Africa, المجلد 23Oxford University Press, 1953 Includes Proceedings of the Executive council and List of members, also section "Review of books". |
Sir Reginald Coupland Günter Wagner I | 3 |
Conservatism and Modern Adaptation in Luvale Female Puberty Ritual | 15 |
Les Groupes de Parenté du Rwanda Ancien Jacques J Maquet | 23 |
32 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
administration Arab areas Bantu Batwa boys bridewealth British Bruxelles Bull Bushmen called ceremony chiefs Christian church claim clan colonial Congo Belge Court craft craftsmen culture d'une deux Dinka district E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD economic Eland été European fait father Freetown Gambia girl Gold Coast Government guild head of cattle husband IFAN International African Institute inzu Iteso Kadara Kagoro kinship kinsmen Konkomba l'inzu labour land language lignée lineage linguistic living London Luvale marriage married matrilineal meeting ment missionaries mwendiokwia Native Nigeria Nuer organization payment person political population problems pygmies qu'il région relations relationship rites ritual Rwanda sacrifice secondary marriage Shilluk Sierra Leone social society South Southern Rhodesia Sudan Swahili Tanganyika territory tion Tonga town traditional tribal tribes Uganda Union unit urban village West Africa West African Students wife women word Yoruba