thorns. The fruit is nutant, longly stipitate and cucumber-shaped bluntly trigonal, 3 to 4 inches long and turning red when ripe. Resedacea. 8. Ochradenus baccatus, Delile, lower Sinde. I believe this to be the Egyptian plant, although the Sinde one differs in some trifling particulars; my specimens are not sufficiently advanced to show the spinifacient habit. Violacea. 9. Viola patrinii, D. C.; Kurrachee, and Hala mountains. Keamuriacea. 10. Reamuria Hypericoides, Wild. Doz Akhooshtee, and spurs of the Hala mountains. The leaves of the Sinde plant are spatulate-linear and crowded to the ends of the branches. Sapindacea. 11. Dodonæa Burmanniana, D. C. Lower Sinde. This shrub is not more than three feet in height, with leaves about an inch in length, never more, and blunt cuneate-linear. I have some doubt as to the species; there is another in Sinde of which I have no specimens. Malvacea. 12. Althæa pumila, Vic: near Shikarpoor, plant herbaceous, from 6 to 10 inches. Stems slender, stellately hairy, stipulæ ovate, leaves stellate, hairy on both sides, lower ones caudate at base, palmately 3 parted with the lateral lobes bifid, the apices roundly tridentate, midlobe cuneate, the apex roundly 3—5 toothed. Flowers very shortly pedicelled, axillary, blue. Involucre 10 cleft with linear lobes. Calyx half, 5 cleft, with acute lobes; anthers about 10; styles 10, filiform. Stigmata capitate. Carpels arranged round a central shortly 10 winged columella, the apex of which is filiform, not marginate, transversely corrugate, 1 seeded. 13. Pavonia odorata, Wild. between Kurrachee and Hyderabad. 14. Serræa incana, Cav.; sand hills, Kurrachee. This plant is rather pretty when in flower, it forms small bushes about two feet in height. Anthers 25 to 30, stipitate, veniform, 1 celled, stigmata ciliate. 15. Abutilon Indicum, Sinde and Hala mountains. 16. Sida acuta. Plains of Sinde. Tiliacea. 17. Antichorus (Corchorus) depressus, Linn.; Khangurh and borders of desert. 18. Grewia sapida? all hilly places in Sinde. I have doubtfully referred this to G. sapida, but I suspect it is a very different plant, my specimens are not sufficient to determine; the petals bear a large scale at base and are bifid with toothed lobes. The berry is red and eatable when ripe. Portulaceæ. 19. Orygia decumbens, Forsk: eastern base of Hala mountains. The sepals and petals are red, and the stems and leaves are often colored; this plant does not seem to differ much from O. trianthemoides, Heyne. Paronychieæ. 20. Cometes Surattensis; all Sinde. Rutacea. 21. Peganum Harmala; all Sinde. 22. Haplophyllum tuberculatum, Andr. Juss: near Deyrah, Boogtee, Beloch hills. Zygophylleæ. 23. Tribulus alatus, Del: eastern base of Hala mountains. 24. Fagonia Mysorensis; Sukkur and all Sinde. 25. Zygophyllum obtusum, Vic.; valleys of the eastern slopes of Hala range; plants gregarious, herbaceous, decumbent, pale green. Leaves fleshy, simple, spatulate-linear, blunt, or rounded at apex, sessile and subsessile, stipulæ acuminate, scales at base of stamens deeply bifid. Capsule deeply 5 wing-lobed, 5-celled, each cell opening inwards with 2-3 pendent seeds. Flowers short pedicelled, yellow. 26. Seetzenia lanatum, Wild.; all rocky places in Sinde. The stamens in the Sinde plant are most certainly alternate with the sepals of calyx, and not opposite to them; some doubt may exist with respect to the identity of this plant with that from Sierra Leone, I therefore give my note of it. Plant spreading, semi-erect, stems and branches flexuose, woolly at the joints within the stipula, younger branches under surface of leaves, and their margins papillose from sessile glands, otherwise smooth, leaves petioled, opposite, 3 foliate, midleafet obovate, often retuse, lateral leafets oblique-ovate, all entire and shortly apiculate, stipulæ linear, often uniting with the margins of the stipulæ of the opposite leaf and thus appearing interpetiolary; flowers green tinged yellow, axillary, solitary, pedicels in fruit longer than the leaves. Calyx 5, parted with a valvate aestivation, lobes lanceolate, each bearing opposite its central base an adherent scale half its length and with free shortly fimbriate margins, stamens 5, hypogynous, opposite to the divisions of calyx, filaments slightly flattened, smooth, tapering, style 5-cleft almost to the base, with long linear terete lobes, stigmata capitate, rough, ovary oblong, 5-celled and ribbed. Ovula 5-pendent from the apex of columella. Capsule 5-furrowed and seeded, detaching from base into 5 cocci, and thus remaining for a long time pendent by short funiculi from the seeds to the apex of columella; the cocci are internally bivalved and perforated on the inner angles of apices for the passage of the funiculi. Columella persistent for a long time after the seeds have fallen, 5-angled, with the apex discoid, 5-lobed and with the placenta in the sinuses between the lobes; seeds, brown, oblong, acute at both ends, with a scanty green arillus. 27. Geraniaceæ. Monsonia Asiatica, Vic.: eastern base of Hala mountains and lower Sinde. I believe that this is the first species of Monsonia found out of Africa. The Sinde plant belongs to the section "Holopetalum." Plant semi-erect, herbaceous, clothed everywhere with long, white, silky hairs; leaves long-petioled, cordate-ovate, blunt, irregularly dentate, 7-nerved, stipulæ herbaceous, linear-lanceolate; peduncles slender, 2-5 flowered, with from 4 to 6 unequal linear bracts at apex, pedicels slender, flowers blue. Calyx sepals apiculate, 3-nerved, petals entire, stamens pentadelphous in a double series, Capsule very longly rostrate. Rosacea Sub-Ord. Neuradeæ. 28. Neurada procumbens, Lin.: borders of Sinde desert, at base of Hala mountains, and near Shahpoor. This curious plant has heretofore been noted as a native of Egypt, Numidia and Arabia. Leguminosa. 29. Sophora tomentosa, Lin.? At Coombe in the Boogtee Beloch hills, a shrub of 4 feet. 30. Crotolaria arida, Royle: borders of desert. 31. Crotolaria oxalidifolia, Vic.: eastern base of Hala range. Prostrate or semi-erect, with branches from 6 to 8 inches long, all parts clothed with appressed strigose hairs, stipulæ lance-linear, adnate; leaves petioled, 3 foliate, leafets shortly petiololate, midleafet obcordate, lateral leafets oblique, obovate, blunt, peduncles slender, leaf opposed, legume sessile linear, trigone-hairy, 9-seeded and constricted between the seeds. 32. Tavernieria nummularia, D. C.; Hala mountains, near Deyrah. 33. Alhagi maurorum, Tourn; Sinde passim. 34. Cassia obovata, Collad. Sinde passim ; this plant is also abundant in the Punjaub. 35. Adenanthera pavoniana? Near villages, cultivated ? Plants of this order are comparitively rare in Sinde; my herbarium contains only four others, and two of these are Indigoferæ. Urticaceæ. 36. Forskalea ovata, Vic: Hala mountains. Plant rising erect to two feet, all parts clothed with sharp hooked hairs, leaves alternate, triplenerved, white, tomentose beneath excepting the nerves, lower ones broad ovate, upper ones ovate, all narrowed at base into the petioles and grossly dentate; involucres of 4-7, linear spatulate lobes. plant comes near F. tenacissima, and perhaps may be a broad-leaved, variety of it? Aristolochiacea. 37. Aristolochia bracteata; Lower Sinde. Chenopodiacea. 38. Salsola Indica. Sinde desert and Halas. 39. Salsola stricta? Upper and Lower Sinde. 40. This Anabasis florida, M. B. Borders of Sinde desert, and banks of Indus to near Bhawulpoor. 41. Atriplex verruciferum, M. B.? Sand hills near Kurrachee. I have doubtfully refered this as above, but it is probably a new species. The whole plant is lepidate-hoary and shrubby. Leaves short petioled, oblong, ovate, and obovate, blunt, narrowed at base into the petioles, lower leaves often remotely toothed. Upper leaves entire, valves of fruit orbicular with reflexed entire margins, and subcordate bases, lepidate otherwise smooth. Stamens of the male flowers 5. Phytolaccacea. 42. Limeum obovatum, Vic.: skirts of the Hala mountains near Kotree; roots ligneous, descending deep into the soil, stems herbaceous prostrate, minutely pubescent. Leaves cuneate obovate, and ovate, obtuse with a point, minutely pubescent, flowers leaf opposed. 3-5 together, very shortly pedunculate, pedicels minutely bibracteolate. This plant comes near L. Capense. Polygonacea. 43. Calligonum polygonoides? All Sinde. The specific characters of this curious genus are founded on peculiarities of the fruit; unfortunately I have never seen the fruit of our Sinde shrub, and have merely refered it to C. Polygonoides, because that plant makes a nearer approach in habitat to Sinde than C. Pallasia. This shrub is common throughout Sinde, and is found on the banks of the Indus nearly as far up as Bhawulpoor; near Shahpoor, at the eastern base of the Hala mountains, it is most abundant, forming small trees of 10 or 12 feet high, with a diameter of 6 to 10 inches at base; when in full flower it looks rather pretty. 45. Egiceras fragrans, Kon: mud flats Kurruchee harbour. Convolvulaceæ. 46. Ipomea bilobata; sand hills, Kurrachee. 47. Convolvulus lanuginosus, Desr: Hala mountains. 48. Convolvulus parviflorus, Vahl. ; base of mountains. 49. Breweria evolvuloides? Chois; Hala mountains. As I feel considerable uncertainty about this plant I add my note. Shrub erect of 1-2 feet, stems slender ligneous, all parts densely clothed with a sericeous pubes. Leaves very shortly petioled, elliptic, upper ones lanceolate, entire, mucronate and emarginate from the reflexed mucro, triple-nerved, pubes more dense beneath. Flowers axillary, 1 to 3 together, subsessile. Calyx persistent, not enlarging, with 2 linear bracts at base, sepals, 3 exterior and 2 interior, a little shorter, lanceolate acute, hairy out. Corol with a deeply 5 lobed limb, the lobes hairy out. Stamens scarce exsert, filaments broad at base with 5 short teeth alternating, anthers reniform-cordate, ovary 2-celled, |