मेघकोपिभवानन्यः क्षिती शाकरेधर्ते किन्तु न शान्तधीविषमट्ट ग्रोह वपुः केवलम् । यस्मिन्तुद्दामधाग्नि प्रचुरतरतपः सोम्निविख्यातनाम्नि सर्वानन्द्युक्तसीम्निक्षिति भ्टदुरुभर स्पर्द्विषु व्यद्गरिणि । सम्पन्नप्रेम्ि सत्सुखयशनिहितस्फार सारप्रथिम्निविद्यात्सर्पन्महिम्मित्रिभुवनतिलके केगुणाहन्तनस्युः॥ सलीनं मुखर वशाक्य करिणामत्यर्जितं गर्जितंत्रासाद्यस्यगजेन जम्बुक शतेदुव्याहृतंसंहृतं ॥ सेोजातुन जैमिनीय हरिणैर्लीलां कृतं जंकृतंतस्यान्यद्गगने सकाननपतेः किंस्पास्तु तं प्रस्तुतम् ॥ यस्योच्चक स्फुरति सं तमसंनिरस्य तेजः परंप्रति निश्प्रतिवासरंच ॥ अन्यः सरघननुचन्द्रर्मसारवेश्चचन्द्रावदातचरितः सुतरां चकास्ति ॥ यस्यामलंस्फुरति सद्गुणरत्नवन्दमानन्दका रिजगतां जडताविहीनं । श्रीव्योमशम्भजलधिः सखलुह्युदस्तटष्णसतां समभवद्भविकोप्यपूर्वः । माधुर्य्यविनयोनयोनलसतात्यागक्षमा प्रायः स्थैर्य धैर्य महार्य वीर्य कलितंसदब्रह्मचर्यंतपः । इत्यादिप्रचिनोमिचेतसिचिरंयद्यत्किमप्यादर। त्तत्सर्वंसमचिंत्यमस्यम हृतः कस्यास्तुधत्तांपथि ॥ रेजुः सज्जन रक्तभाव जननान्यासिन्धुवेलावधेश्चित्रंयस्ययशांसि कुन्दकलिकाकोर प्रभाभांच्यपि ॥ तस्यायं खलुदेवतायतनवान्वापीनिवेशस्यशुभः सोद्यानः प्रथते स्वकीर्त्तिविभवःसाक्षादिवानश्वरः । शिवयुग्ममुमादेवी नाद्येश्वर विनायकौ || समञ्चमन्दिरैरमै । रयमेतान्यच करत प्रतिक्षपंचाप्रतिविम्वतां गते मुनिर्मलेवारिणितारकागणे ॥ कुमुद्दती सङ्गसमुर्जिताप्यलंविभाति विश्वक्वामुदैरिवाचिता प्रसादमाधुर्यनिकामभ्टद्यंविराजतेयत्रगभीरमम्भः विडम्बयत्सत्कविकाव्य वर्गविसुद्धवर्णहितचारुशोभम् । शैलात्मजाभक्तिपर प्रयातयासुराङ्गना नपुरसिञ्जितेन । प्रतिक्षणं वाकल हंसनादंभ्रमम्बिधत्ते श्रुतिपेशलेन | कृतोद धानावनिताजनानां मुखैर्विचित्रापरपात्र रम्यैःतोयंगतैर्याप्रतिविम्वतेनमु खारविन्देचविभर्त्तिशोभाम् अपूर्वविन्यासविशेषकेणविभूषितायादयितेवदृष्टा । सोपानमालावलिचारुमध्यानानन्दय त्कस्यमनोमनोज्ञा | प्रासा दयत्र भासन्तेकुन्देन्दुकुमुदोञ्वलाः ॥ श्रीव्योमेशमद्दीपालयशेवीजाङ्कराइव ॥ यानीलकण्ठेन तवेोपकण्ठभतास्पदाधामपरं सुखस्य । प्रासादरम्यारमणीयभूमिः पुरापुराः सदृशीचकास्ति ॥ यत्सन्निधौसान्द्र सुवासिताम्भाः प्रासादमालानुदिनं विभाति। भयेनभानोः परिणाममेत्य ज्योत्स्नास्थितेवामरसद्ममूर्त्त्या॥ अम्भोनिधिस्तुङ्गतुषार शैले सम्यग्विराजेद्यदिकूललीनेतेनेो पमीयेततदास्फुटंयासमुन्नतैर्नीकि गृहे विभान्ति ॥ यमुक्तमुक्ताफलचारुङ्क्रान्तितोयंमदेवप्रतिभातियत्र । श्रमूर्त्तताराद्यमसोहुकाममुच्चैरभृन्नृ a न शन्निषेकामलचन्द्रकान्त्या सरोजलदम्येवसरे रोजल मिवान्तरिक्षम् ॥ द्धिः । अलङ्कताचारुतयाव्यधत्तयानिरृतिकस्य न दृश्यमाना ॥ यासर्वदा नोञ्झतियन्निकामं सत्स् प्रकारंचगभीरतांच । जलैरनल्पैभ्भृशमास्थिता पिफलं तदेतडिकुलीनतायाः || म्टगाङ्कविम्बेप्रतिमांगतायाः स्फुरत्तरङ्गा ङ्गलिभिर्विलेालैः। सुचारू सौन्दर्यविलोकनायष्टतामलादर्शतलेवभाति ॥ स्थिराणिशुद्धानिरुचञ्चलानि निरन्तराण्यार्जवसुन्दराणि सतांमनांसी बसदानुकूलंविभान्तियस्याः सुरमन्दिराणिइदन्नभः किन्द्रवताकुलोस्य किम्वाम्टतंतत्कथ मेतदच ॥ अहोइदं किन्त्वितितर्कयुक्ताजलं न निश्चेतु मलंजनोघः। सन्मानभूमिर्भवतुप्रकामं मनोरमोद्यौर्वहुवारिदाच । ন थापिसासाम्यगुणादुदस्ताय या विचित्रांरचनांदधत्त्या || जितारिषड्वर्ग मनर्थमूलंधर्मेरताः सन्तुसदैवसन्तः॥ यस्यामितीबाहृसुरालयालीनपर्णी यतमम्दनाथ ॥ रङ्गत्तरङ्गा तिमनोरमदूरथाङ्गमम्भोरुपयोधरायाः । दि क्षुक्षिपन्तीशफरीकटाक्षानचूचुरत्यान्यदशः प्रियेव ॥ यदस्तिकिञ्चित्क्वचि दप्यकिञ्चिदानन्द हे तुर्जगतीनचस्ता । तदेकदेशे निखिलंविधाययावेधसो च्चैर्घटितेवरम्या । कुवलयवतीववापी विभूषयतियदतिसुप्रसिद्धंमदः । चित्रमिदंतुविनिधाय कुवलयमप्यलंकुरुते || स्थिरायैषावापीगगन शि खरालिर्भगवतोद्भुताश्चर्य्याद्युक्तामधिकतपसोभूरियशसः। यदीयाभाती यं शरदमलचन्द्रांशुधवलासुराणां सद्मालीविवकटतटष्टष्टे शिखरिणी ॥ वापीतडागनिकटेयः पादमं रोपविष्यतिधन्यः शतशपञ्चपातकयुक्तः खलुदु स्तरेनिरये पञ्चैवतेघामिह पातकानि शस्यन्तिवध्वाभ्टणम् ॥ मयेतेरत्यभ्य न्तरमूढधियोरजन्यांदा स्यन्त्यनार्याव सतिश्चनायाः । प्रशस्तादेवसंलाप पूर्व जत्ताह्वयेन यान्विताम् शब्दाथासामुदमुदत्तमिटदम।देचदलमुतनषा रङ्गदलेन वर्णितीषपी स्तिकार म्याजेज्जाकनो दग्धोदिवान देणालिखिता । Translation of an Inscription at Ranode. Praise be to Shiva who dwelleth in a land where rains perpetually fall, and who is the lord of Paradise, and giver of happiness to mankind. * * *, a god most righteous and powerful * * * Praise be to him to whom sacrifices for propitiation of sins are offered, who keepeth his word, and who dwelleth in Kailas and on whom all Devatas and Asurs attend. May the injunctions of the conquerer of Tirpora be always your guide. Padmasan, with implicit faith celebrated a Jag in the delightful forest called Daruban, by means of which he ganied the favour of Shiva, who is pleased only by placing great confidence in him. * * * His He prospered by virtue of this holy performance; he attained great power, and his family increased greatly. He was succeeded by a still better person of Muni descent. His name was Surendr; he had a pure heart and possessed great power, and commanded universal respect. dominions increased daily like the new moon. His son was the most celebrated Kadamhguhambusi, whose son was Rajá Shankhmathikadhipat, whose son was Ambipal. This prince like Mahadev, was a great conqueror of his enemies. From him descended Bhoritapa; his son was Tirath Nath, and from him descended Ram, a prince of great renown. His son was Purandargur, who was as powerful as his father, and who possessed a great inventive genius, and is admired to this day by all learned men for his extensive knowledge and superior talents. He was so shrewd that no lawyer could cheat him of his wealth. His son was Rajanishikhrabharan, the most venerable and praiseworthy man of the time, whose fame shone with equal lustre with the sun. The virtuous and wealthy Rajá Avanti, having heard from his messenger of the unparalleled qualifications of this worthy person, wished to see him before performing the Jag, he was now going to celebrate. Raja Avanti, the Chattri, went in person to that pious man, and after using every art and entreaty, brought him to Opendrpore, which abounds with Tamal-trees. *** The wise and well educated Monarch gave charge of his kingdom to him and himself retired to do penance. This most virtuous and pious prince who was as famous as the Sumeru Mountain, and who was the cleverest man of his age, entrusted the management of the government of Mattinagar to Rani Paindr and having retired to a solitary place, passed the remaining days of his life in performing worship. He was venerated by all. To him succeeded Cavach Shiva, who was beloved by all his subjects, and was as strong as armour. He was bold in field, had skill enough to ward off successfully the weapons of his enemy, and had subdued his passions. He was succeeded by his disciple Sada Shiva, a man of great forbearance; when he himself like his predecessor sought retirement. Sada Shiva's son was Sudhdaesh a prince of equal dignity, resembling to mountain Odayáchal. He was so powerful that he destroyed all his enemies, as the beams of the sun remove darkness. He was as generous as powerful. His dominions increased to an astonishing extent. He had not ****** His power extended to the remotest parts of the world, he never deviated from the prescribed rules. Monarch shines to this day like the moon. The fame of that good *** passions and thus became an ornament to the seat of his Guru. He preserved peace throughout his reign and kept alliance with those who were worthy of his confidence. His *** was a man very wise and learned. This prince deserves great commendation, but suffice it to say that he humbled the pride of all his enemies. His excellencies are too numerous to be described in this short sketch. He was succeeded by his disciple Biyom Shiva, a most worthy and able person, and as pious as his predecessor. He acquired universal fame. He was highly forbearing and he was called Biyom Shiva, because he composed many verses in praise of Biyompad (or Vishnu). He gave much protection to his subjects and devoted himself always to the cause of others. His character was so commendable that it was sung by Kumers (celestial choristers.) The fame of that great Monarch spread over the earth like the moon-light. *** What more should I say in praise of this extraordinary man than *** He was most pious, and much devoted to worship; he was gentle in his speech and he followed the way of righteousness. He had a perfect command over his passions. He was very punctual in the discharge of his duties. He was a good administrator as well as a virtuous man. His words were very instructive, and all the good qualities were combined in him. ** * Jag*** He possessed a very large kingdom which increased every day. **** He was the most excellent person of his time. All his acts were surprising. His dominions extended to all parts of the earth. He had travelled over the whole world and had gained universal applause. He repopulated the long desolated city of Mutmayurpur and made it as flourishing as in the days of Ranipaindr. *** This city was now repeopled by him and made the seat of his government. Ile embellished the city with gold and pearls; his beautiful horses *** and stately elephants. He caused the buildings in the city to be cleaned. This great king with his immense wealth restored that admirable city to its ancient splendour. He superintended himself the construction of the new buildings *** His pious and glorious actions were admired both by men and gods*** who had turned away his eye from anger which is contemned by all good men. He was a man of great forbearance and piety and there is nothing too good to be obtained by those who are always devoted to worship. * * * were so fat that a slap on their haunches produced a sound as loud as that of a trumpet. They were as swift in their motion as the sun. The Rajá was very punctual in the performance of the worship required of a Brumhchari. *** He had acquired a good name by his generosity and pious conduct. He was a prince of highest repute. He was as beautiful as Indra. The arms of Shiva were his protectors. Mahadev was never so much pleased with any person as with him. He never spoke trifles even when he conversed with his friends. He was of a fair complexion; and was the greatest man of his age. He had a thorough acquaintance with the doctrines of the Buddhist religion, and knew those of the religion of Jains as well as they themselves did. He had knowledge of the past, present, and the future. *** His outward appearance was such as excited terror, and that famous and pious Rajá (was so bold) that he feared no enemy. He was kind to those who were good; he knew each person's worth, and he deserves great praise for his virtues. He was the mightiest Monarch of his time, and possessed all the qualities of a good man, *** before the noise of elephants *** like the deer and jackals *** could stand or endure ***His talents shone with equal splendour in day and night, and his renown spread over the world like the moon-light. That excellent prince was adorned with a garland of all virtues that a man can possess. ***There never was a man superior to him in any respect in this world. He was very submissive, just, energetic, mild, wise, brave and pious. *** He had gained popular applause. Many Baolis, magnificent buildings, gardens *** temples in honor of Shiva, Parvati, Nandishor and Ganesh were constructed by him. The water of the Baolis was so pure that the shadow which the stars reflected in it seemed every night like Kumud flowers, and the ornaments which adorned the feet of those women who came to bathe there made a noise like that of a swarm of geese. The image of women that looked into the water was seen in it as clear as a lotus flower. The Baolis were adorned like a beautiful woman with every kind of embellishment, and every person that looked at their steps was highly pleased. They were the monuments of this Raja's greatness ***** In that pleasant land, and in those splendid buildings the Rajú lived like Mahadev. The |