the form of a black flattish grain, bearing the pure metal slightly corroded. It occurs here, but more commonly at Ekaterinburgh. Not having witnessed the search for it, the particulars are less fresh in my recollection. I was told that it was found under much the same circumstances. Platinum coin is commonly current in Russia for about half the value of the same weight in gold, although it can be obtained cheaper. Of course the circulation is limited to the Russian Empire. But the extent of this is so great that not much inconveni ence accrues. Notes on the Viharas and Chaityas of Behar, by Capt. M. KITTOE, 6th Regt. N. I. The perusal of notices on the Buddhist annals by Hodgeson and Turnour, and of the inscriptions so ably translated by Prinsep, as well as my own observation of the many curious things I have occasionally met with, particularly in the vicinity of Gyah, have afforded me much room for reflection and speculation. Although no benefit to science may be derived by search for, or discovery of, the ruins or sites of the 18 Viharas mentioned in the Pali Buddhistical annals of Ceylon, nor of the 83,000 Chaityas which the Burmese believe to have been built by Asoka, still our interest or curiosity is excited in the search, and if successful in any degree, it must be admitted that a greater value becomes attached to these records than they might otherwise seem to deserve. Partial success increases our desire, and in following out one research, others suggest themselves, light is thrown on what formerly seemed darkness, truth on that which appeared but childish fable, and when such is the case, it must be accorded that history has gained a prize, hence it is that antiquarian research is not altogether an useless or idle one, it becomes interesting and instructive; acting upon this reasoning, I have taken advantage of my leisure after two years' hard though ill-requited labour in an official sphere, to drown unpleasant reflections thereon by resuming a study I had been obliged entirely to sacrifice to the calls of duty, and great will be my gratification if the result of my |