PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, FOR NOVEMBER, 1847. www Proceedings of a meeting held on the evening of Wednesday, the 3d November, 1847. The Hon'ble Sir J. P. GRANT, in the chair. The proceedings of the September meeting were read and adopted— and the accounts for September and October submitted as usual. Lieut.-Col. Waugh, Surveyor General of India, was ballotted for and unanimously elected a member. Captain Rogers, R. N., Superintendant of the Bengal Marine, was proposed for ballot at the December meeting. Proposed by Dr. O'Shaughnessy, seconded by Col. Forbes. The Nuwab Nazim of Murshedabad, having been proposed as an ordinary member by H. Torrens, Esq., seconded by J. W. Laidlay, Esq., was, on the recommendation of the Council unanimously elected an Honorary member of the Society. Letters were read from J. S. Torrens, Esq. Midnapore, and Major Marshall, Calcutta, withdrawing their names from the list of members. To the Secretary of the Asiatic Society. SIR,-I beg to return the last Journal, and to withdraw my name from the Society, as I am going on leave for probably a considerable period. October 16th, 1847. Your Obedient Servant, G. T. MARSHALL. To the Secretary of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta. DEAR SIR,-I have the pleasure to send you a checque for Rs. 128, the amount of the demand against me for subscription to the Asiatic Society, as mentioned in your letter of the 17th inst. I take this opportunity of withdrawing my name from the list of subscribers, wishing success to the institution. September 3d, 1847. I am, Your's faithfully, J. S. TORRENS. Read letters from Mr. Secretary Bushby, Home Department, forwarding extracts from a memoir by Mr. Masters, on the Natural History of the Agami Hills, communicated through Major Jenkins. From the under-Secretary to the Government of India with the Governor General, and from the Secretary to the Government of the North Western Provinces, sending in duplicate two reports from Lieutenants Keatinge and Evans, on passages accomplished on the Nerbudda river from Mundlaisur to Baroach. From H. M. Elliott, Esq., announcing that Lieut. Strachey's memoir on the lake districts of Manasarowur has been placed in the hands of Mr. Batten of Almorah, to be forwarded to the Society. From Capt. Thuillier, Officiating Deputy Surveyor General, enclosing the Meteorological Register kept at the Surveyor General's Office for October. From Capt. Vicary, Subathoo, forwarding a memoir on the Botany of Sinde. From Mr. Laidlay, enclosing 16 Rupees, a subscription by Dr. Campbell of Darjeeling, for the repairs of the monument of Sir W. Jones, the restoration of which the Secretary stated had been entrusted to Messrs. Sherriff and Co. From Walter Elliot, Esq., Madras, sending a paper on the language of the Goands, and the identity of many of its terms with words now in use in the Telugu, Tamil and Canarese. From Brigadier Stacy, commanding at Neemuch, forwarding a drawing by Lieut. Anley of a rare and very large grasshopper, and tendering his cordial co-operation with the labours of the Society. From B. H. Hodgson, Esq., forwarding a list of coins, which are offered on sale, and which Mr. Hodgson can procure for the inspection of the Society. Dorjiling, October 1st, 1847. MY DEAR SIR,-The Society may possibly desire to purchase the coins of which I enclose the list. Let me know and I will procure inspection for you, if it may be. 1 Italian Napoleon, 5 Lire, 13 do. 20 Spanish, 1 Joseph, .. .... 5 Portuguese, 2 American Dollars, 1795-1808, 1 Pope Clemens 13th, 1761, 6 Belgiau, 5 do. 2 Sicilian, 14 do. 1 Burgundy, Brabant, 1618,.. 2 do. 1 Brunswick, 2 Russian, Cath. 2d,.. 5 Danish, from 1710 to 1808, 1 Jewish Shekel, 1 Charles 9th, 1607, 16 Spanish, Prussian, Bavarian, American, 7 Rupees of different Bundelcund states, 5 Burmah Rupees. 23 do. 4 do. do. Indian, .... 15 European, From B. H. Hodgson, Esq., regarding a donation of certain works he desires to forward to his Holiness the Pope. W. B. O'SHAUGHNESSY, Esq. Secretary, Asiatic Society, Calcutta. Dorjiling, 20th October, 1847. SIR, I am about to transmit to you a box containing forty-seven Volumes, as per accompanying list. These works were obtained by me from Lassa. through the kindness of the Chief Pontiff there, or grand Lama, and they are the whole remaining relics of the Library of the Tibetan Mission of the Propaganda at Rome. It is my wish that the books should be presented on my behalf to His Holiness the Pope, who is now gathering golden opinions throughout Europe by his sagacious and benevolent efforts for the regeneration of famous and beautiful Italy. The Society, or the Government, will, I feel assured, readily second my wishes by procuring the conveyance and presentation to be made in the most fitting and convenient manner, and upon that point I request you will be pleased to communicate with His Honor the President in Council. These books are all that could be obtained by earnest endeavours and inquiries; and, small as is their number, I believe that they will be acceptable on various accounts to His Holiness the Pope, and shall be delighted to hear that such has been the case. You are aware that the Church of Rome had formerly large and flourishing Missions in China, Tibet and Nepal. All went to utter ruin towards the close of the last century, when the few Christians belonging to the Nepalese Mission found refuge in Sarun. The works now forwarded are all that remains of the once flour ishing Mission in Tibet, whence the Missionaries were expelled by the Chinese into Nepal, and thence by the Gorkhas into Sarun. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, B. H. HODGSON. List of books presented to His Holiness Pope Pius IX. by B. H. HODGSON, of the Bengal Civil Service, late British Minister at the Court of Nepal. Names of works. Martyrologium Romanum. Venice, 1738,.. .... Storia della vita e del cultu Dis' Vincenzo Ferrerio. Rome, 1735, Volumes. 1 1 1 4 1 1 Ludolphi Vita Christi. Venice, 1637,.. Scholastica Commentaria Thomæ Aquinatis. Venice, 1691, 1 Summa universalis Theologiæ composita a Cacciaturo Arachiel Armeno. 1 1 1 Nuovo Legendario della Vita di Maria Vergine, &c. Venice, 1645,.... Delle Glorie de Sagri Tempi, Tre Libri. Rome, 1734, Dichiarazione di tutto cio che contiene la Religione Cristiana. Roma, Vita Toribii Alphonsi. Batavia, 1670, .. Bibliorum Sacrorum pars altera, 1 1 1 8 2 1 Repertorium Morale Authore R. P. Octavio Maria A. S. Joseph. Venice, 1706, 1 1 Institutiones Theologica ad usum Seminarii Pictaviensis. Pictav, 1727, 1 Meditazione del Lodovico da Ponte. Venice, 1719,.. Catechismus Exdecreto Concilii Tridentini. Brixiæ, 1632,.. 2 1 Secretorum Agri Enchiridion autore Antonio Mizaldo. Lutetiæ, 1560, 1 |