صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Anderson, Major W.
Avdall, J. Esq.
Batten, J. H. Esq.
Baker, Capt. W. E.
Beaufort, F. L. Esq.
Briggs, Lieut. D.

Birch, Lieut.-Col. R. J. H.
Birch, Major F. W.
Bogle, Major A.
Brandreth, J. E. L. Esq.
Buckland, C. T. Esq.
Burton, Lieut. C. E.
Blagrave, Lieut. T. C.
Barlow, R. Esq.
Bushby, G. A. Esq.
Bowring, L. R. Esq.
Borrodaile, J. Esq.
Benson, Lieut. Col. R.
Benson, W. H. Esq.
Boyes, Capt. W. E.
Broome, Capt. A.
Cheape, G. C. Esq.
Corbyn, F. Esq.
Cust, R. N. Esq.
Campbell, A. Esq.
Colvin, J. R. Esq.

Cameron, Hon'ble C. H.
Cautley, Capt. P. S.
Colvin, B. J. Esq.
Christopher, A. Esq.

Connoyloll Tagore, Baboo.
Colville, J. Esq.
Dunlop, A. C. Esq.
Durand, Capt. H. M.
Davidson, T. R. Esq.

[blocks in formation]

Frith, R. W. G. Esq.
Grant, Sir J. P.
Grant, J. W. Esq.
Grant, W. P. Esq.
Gilmore, A. Esq.
Gladstone, M. Esq.
Goodwyn, Major H.
Grey, W. Esq.
Hardinge, C. S. Esq.
Hodgson, B. H. Esq.
Hannay, Capt. T. S.
Hays, Capt. Fletcher.
Hopkinson, Capt. H.
Hodgson, Major Genl. J. A.
Hay, Lord Arthur.
Henry, W. Dr.
Hæberlin, J. Dr.

Hill, G. Esq.

Heatly, S. G. T. Esq.

Houstoun, R. Esq.

Hume, J. Esq.

Hough, H. T. Esq.

Huffnagle, C. Esq.

Jameson, W. Esq.

Jenkins, Major F.
Jerdon, T. C. Esq.
Jackson, W. B. Esq.
Karr, W. Seton, Esq.
Kittoe, Capt. M.
Knighton, W. Esq.
Latter, Lieut. T.
Lushington, E. H. Esq.
Lushington, G. T. Esq.
Loch, G. Esq.
Laidley, J. W. Esq.
Lawrence, Major H. M.
McLeod, Major W. C.
Mill, J. B. Esq.
Middleton, J. Esq.
Maddock, Sir T. H.

[blocks in formation]

O'Shaughnessy, W. B. Esq. M. D. Shave, J. T. Esq.

Ommanney, M. C. Esq.

Pourcain, J. St. Esq.

Samuells, E. A. Esq.

Pratt, Rev. Mr.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ravenshaw, E. C. Esq.

Ryan, E. B. Esq.

Romanath Tagore, Baboo.

Rajah Radhakant Deb, Bahadoor.

Ramgopaul Ghose, Baboo.

Rustumjee Cowasjee, Esq.

Smith, Lieut. R. Baird.

Withers, Rev. G. U.
Willis, J. Esq.

Wattenbach, A. Esq.

Ward, J. Esq.
Walker, H. Esq.

Wilby, G. R. Esq.

Young, Dr.

[blocks in formation]

* This class of ordinary members consists of gentlemen who are exempted from the payment of subscriptions.-There is also an Honorary class chiefly of highly distinguished non-residents and foreigners, a list of whom will be subsequently published.-Secs.


FOR 1847.



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DR. E. ROER, Co-Secretary, Oriental Department.


H. PIDDINGTON, Esq. Curator Museum of Geology, &c.
E. BLYTH, ESQ. Ditto ditto Zoology, &c.







Notices and Descriptions of various New or Little Known Species of Birds. By ED. BLYTH, Curator of the Asiatic Society's Museum.

[Continued from p. 313, ante.]

Hirundo, Lin. The following are the Indian Swallows hitherto


1. H. rustica, Lin. This I have only seen from Nepal.* 2. H. gutturalis, Scopoli: H. panayana, Lath.; H. javanica, Sparrman; H. jewan, Sykes. The most common species of India generally, and of the Malay countries. Fine specimens only differ from the last in their smaller size. By far the finest which I have seen, is one in Dr. Cantor's collection from the Malayan Peninsula ; the outer tail-feathers of which exceed the next by two inches and a half; but the wing measures only four inches and three-eighths, or less than in either of eight specimens, young and old, from Nepal and England, now before me of H. rustica.

• During a recent excursion to the Midnapore jungles, I procured a single specimen of H. rustica, in company with H. gutturalis and H. daurica; the last named species much predominating, conformably with Mr. Jerdon's observation of its haunts. Upon quitting the river alluvium, a marked change in the zoology of the country became at once apparent. Pycnonotus flavirictus (the Criniger Tickelli, nobis, xiv, 571,) ap. peared in abundance; and the common Bengal Lark (Alauda gulgula) was no more seen or heard over the paddy-fields, while Mirafra assamica became replaced by M. affinis. In the jungles, Palæornis torquatus was completely replaced by No. II. NEW SERIES.


3. H. domicola, Jerdon: H. javanica apud Latham and Shaw.Neilgherries, Malayan peninsula, Java. I was wrong in identifying this bird with the Australian H. neoxena, Gould, in XIV, 547: the latter is H. pacifica, Lath., and H. javanica apud Vigors and Horsfield. In a fine specimen before me, the wing measures four inches and one-eighth, and the outermost tail-feather nearly three inches, exceeding the next by an inch and a quarter; whereas among several specimens of H. domicola (from the three localities cited), the wing does not exceed three inches and seven-eighths, and the outermost tail-feather is at most but half an inch longer than the middle pair.

4. H. filifera, Stephens: H. ruficeps, Licht.; H. filicauda, Franklin Wire-tailed Swallow, and the young-Rufous-headed Swallow, of Latham. Indian peninsula.

5. H. daurica, Lin.: H. alpestris, Pallas; H. erythropygia, Sykes; H. nipalensis, Hodgson. India generally; preferring the proximity of jungles (according to Mr. Jerdon): a casual and irregular visitant in Lower Bengal; but abundant in the Midnapore jungles, at least during the cold season.

P. cyanocephalus: Bucco asiaticus (v. cyanops, &c.,) by B. zeylanicus (v. caniceps) and the common Calcutta Crow (Corvus splendens) totally disappeared; its place being supplied by C. culminatus. Picus mahrattensis took the place of P. Macei. In lieu of the common Sparrow, the Passer (v. Gymnoris) flavicollis, with precisely the same note and manners, abounded upon the trees even near buildings, but without ever resorting to the latter. In the same trees were found Piprisoma agile, with the manners and note of a Dicœum; and Muscicapula melanoleuca and M. acornaus: also Athene radiatus, but less numerously than the common Ath. brama. Phyllornis aurifrons and Ph. Jerdoni occurred, the latter very abundantly; the notes of both being remarkably similar to those of the Dicruridae: and their manners at once recalled those of Iora, to which genus Phyllornis is considerably allied. Thamnobia cambaiensis was also common; and the manners and actions of this species revealed its affinity for the Shámah (Kittacincla macrourus) : its tail is usually carried very high, or rather over the back, displaying the rufous under-coverts. The Shámah was also obtained. Buceros albirostris was not rare, in small flocks; and B. birostris (v. ginginianus), in pairs: B pica (v. malabaricus) was also to be met with. In large tracts of coppice jungle, the Taccocua affinis (xv, 19,) or Rajmahl Sirkeer, occurred; and Malacocercus? hyperythrus, (Franklin,) differing from its representative in S. India, was not uncommon; also a small Prinia, of which the young had been previously sent me by Mr. Jerdon. The Drymoica sylvatica, (Jerdon,) inhabited more open situations. On the bare kunkur' soil, near Midnapore, Anthus rufulus was procured, but much less abundantly than the common Anth. malayensis: Lanius Hardwickii was also obtained in that neighbourhood, with other Shrikes: and about the pretty rocky hill of Gope, in the same vicinity, Edicnemus crepitans was particularly abundant. Turtur senegalensis was likewise obtained there. Nor was this trip less productive in other classes of animals; but details regarding these must be reserved.

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