Pr. Barbei (?), nobis, n. s.? Adult male and female, from the Tenasserim province of Ye; presented by the Rev. J. Barbe. Intermediate to the preceding species and to Pr. obscurus; but seemingly, distinct from both. There is no vertical crest, as in the former; nor is the occipital hair lengthened and conspicuously much paler, as invariably in the latter species: but the shoulders and outside of the arm are silvered in both specimens; and the under-parts resemble those of Pr. obscurus. The tail is very slightly paler than the body; whereas in twelve adults of Pr. obscurus (lying together before me, at the time of drawing up this description), the tail is in every one much paler than the body. The size of the full grown animal is also considerably inferior to that of Pr. obscurus, and perhaps a little exceeds that of Pr. Phayrei. In the female specimen, there is a white space at the interior base of the thigh, more developed on one side than on the other. The pale markings of the face resemble those of Pr. obscurus. If a variety of either, however, (which I suspect it is not,) it should rather be referred to Pr. Phayrei. Pr. obscurus, (Reid.) Adult male and female, newly born young, and one a little older; presented by R. W. G. Frith, Esq. half grown male, and newly born young; presented by E. Lindstedt, Esq. All from Malacca. Of the three very small specimens, the youngest is entirely of a bright light fulvous hue, without any admixture of dark hairs: the second has a general slight admixture of dark hairs, which predominate on the forehead, vertex, and occiput, while the sincipita continue bright fulvous; the arms and hands, knees, shins, and feet, are as dark as in the adult: the third, but very little larger, is coloured as in the mature animal, except that the terminal threefourths of its tail continue rufous; and some admixture of the same remains on the sincipita, throat, flanks, and exterior of thighs. In the half-grown specimen, an extremely faint vestige of this rufous is still traceable upon the tail only. Pr. Johnii, (Fischer :) Semnopithecus cucullatus, Is. Geoffroy. Adult male, received dead from Barrackpore: and a female, from the Nilgherries, with very long hair on the head; presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. Pr. cephalopterus, (Zimmerman, with numerous synonymes.) Full grown female, purchased alive: adult male, of a brown variety (not in very good order), from Ceylon; presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. No trace, at least, is visible on either of the two dry specimens: but the taxidermist lad who prepared them asserts, very positively, that they had a thin raised crest upon the vertex, when fresh and also that a young one was obtained alive, when the female was shot, of a pale rufous colour when of the size of the Society's two young specimens of Ph. Phayrei, which do not differ in colour from the adult animal Pr. pileatus, nobis, XII, 174, XIII, 467. Adult male and female, from the interior of the Chittagong hills; presented by the Rev. J. Barbe: another adult male, from the Tipperah hills; presented by F. Skipwith, Esq.; and a female, from the Barrackpore menagerie. The males of this species seem always to be of a deep rust-colour on the cheeks, lower-parts, and more or less on the outer side of the legs; while in the females this rust-colour is dilute and weak. Pl. XXVI, fig. 2. Pr. maurus, (Lin.) Adult male, purchased dead. Inhabits Java. Of the great series of South American Monkeys, constituting the Platyrhini of M. Geoffroy, we have only two specimens at present : Callithrix sciureus, (Lin.): and Jacchus vulgaris, Geoffroy; Simia jacchus, Lin. Both inhabitants of Brazil, and presented by Mr. Bartlett. Of the Lemuria, or Strepsirhini of M. Geoffroy, comprising the two families Lemuride and Galeopithecida, the following species of Lemurida. Lemur mococo, Lin. (Old collection). Inhabits Madagascar. Nycticebus tardigradus, (Lin., apud Raffles.) Three marked varieties, and a fourth which is perhaps distinct.-1. Javanese variety, N. javanicus, Geoff. Specimen from Java, presented by the Batavian Society. Colour fulvescent. Two strongly marked and defined dark bands, ascending from around the eyes, meet at the occiput, where another equally defined band crosses them from ear to ear: the united occipital band is continued along the back, and becomes gradually evanescent towards the short tail.-2. Malacca variety. Equally fulvescent with the last; but the white, ascending from between the eyes, in general much diminished in quantity: around the eyes dark; but no defined bands ascending therefrom, the summit of the head being of a uniform diffused rust-colour, in which the markings of the preceding variety may sometimes be faintly traced: the occipital and dorsal stripe sometimes well developed, not unfrequently indistinct. Three specimens ; two presented by the Rev. F. J. Lindstedt, one having the dorsal band well defined, the other indistinct; the third, with indistinct facial markings as in the preceding variety, presented by R. W. G. Frith, Esq.-3. Bengal, Assam, Sylhet, and Arracan variety. In general much paler than the others, occasionally almost white: the ears and around the eyes dark, but rarely a trace of the frontal and sincipital bands; the glabellar streak, between the eyes, white and distinct; the frontal region uniformly albescent: specimen from Goalpara, presented by Dr. Thorburn: another, from Arracan, presented by Capt. Phayre: and a female and young from Tipperah, presented alive by F. Skipwith, Esq. This female is prepared as a skeleton.-4. Very deep-coloured variety (?), with remarkably short limbs; locality unknown. From the Society's old collection. Loris gracilis, Geoffroy. Two specimens, presented by W. Elliot, Esq.; also a skeleton. Inhabits the Coromandel coast and Ceylon. A third mounted specimen was received from the Calcutta Medical College, stuffed its locality being unknown. It is probably a distinct species; the ears are much larger and broader than usual, though apparently somewhat stretched; and the limbs are much less elongated. The skull of this specimen and that of Nycticebus tardigradus var. 4, have been taken out, and are now in the Museum ; the specimens also have been re-stuffed, and their limb-bones examined : both were fully mature animals, the skulls presenting no peculiar distinctive characters; but the fore-arm of Loris gracilis var. (?) measures but 2 inch, instead of fully 3 inches. Of Galeopithecida, we have— Galeopithecus Temminckii, Waterhouse. Four Malacca specimens, of different ages, presented by C. Huffnagle, Esq., R. W. G. Frith, Esq., and the Rev. F. J. Lindstedt. Such is our present collection of Quadrumana: and I think I am entitled to add, that only the following specimens existed at the time of my taking charge of the Society's Museum.-1. The Orang-utan skin presented by Capt. Cornfoot, since mounted on wire. 2 and 3. Half grown specimens of Hylobates hoolock and H. lar, since replaced by better ones. 4. Presbytis entellus, half-grown, and since replaced. 5. Cercopithecus sabæus, since re-stuffed, and the skull taken out and cleaned. 6. Lemur mococo. 7. Nycticebus tardigradus, var. 4. Also the skeleton of an adult female small Orang-utan (imperfect), presented by Mr. Frith; skull of large male do; and skeleton of the Semnopithecus maurus apud Helfer, which is probably Presbytis Barbei. With a larger establishment, I should by this time have had a much more extensive collection of mounted skeletons. The following are our chief Asiatic desiderata in this order, confining our attention to India and the countries adjacent. From India proper, we require good series of all the different Monkeys that have been confounded under Presbytis entellus. Such are-Pr. schistaceus of the Himalaya, Pr. anchises, Pr. priamus, and Pr. hypoleucos. In fact, specimens of Hoonumans or Lungoors from any distant part of the country are extremely acceptable, as illustrating the precise distribution of the several species, and perhaps adding to their number. We also require the Inuus assamensis, and I. pelops (the hill representative of I. rhesus), and the Macacus sinicus from Ceylon. From Arracan, fine adults of Presbytis Phayrei; and from the Tenasserim provinces a living specimen of Pr. Barbei. Also good specimens, and living (if possible), of Inuus arctoides. From the Malayan peninsula and islands, additional species of Hylobates and Presbytis, as especially H. agilis, Pr. cristatus, and Pr. femoralis, obtained in the peninsula by Dr. Cantor. Also the genus Tarsius: and, of course, any novelties that may yet be discovered in these countries: the Tenasserim provinces, more especially, having hitherto been very inadequately explored. E. BLYTH. For all contributions and donations as above detailed, the thanks of the Society were directed to be conveyed in the usual manner. ERRATUM. We are requested to state that the designation of M. E. Gibelin, recently elected a member of the Asiatic Society, is Procureur General, not Procureur du Roi, which is an inferior office.-EDS. Days of the Month. Maximum Pressure observed at 9h 50m. Temperature. Wind. Aspect of the Sky. Minimum Pressure observed at 4 p. m. Temperature. Wind. Aspect of the Sky. Rain Feet Feet Inch Inch Maximum Temperature. Upper Lower 8 Overcast. .515 94.0 91.8 84.6 S. Clear. 10 .498 92.5 90.0 84.0 E. Cumuli. 11 .555 92.7 89.3 82.2 S. E. Cumuli. 12 .541 86.3 86.0 82.0 N. E. Cloudy. .432 88.6 87.0 80.1 S. E. Cloudy. 90.8 0-31 0.35 Meteorological Register kept at the Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta, for the Month of June, 1847. Inches. Inches. 12345 29.540 90.0 88.0 82.9 W. .550 91.0 89.9 82.6 S. Cirrostrati. Cirrostrati. .562 88.0 86.4 81.3 SW. Cloudy. .567 90.0 89.0 83.3 S. Cloudy. 519 89.0 88.8 82.0 W.SW Cloudy. 29.428 95.2 93.0 82.5 S. Cumulo strati. 96.0 0.29 0.38 Cumulo strati. 96.6 0.39 0.47 Cumuli. 89.2 0.16 0.23 Cumulo strati. 97.8 1.72 1.80 Cloudy. 92.0 .548 85.5 85.0 79.0 S. Cloudy. .463 89.0 88.4 81.5 S. Cloudy. 92.2 .559 92.0 90.6 81.0 W.SW Light Hazes. .490 92.0 90.0 83.0 E. Cloudy. 95.1 0.05 0.11 .615 80.0 81.0 77.9 S. E. Cloudy. Drizzly. Cumuli. Cumuli. 1.95 2.30 Mean 29.585 89.1 87.5 81.8 29.494 90.1 88.5 81.7) 92.7 10.28 12.01 |