Ucchi raimát, Wúrrúr sipahi gullele-warré agdol pussitúr Ud vit ktissi, Gúlléle nuchi surritúr. She ran having cried out. Bow thrown away, he fled. She having it came and to Sing-Baba gave; Sing-Baba tunna tummúr singné gursi latur, Sing-Baba big brother little brother together played. Pittun púdúr tunna tummur tán tindúr Birds shot big brother little brother to them gave to eat Thé kina kina ke, Sandsumjí niga subé wátúr So continuing to do, Sandsumjí home returned with his friends Unni Sandsumjí nída latur peuk bouk wandum? lour ehat And Sandsumjí began to say has any one become inspired, let him arise; Penk bóuké waiyun? aga Sing-Baba úmhén kítun God into any one not entered? Then Sing-Baba inspiration received. Sing-Baba taksítúr tunna tummur sungue muttur Sing-Baba was coming, big brother little brother together were Wasi autúr, uddam atur wúrrúr Bummenál Wún Sing-Baba teta latur, Wur tedúr ; Sing-Baba penk techietur. Sing-Baba the image took up. Sube indalatúr ke imma boni andi? All began to say, that you who are you? Wur ittur ke immer urmiúun unni múramúr keat Wur vittar kesi tuttur. He ran and called. Yen múnté jins unde punchatité puná atur These three species before the punchaite assembled came. Jub Sing-Baba indalatur ké iwén puche kimpt Awen sun púché kial latur, yir búr áudúr? Múnne urmi wunktun yir Sandsúmjeénúr murri audur. Maiga rundidían mungi muttúr. Bahur mungí muttur Awittún niwa sarúnge ask tuttchi maiga pikkílé nuchi angí Unni igga hillé saiúr, to murana sarte nuchiche sítúr Awen púche kial atúr, Maiga Baban át ? From these asked, How into your house Baba came? Múraitún ké, Maiga rund dián mungi muttur Awen sarúngi ask agral wosi kúánte nuchi sitún Aga úndé hille saiúr. To agrul tunsi kójane bewatun There indeed not injured, thence taking I know not where took. Sing-Baban púché kial atúrké agrál imma behuth? Sing-Baba they questioned that thence you went where? Wúr ittur id nowa awan púche kimpt He said of my mother ask. Wúnna awal púllían púché kia latur They mother-tigress asked Imma bugga punné mátí? Ud it You where found? She said Mowa surde awe sarúngé ask muchiché mutta Udnetí tál Sing-Baban puttál atúr That day Sing-Baba illustrious became Unni pulliál núdé penk thairí mat And Tigress indeed as a God established became. Of Sandsumjee Baba this song is, Bhirri báns-Bhirri-ta sáka áud. Of Bhirry bamboo-jungle Bhirri the song is. JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY. APRIL, 1847. Journal of a Steam Trip to the North of Baghdad, in April, 1846, with notes on the various objects of interest met with. By Lieut. JONES, I. N. (Forwarded by P. MELVILL, Esq. Officiating Under Secretary to the Government of India.) Three years having elapsed since our former ascent of the Tigris above Baghdad, and anticipating from the early rise of the water a more favorable season and better success than we experienced before, arrangements were made accordingly for ascending the river early in March, but the presence of the vessel being again required at Basra, our departure was delayed until the 2d April, when the river had become considerably more rapid from the high rise having already set in. We however left Baghdad on the above day, with one month's provision, 12 tons of coal, and 9 tons of fire-wood fuel. Draught of water with the above stores on board, 3 feet 10 inches, aft, and 3 feet 5 inches forward; weighed from our moorings at 9-55 A. M., with two boats in tow, and passing through the Bridge of Boats, reached Triunba and Kathemein, the former at 10-35, the latter at 10-55. The banks of the river at this time present a beautiful appearance, the gardens exhibiting a diversity of trees of variously tinted foliage, and a delightful fragrance pervades the air from the now opening orange blossoms. The day is cool and pleasant, but a moderate north wind, though very refreshing, somewhat retards our progress. The river too is rising. At 1-45 arrived at Sherí at el Beitha on the right bank-2-33 No. IV. NEW SERIES. 2 s The country to Tel Goosh,* a mound on the right bank, bore west. the north of Tel Goosh between Khán Suweidiyah and the river, is known by the same name as the Khán, but the Khán is also sometimes termed Tarimyeh, from a lake situate in an old bed of the Tigris called Sh'taitha. This is now dry and is reported to be of the same width as the present river. 5 P. M. Khán Suweidiyah bore west, and Jedidah E. N. E. Many mounds of considerable size are to be seen south of Khán Suweidiyah, probably the Tel Kheir of Lynch's Map, but I searched in vain for the south end of the Sh'taitha † (or as it is misprinted in Arrowsmith's copy of Lynch's Map, the Shat Eidha) which is represented to join the present river near this spot. I am informed however that it is lost in the desert near this. Arrived at the Khán of Jeddiah at 5-3, but finding the stream very rapid near it, proceeded on for 20 minutes and anchored near the old Khán of the same name. The gardens to the north of Baghdad terminate abruptly about two miles above Kathemein on the right bank, but on the left, after leaving Móádhem, scattered villages and date groves are seen, as high as Tel Goosh; from whence to Jeddiah the country, at present, is highly cultivated with wheat and barley. On both banks, mud enclosures are met with every two or three hundred yards, in which the cattle used for the purposes of irrigation are kept, and numerous round isolated towers affording shelter to the cultivators from marauding parties, attest the imbecility of the present Government. The old adage of the sword in one hand and the plough in the other is here literally verified. Several mounds and lines of canals exist in this neighbourhood. According to Baillie Fraser, Mr. Ainsworth conceives that he has discovered in them the site of the Sitace of Xenophon. Major Rawlinson however, deems the present suburbs of Baghdad on the west side of the Tigris, to stand on a part of the ancient Sitace; indeed the recent discovery of large masses of brickwork on this spot, bearing the Babylonian cuneiform character, in October last year, when the river was lower than it was ever remembered to have been, would seem to identify it as the site of some very large city. The great extent of the ruins, the size of the bricks, the great depth at which they are found (24 feet below the surface of the soil) justify, in my opinion, Major Rawlinson's conclusions and above all the cuneiform characters on each alternate layer of bricks, point out, clearly the pains taken in the construction of the buildings, rendering the supposition that they had been brought originally from Babylon highly improbable. + Could this name, although at present an Arabic term signifying the old river," be a corruption of the early Arabs, from the name of the Town or district of Sitace? The land adjoining Jedidah, Howeish, Mansuriyeh, Sadiyeh and several other villages, although washed by the Tigris, is irrigated by cuts from the Khalis canal. |