صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




MAY, 1847.

The usual monthly meeting of the Asiatic Society was held on Wednesday the 5th May.

The Honble Sir J. P. GRANT, in the Chair.

The Proceedings of last meeting were read and confirmed.

The accounts and vouchers for the past month were submitted as usual.

The following gentlemen, duly proposed and seconded at the April meeting, were ballotted for and elected :

Capt. J. C. Hanyngton,

Rev. Jas. Thomson.

G. Udny, Esq. C. S.

R. Thwaites, Esq.

M. E. Gibelin, of Pondicherry.

J. R. Logan, Esq.

James S. Blakie Scott, Esq.

Falconer Chute Sandes, Esq.

Warren H. Leslie Frith, Esq.
Robt. Thomas, Esq.


The following gentlemen were named as candidates for admission (to be ballotted for at June meeting).

R. O'Dowda, Esq., proposed by Dr. O'Shaughnessy, seconded by Lieut.-Col. Forbes.

Lieut. Thuillier, Bengal Artillery, proposed by Dr. Stewart, and seconded by Dr. O'Shaughnessy.

J. B. Elliott, Esq. C. S. Patna, proposed by Mr. Laidlay, seconded by Capt. Munro.

H. W. Elliott, Esq. C. S., Sec. to Govt. of India, proposed by Dr. Roer, seconded by Mr. Bushby.

John Johnstone, Esq., proposed by Mr. R. W. G. Frith, seconded by Mr. Laidlay.

Capt. Thos. Brodie, 5th N. I. Principal Assistant Commissioner, Sibsagur, Assam, proposed by Major Jenkins, seconded by Dr. Roer. Lieut. Ed. Tuite Dalton, 9th Regt. N. I. Asst. to Comr. of Assam, proposed by Major Jenkins, seconded by Dr. Roer.

C. B. Skinner, Esq. proposed by Mr. Laidlay, seconded by Dr. O'Shaughnessy.

F. E. Hall, Esq. of Harvard College, United States, proposed by the Lord Bishop, seconded by the Rev. Mr. Pratt.

Read letters from Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department.

From G. A. BUSHBY, Esq.

Secy, to the Govt. of India, to Senior Secretary to the Asiatic Society Home Department.

SIR,-I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 16th ultimo, and to state that the Society's application to be permitted to indent on the Hon'ble Company's Dispensary for a monthly supply of 10 gallons of Spirits of Wine for the preservation of specimens in the Zoological Museum, has been submitted to the Hon'ble the Court of Directors, under whose authority the present monthly payment of 50 Rs. is made to the Society for the cost of preparing specimens and maintaining collections of natural history.

2. I am at the same time directed to request you will place before the Society the accompanying copy of a despatch from the Hon'ble Court, dated the 17th February last, No. 5, in which they convey their acknowledgments for the contributions made by the Society to the Museum at the East India House, and request that specimens of new subjects illustrative of the Natural History of India, may be furnished as they are discovered and collected.

I have the honor to be,


Your most Obedient Servant,

G. A. BUSHBY, Secy, to the Govt. of India.

Council Chamber, the 24th April, 1847.

Public Department.

No. 5 of 1847.

Our Governor General of India in Council.

1. Our attention having been directed to the contributions which have been made to our Museum in this House by the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and particularly to the collections received in this country during the last five years, we desire to acknowledge the friendly co-operation of the Society in furtherance of one of the chief designs of our Museum, viz. the establishment in certain departments of a complete series of subjects illustrative of the Zoology of India. The collections which we have thus received and which with some others have been the results of public missions on behalf of Government, have supplied to the Museum most of the common subjects of Indian Ornithology, and specimens in other departments of Zoology, but in order to carry out the design, it is highly desirable that specimens of new subjects as they may be discovered and collected should be furnished to us without delay.

In expressing as we now direct you to do our acknowledgments to the Asiatic Society, for the valuable additions which from time to time have been made to our Museum through their instrumentality, and which are highly creditable to the Society's officers, it is our wish that you should bring to the notice of the President and Council of the Society, the importance which we attach to the early contribution to our Museum of newly discovered subjects illustrative of the Natural History of India, and upon this point we would refer you to our despatch of the 18th September, 1839, on the occasion of the provision by the Court of a salary for the Curator of the Calcutta Museum. We are, &c.

London, 17th Feb. 1847.

(True Copy)


Secy, to the Govt. of India.

From the Secretary to Superintendent of Marine with Meteorological Register kept at Kyook Phoo for March.

From Lieut. Thuillier, Officiating Deputy Surveyor General, with Meteorological Register kept at the Surveyor General's office, Calcutta, for March.

From the Secretary to the Military Board requesting information regarding the Timber Trees of Bengal. The subject was referred, on the recommendation of the Committee of Papers, to Captain Munro, who was solicited to report upon it through the Committee.

From Captain Newbold, through Mr. Piddington, forwarding a notice by Hekekyan Bey, late President of the Ecole Polytechnique of Cairo, on the temples and emerald mines in the eastern desert of Egypt. Captain Newbold also forwarded some minerals referred to in a memorandum annexed to the Bey's paper.

From Mr. Hodgson, Darjeeling, on the Megaderme of the Terai, with plate on the Pigmy Hog of the Sál forest, with plate,-returning thanks for the Society's present of M. Csoma de Koros' Grammar and Dictionary of the Tibetan language,-and announcing despatch of the Preface to and first part of a series of Essays on the Aborigines of the Eastern part of the Sub-Himalayas and Terai.

From Captain Hutton, Mussoorie, 4th April, on the Oris Ammonoides of Hodgson, and corroborating Mr. H.'s views regarding that animal. From Major Showers, Murshedabad, with copy of a Persian inscription (and translation) on a gun found near Murshedabad, and which formed part of the train of Mohabut Jung, usually called Aliverdi Khan.

From Vincent Tregear, Esq. for copies of certain Oriental works, to be disposed of for the Society.

The Librarian was directed to comply with Mr. Tregear's wishes. From Dr. O'Shaughnessy, reporting the Assay by the Assay Master, Mr. Dodd, of the Gold dust from the Beas river, forwarded by Captain Jas. Abbott, and which was found to contain in 100 parts.

Assay Report.
C. Gns.

Pure Gold.


Alloy. 5.990

than standard.

On the Land Shells of the Tenasserim Provinces, by the Rev. F. Mason, A.M. (Ordered for publication.)

From J. G. Delmerick, Esq. forwarding some copper and silver coins found at Pertabghur.

[The copper coins sent by Mr. Delmerick are of no interest whatever. The seven larger ones are Juanpore coins of "Husain Shah, bin Ibrahim Shah, bin Mahmood Shah;" and are very common. The smaller ones are very much corroded; but have evidently Buddhist emblems.]

The Report on the "Vedas" (see May number) was brought up, having been circulated to resident members for consideration prior to the meeting and the several propositions made by the Committee respecting the publication were unanimously adopted.

The following propositions by the Committee of Papers were submitted and unanimously agreed to :

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1. That Hekekyan Bey, late President of the Ecole Polytechnique of Cairo, on the recommendation of Capt. Newbold, seconded by Mr. Piddington and Mr. Welby Jackson, be elected an Honorary Member of the Asiatic Society, and presented with copies of their Researches, Journal and Oriental publications.

2. The Rev. Dr. Hæberlin having officially addressed the Senior Secretary, declaring his inability from absence, to take that part he would desire to do in the Society's proceedings, and tendering his resignation as member of the Committee of Papers and Oriental Section, the Committee of Papers renew their proposition of Baboo Debendronath Tagore, as a member of the Committee of Papers, vice Dr. Hæberlin.

3. The Committee of Papers recommend that Mr. G. Wilby be requested to act as a member of the Section of Mineralogy and Geology. The usual monthly Reports of the Librarian and Curators were submitted.

Books received for the Meeting of the 5th May, 1847.


Meteorological Register kept at the Surveyor General's Office, for the month of March, 1847.-FROM THE SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE.

Ditto ditto kept at Kyouk Phyoo during March, 1847.-BY THE SECRETARY TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF MARINE.

The Calcutta Christian Observer for May, 1847.-BY THE EDITORS.
The Oriental Baptist, Nos. 1 to 5.-BY THE EDITOR.

The Oopadeshak, a Bengali periodical, Nos. 1 to 5.-BY THE EDITOR. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, udgivet af det Kongelige Nordiske Aldskrift-Selskab, 1843-1845, Anclet Hefte.-BY THE SOCIETE' ROYALE DES ANTIQUAIRES DU NORD.

Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, udgivne af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab, 1844-5.-BY THE SAME.

Americas Arctiske landes Gamle Geographie efter de Nordiske Oldskrifter, ved Carl Christian Rafn.-BY THE SAME.

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