Memorandum of composition of specimen of Coal from Junk Ceylon, compared with that of English Cannel Coal. † Berthier.-Traite des Essais, Vol. 1, pp. 328, 336 and 339. (No. 469.) From the Under Secretary to the Government of Bengal, To the Governor of Prince of Wales' Island, Singapore and Malacca, SIR,-I am directed to transmit for your information copy of a letter from the Mint Master of Calcutta, No. 456, dated the 30th ultimo, with the Chemical Examiner's Report which accompanied it, on the specimen of Coal received with your letter No. 31, dated the 27th February last. 2. You will observe that the quantity forwarded by you was not sufficient for such experiments as are conducted in the Steam Engine and Mint Furnaces, and you are therefore requested to procure a larger supply of the same description of Coal. It is very desirable too that the locality in which it is found should be more accurately ascertained and described, and the Deputy Governor feels assured that you will use every effort to obtain the fullest particulars on this point as well as every other connected with this important subject. I have, &c. (Signed) A. R. YOUNG, Under-Secretary to the Government of Bengal. Fort William, the 19th May, 1847. (True Copies.) A. R. YOUNG, Under-Secretary to the Government of Bengal. From Captain James Abbott, giving further details on the manufac ture of the Damasqued sword blades of Goojrat. From Mr. Hodgson, forwarding a paper on the crestless Porcupine, with plates. From the Rev. Mr. Mason ditto on the Gamboge tree of Tenasserim. From Dr. Cantor ditto on the Reptiles of the Malayan peninsula and Islands. From Mr. Piddington, presenting a chart of the hurricanes in the bay of Bengal. From the Officiating Deputy Surveyor General, presenting the Meteorological Register for May. From Mr. Hodgson, presenting a paper on various genera of the Ruminants, with plates. From the Librarian, submitting the MS. of a popular catalogue of the curiosities in the Society's Museum, (referred to the Committee of Papers.) From Mr. Blyth, applying for a supply of spirits of Wine for the Museum. The purchase of 6 gallons monthly was sanctioned accordingly. A memorandum was submitted from the Oriental Section, recommending the publication of Mr. Hodgson's Essays on the Bodo, Dhimál and Koch dialects of the sub-Himalayan aborigines, to be published as a separate work, at the expense of the Oriental Fund. Resolved that this proposition be referred to the Committee of Papers, it being doubtful whether the Oriental Fund can be employed for any but classical or ancient works. On the proposition of the Secretaries, on the part of the Committee of Papers, a copy of Victor Jacquemont's Travels in India was directed to be purchased for the Library. The following list was submitted by the Librarian :— Books received for the Meeting of Wednesday, the 2d June, 1847. PRESENTED. The Chenchwars, a wild tribe inhabiting the forests of the Eastern Ghauts, by Captain Newbold.-BY THE AUTHOR. The Gospel of St. Matthew, translated and printed in the Lepcha language, by the Rev. William Start, Missionary at Darjeeling.-BY THE AUTHOR. Summary of the Geology of Southern India, by Captain Newbold.-By THE AUTHOR. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, Vol. IV. No. 5-7.-BY THE SOCIETY. خلد Account of a Visit to the Bitter Lakes, Isthmus of Suez, by the bed of the ancient Canal of Nechos, the "Khalej al kudim" of the Arabs, in June 1842, by Captain Newbold.—BY THE AUThor. Description of the Wild Ass and Wolf of Tibet, with illustrations, by B. H. Hodgson, Esq.-BY THE AUTHOR. Catalogue of the specimens and drawings of Mammalia and birds of Nepal and Thibet, presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. to the British Museum. Two copies.-By B. H. HODGSON, Esq. Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 62 to 66.-BY THE SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, part XIII. 1845.-By THE SOCIETY. Le Moniteur des Indes Orientales et Occidentales, No. II.-BY THE EDITORS. Meteorological Register kept at the Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta, for the month of April, 1847.-BY THE OFFICIATING DEPUTY SURVEYOR GENERAL. Ditto ditto kept at Kyook Phyoo during April, 1847.-BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF MARINE. Address of the most noble the Marquis of Northampton, read at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, on November 30, 1846.-BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol. XVI. part II.-BY THE SOCIETY. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, for the year 1846.-BY THE SOCIETY. Account of an Excursion in search of Ancient Inscriptions and other Relics in India, by a field officer of the Engineer corps.-BY THE AUTHOR. EXCHANGED. Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, Vol. V. part IV. PURCHASED. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, No. 200. The Curators of the Museums presented their usual monthly Reports. Report of the Curator Museum of Economic Geology for May, 1847. I have been employed examining various matters in the departments under my charge during the past month, but some are not completed and others not worth reporting upon. Geology and Mineralogy. Dr. Spilsbury has sent us an additional supply of specimens of the ferruginous spherules described in my report of Sept 1846, as possibly volcanic. I have put into a separate notice for the Journal the result examination of one of them, which appears to me to demonstrate that they have not been derived from organic bodies. of my Col. Ouseley has sent us a further and an abundant supply of the remarkable fibrous limestone with impure chalk (for chalk it certainly is if we use the name without reference to the organic contents of the purer European chalks) described in my last, and both in a mineral and a geological point of view, it is highly interesting; the layer of matrix is in some specimens fully half an inch thick! Economic Geology. Major Jenkins has sent us from Assam a curious kind of beads held in much veneration by the Singphos. I have put it into the form of a short paper for the Journal, the examination I was able to make of the minute specimen we could afford to take, being about -13 grain in weight, so as to preserve for the Museum these singular specimens for comparison. When we can obtain others a more complete analysis may be made and the question settled of whether they are artificial or natural productions. Dr. Spilsbury has sent us (Report of March, 1847) another, and this time a handsome specimen of the Copper Ore of Sahgurh* which is really a very fine and promising one, being a pure green and steel-grey oxide, probably a silico-carbonate of Copper dispersed in spots and masses through a quartz matrix with very little iron and apparently no sulphur in combination. It is to be regretted that such a promising ore is not wrought, but the expense of carriage from such a spot would be a heavy charge even on the manufactured produce. He sends also a bar of iron from Tendook hairie which, his note says cannot be wrought for the copper," but the obstacle is not copper, * From Sowrage, Sahgurh Raja's present capital, 9 miles north of Dhumonee, and 32 miles south of Tehree. |