صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Statement of Contingent Charges on Account of Oriental Publications from 1842 to 1846.

Feb. 2d, 1842. Paid Daftari for binding Oriental books, Rs.
July 2d, paid Mackenzie, Lyall and Co., for advertizing
Notice to the Purchasers of Mahábhárata,

Angust 16th, paid Bengal Hurkaru ditto,

Ditto, paid Englishman ditto,

Ditto, paid for Bengal Ink,

Nov. 8th, paid charges for dispatching Index to the Mahábhárata to the Hon'ble the Court of Directors and Monsieur Jules Mohl,


March 7th, 1843. Paid for a tin box for 13 volumes of
Oriental works sent to the Pasha of Egypt,

Ditto, paid for 1 quire of Balasore paper,

May 5th, paid for binding books,

May 12th, paid Allan, Patton and Co., for Bills on London, on Messrs. Gladstone, Kerr and Co., in favor of J. Reynolds, Secretary Oriental Translation Fund, a subscription of the Society for 1842-43, £10 108 per annum, £21 @ 1-11 per Rupee,*

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July 10th, paid for binding Oriental works,
August 5th, paid for 5 tin and 5 wooden boxes for the
Oriental Publications,

Sept. 6th, paid for binding Oriental books,

Ditto, paid for Balasore paper,

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[ocr errors]

Oct. 11th, paid for Balasore paper 1, Binding book 1,
Nov. 3d, paid for binding books,

[ocr errors]

Jan. 9th, 1844. Paid for Black and Red Ink for copying
Nágari work,

May 11th, paid for binding Oriental books,

[ocr errors]

April 5th, 1845. Paid for paper for copying Sanskrit,.
May 7th, paid S. Martin for binding Persian books,
July 4th, paid Daftari for binding books,

August 9th, paid ditto ditto,


March, 1846. Paid ditto for binding a book-Life of Rám

mohan Ray,

Ditto paid ditto sundry Oriental works,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]

12 0 0

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Ditto paid ditto ditto ditto,


Sept. 11th, paid ditto for binding books,

[merged small][ocr errors]


Co.'s Rs. 561 15 11

*This item is irregularly charged to the Oriental grant.-Secs.

Oriental Publications, &c. sold from the 1st of January to the 31st of December, 1846.

[blocks in formation]

Súsruta, vols. I. and II. 4 copies each,.

Sanskrita Catalogue, 3 copies..

Lassen's Gita Govinda, 1 copy.... . . .

Fatawe Alamgiri, vol. I. 2 copies, vol. II. 2 do. vol. III.

3 do., vol. IV. 5 do., vol. V. 6 do. vol. VI. 7 do.,

Jawame Ilm Riází, 1 copy,

Khazanat ul Ilm, 4 copies,

Tawarikh i Nádiri, 5 copies,


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Persian Catalogue, 3 copies,

Histoire des Rois du Kachmir, 1 copy.

Travels of Ibn Batuta, 1 copy.

Essai sur le Pali, 1 copy,..

Leech's Grammar and Vocabulary of the Beloochi and
Punjabi Languages, 1 copy,..

Edgeworth's Kashmiri Grammar, 1 copy,

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 84 Nos. ; 6 at
Rs. 2, and the rest at Rs. 1-8,.

Asiatic Researches, vol. XIX. part II. 2 copies, vol. XX..
part I. 2 copies,

Abstract of the number of books received into the Library,

during the year 1846.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Oriental Publications in store at the close of the year 1846.

Mahábhárata, vol. I. 177 copies, vol. II. 193 do., vol. III. 219 do.,
vol. IV. 245 do.

Index to Mahábhárata, vol. I. 297 copies, vol. II. 299 copies, vol.
III. 305 do., vol. IV. 280 do.




Súsruta, vol. I. 235, vol. II. 281.

Fatawe Alamgiri, vol. 1. 68 copies, vol. II. 77 do., vol. III.
86 do., vol. IV. 39 do., vol. V. 77 do., vol. VI. 89 do.
Enává, vol. II. 21 copies, vol. III. 13 do., vol. IV. 15 do.
Khazanat ul Ilm,

Jawame Ilm Riází,
Anis ul Musharrahin,

Sharava ul Islám,.

Tibetan Grammar,

Tibetan Dictionary,

Points in the History of the Greek and Indo-Scythian

Leech's Grammar and Vocabulary of the Beloochi and












[blocks in formation]

Tawarikh i Nádiri,

Asiatic Researches, vol. I. 5 copies, vol. II. 2 do., vol.
III. 3 do., vol. VI. 50 do., vol. VII. 111 do., vol. VIII.
43 do., vol. IX. 101 do., vol. X. 53 do., vol. XI. 96 do.,
vol. XII. 33 do., vol. XIII. 39 do. vol. XIV. 57 do.
vol. XV. 52 do., vol. XVI. 84 do., vol. XVII. 205 do.,
vol. XVIII. 42 do., vol. XVIII. part 1st, 61 do., vol.
XVIII. part 2nd, 155 do., vol. XIX. 222 do., vol. XIX.
part 1st, 19 do., vol. XIX. part 2nd, 90 do., vol. XX.
217 do., vol. XX. part 1st, 11 do., vol. XX. part 2nd,
121 do., Index,
Sanskrita Catalogue,
Persian ditto
English ditto.






Statement of the Amounts received by the Sale of Oriental Pub


[blocks in formation]

Statement showing the monthly income of the Asiatic Society, from Members, Subscribers to the Journal, and sale of Publications.

136 Members.

83 Members paid for 3d Qr. of 1846 at 64 per Annum, 5,248


Ditto (new)


Ditto who have not paid,.

[blocks in formation]




61 Subscribers to the Journal at 16 Rs. per Annum, 976
40 Copies for the Hon'ble Company.




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[blocks in formation]

Asiatic Society.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

1,500 0 0

Due from Agent in Paris say,

1,000 0 0

500 0 2,000 0 0


Realizable by Outstanding Subscriptions, estimated at 50 per cent. on the amount of uncollected bills,

Rs. 5,104.

Unknown, the late accountant not

1,400 0 0

Realizable by Outstanding Subscriptions to the Journal.


furnished the accounts.

2,552 0 0


Liabilities to meet in all 1847.

Mr. Blyth's claim,..

Co.'s Rs. 3,000

Mr. Torren's claim,

Mr. Muir's claim for 500 Rs. to be returned, not hav

ing been applied to Original purpose,.

Due to Oriental fund since September, 1846......
Estimated Cost of 4 Nos., of the Journal published
for 1846, at the monthly average of 350 Rs. per

Calcutta, Asiatic Society,}


Co.'s Rs. 8,400 0 0

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