5 inch. (145 days).

Hills. Granite. Highest elevation (Western Hill) 2,500 ft. Mean annual temperature 71°. Average monthly range of the thermometer 10°; greatest daily range 9°. Annual quantity of rain : 116.6 inch (174 days). Vegetation even for a tropical distinguished by luxuriance, beauty and variety. Characteristic features: Filices. (Alsophila contaminans, Wal.Schizea dichotoma,-Neuroplatyceros (Acrostichum) biforme, Desvontaine. Polypodium horsfieldii, Bennett.)

Pandanaceæ. (Freycinetia).

Taccaceæ. (Tacca cristata, Jack).

Palmaceæ. (Areca catechu, Willd. Arenga saccharifera, Labill. Nipa fruticans. Euoplus tigillaria, Jack. "Pinang Lawyer." Calamus).

Scitamineæ. (Hedychium sumatranum, Jack. Amomum biflorum, Jack).

Taxaceæ. (Dacrydium. Podocarpus).
Guetaceæ. (Gnetum gnemon.

Gnetum brunonianum).

Artocarpeæ. (Phytocrene palmata, Wal. Phytocrene bracteata,† Wal.) Nepenthaceæ. (Nepenthes distillatoria. Nepenthes ampullaria, Jack). Gesneraceæ. (Didymocarpus crinitus, Jack).


Corylaceæ. (Quercus racemosa, Jack. Lithocarpus javensis, Blume).

An undescribed dwarf palm, hitherto supposed to be confined to the hills of

Pinang. Sir William Norris found it on Mount Ophir in 1847.

† This species appears to be confined to the lower parts of the hills and the valleys.

Begoniaceæ. (Begonia orbiculata, Jack).

Sterculiaceæ. (Sterculia coccinea, Roxburgh. Durio Zibethinus, Lin.)

Dipteraceæ. (Dipterocarpus).

Aurantiacea. (Murraya paniculata, Loar).

Anacardiaceæ. (Stagmaria verniciflua, Jack).

Connaraceæ. (Eurycoma longifolia, Jack).


Melastomaceæ. (Melastoma bracteata, Jack. M. exigua, Jack. M. glauca, Jack. Sonerila moluccana, Rob.)


SINGAPORE ISLAND, 1° 24′ N. L. 104° E. Mean annual temperature, 80°. Greatest daily range of thermometer: 10°. Annual number of rainy days: 185. Surface gently undulating. Sand-stone hills, indicating remote convulsion; highest hill (Bukit Timah) 530 ft, granite. In the valleys occur vegetable and animal forms which at Pinang have been observed at or near the summit of the hills, but not in the plains. Thus at Singapore, occur Alsophila, Schizæa, Tacca cristata, Gnetum, Nepenthes, Begonia, Eurycoma and others, which at Pinang appear to affect a much greater elevation. Instances of Reptiles in common to the plains of Singapore and the hills of Pinang are: Ptychozoon homalocephalum, Gymnodactylus pulchellus, Lygosoma chalcides, Pilidion lineatum, Typhlops nigro-albus, Calamaria lumbricoidea, Var. Leptophis caudalineatus, Elaps intestinalis, Elaps nigromaculatus. MALAYAN PENINSULA. Geographically, not politically, from 12° N. L. between 98° and 104° E. computed to about 80,000 square miles, or about 4000 square miles less than Great Britain. Zoological information has hitherto been confined almost exclusively to the plains of the western part. The productions of the chain of mountains dividing the Peninsula, and terminating in Cape Romania in 1° 17′ N. L. (Point Búrus in 1° 15′ N. L.) are almost entirely unknown. The late Mr. Griffith on a visit in the early part of 1842 to mount Ophir (Gúnong Lédang, in about 2° 30′ N. L. on the eastern boundary of the district of Malacca, granite, and computed about 4000 ft.) made the interesting discovery, that from 1500 ft. and upwards the vegetation changes completely, and in many respects assumes a Polynesian or Australian character. Early in 1847 Lieutenant Colonel James Low visited Keddah Peak, (Gúnong Jerai,) opposite to the town of Keddah, in about 6° 5′ N. L. which he observes is not granite, but stratified, abounding in minerals. According to observation of the boiling point of water, the summit, a small platform on the edge of the strata, is 5,705 ft. above the sea. Towards the summit the vegetation becomes very stunted and partakes of Australian character.* Colonel Low further observes that during the ascent he did not see a single animal, but found foot prints of a Rhinoceros, smaller than usual, he supposes, up to the very summit. To a casual visiter of the Malayan hill forest, during the day, the paucity of animals is a striking feature. The noonday light subdued by the dense foliage of the towering stems, gives to the scene a sombre character, heightened by the unseen denizons. Their presence is manifested in the shrill vibrations of Cicada, one of which on the Pinang hills is noted for its resemblance to the cavalry trumpet, the call of the Tupai, the dismal tap of the gigantic woodpecker, the creaking flight of a Buceros, or the retreat of frightened Semnopithecs.

A collection of plants from the summit of the mountain, with which Colonel Low favoured me, were examined by Capt. Munro, H. M. 39th Regiment, the only botanist at present in Calcutta, previously to their being despatched to the Royal Gardens, Kew.

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Ponds and rivulets Malayan
Peninsula, Pinang.

Malayan Peninsula, Pinang.
Ponds and rivers Malayan
Peninsula, Pinang, Bengal.
Ditto ditto.
Sea off Pinang.

Rivers and sea-coast Malayan
Peninsula, Bengal.

Ponds and rivers Malayan Peninsula, Pinang, Java, Dukhun, "India, Chi


Rivers, estuaries and sea-coast Malayan Peninsula, Pinang, India, Philippine



Rivers, estuaries and seacoast Malayan Peninsula and Islands, Java, Sumatra, Tenasserim, Bengal, Coromandel, Malabar. Ditto ditto and Seychelle Islands, Timor.


Malayan Peninsula, Bengal.

Pinang, Malayan Peninsula, Singapore.



Pinang, Bengal.

Pinang, Singapore, Malayan Peninsula, Bengal.

Pinang, Bengal.


[blocks in formation]

Bronchocela cristatella, (Kuhl) Pinang, Malayan Pen- Malayan Peninsula, Singa



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Typhlops braminus, (Daudin.) Pinang, Malayan Pen- Pinang, Singapore, Malayan

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Python reticulatus, (Schneider.) Pinang, Malayan Pen Pinang, Singapore, Malayan

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Dipsas multimaculata, Schle- Pinang.

Dipsas dendrophila, Reinwardt. Pinang, Malayan Pen- Pinang, Singapore, Malayan

Peninsula, Java.

Malayan Peninsula.

[blocks in formation]
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