No. 332 of Çrikūrmam shows that Jagannatha Dēva of the Eastern Çalukya family was a feudatory of this king. No. 302 mentions a grant of one Gharaḍamaji Çri-rāma-sēnāpati, who is described as the military chief of Kalinga (kaliṁga-rakṣapāla), breaker of Kumēļi (kumēļi-bhaṁjam), slayer of Kañcāla (Kaṁcāla-çiraç-chēdana) reducer of Kōnddu (Kōmddu-marddana), a lion to Gaṇḍra-dāmu Kōrama (Gaṁḍradāmukōrama simhya-maina), and lastly the own servant and minister (amaitya) of Bhānu Dēva. Except Kalinga, none of the other names I am able to identify. XII. Nrsimha Déva III. [Çaka 1249-50 Çaka 1274-5.] The undermentioned inscriptions of this king's reign have come to 1 T. 2 S. & O. 3 T. 4 7 Çrikurmam. Çri-Pratāpa-vīrā-di vīra-N a ra nāra - Ep. Rep., No. 337, of Ditto. myām, Çrikurmam. (or again below) Prata (a)pa-Ori-vira- Ep. Rep., No. 331, of Verified. Pratapa-vira-Ori-Narana ra si m hy a paurnnami Sōma-vāramuna, or year Ep. Rep., No. 314, of Ditto. 7, Rṣava pūrṇimā, Monday=11th May, A.D. 1332. Çaka-varu(*sa)mbulu 1263 ganēmțți Jyestha-çukla-pamcami Guruvara- Çrikurmam. Çak-abde Rama-tarkka-çravana-ça çi-Ep. Rep., No. 345, of Irregular. S.&T. yutē Jyēṣṭha-çuklē capakṣe pañca myām Jiva-vārē-bhijiti çubha-dinē, or Çaka 1263, Jyēṣṭha Qu. 5, Thursday. Çrikurmam. Çaka-varṣaṁbulu 1263 gun n ē mṭṭi Ep. Rep., No. 300, of Verified. Pratāpa-çri-vira-Naranarasimhya- 18 çrahini Kumba(bha)-kṛṣṇa-daça- (or in words) Çāk-ābdē rāma-tarkka- or Çaka 1263, year 18, Kumbha Kr. 10, Çrikurmam. Çaka-varşambulu 1265 gunnemṭṭi Ep. Rep., No. 308, of Irregular. (or in words) Bāṇa-tarkk-ākṣi-çaçi- Çrikūrmam. Çrikurmam. Çaka-varṣambula 1267 gunnēmṭṭi- Ep. Rep., No. 358, of Verified. Çaka-vatsarē muni-ru(r)tur-nnētr- Ep. Rep., No. 344, of Irregular. 8 S. ēndu-saṁkhy-anvitē māsē çākṣara Çrikūrmam. sabdite pratipade çubhr-amçu-vārē çubhē Qrimat Çri-Narasimhya-dēva dharaṇī-nāthasya, or Çaka 1267, Ģrā vana (?) Qu. (?) 1, Monday. Çaka-varuşambulu 1267 gunemți Ep. Rep., No. 319, of T. Pratapa-vira-Naranarasimhya - dēva Orikurmam. sya pravarddhamana-vijaya-rajya ṣamvatsaraṁbulu 23 çrāhi Kumbha çukla-pratipadā Buda(dha)-vārān, or Çaka 1267, year 23, Kumbha Qu. 1, Qāk-abde çruti-simdhu-nētra-dharaṇī- Ep. Rep., No. 309, of Ep. Rep., No. 310, of Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. 1st year. The last year will be the first year of his successor, viz., Çaka Last year. 1274-5. The copperplate year 24 does not agree with the years of reign thus deduced, 26. But the total of years given in the copperplates to this king, his predecessor and his successor comes out equal to the total of years as deduced from their inscriptions. He was son of Bhānu Dēva II by the queen Lakṣmi Dēvi. The Puri copperplates name only one queen of his, Kamala Devi; but in the Crikurmam inscriptions, Ganga Devi alias Gangamba or Gangambika (Nos. 308, 309, 343, and 344), and probably Kōmmi-dēvammā (Nos. 310 and 345) are mentioned as his queens.. Is Kōmmidēvammā another name of Kāmala Dēvi? He had a daughter through Kōmmidēvammā named Sītā Dēvi (No. 345), and No. 343 records a grant of this Sitā Dēvi. No. 324 records a remarkable grant of Vira-Bhānu-Dēva III, by which he gave to the temple of Çrikūrmaṁ images of Vira-Narasimha Dēva and Gangāmbikā holding lamps. From this is it to be inferred that Gaŋgāmbikā was the mother of Bhānu Dēva III and not Kamala Devi as stated in the copperplates ? XIII. Bhānu Dēva III. [Çaka 1274-5 Çaka 1300-1]. Only three inscriptions of this king's rule have hitherto been found: MATERIALS. 1 T. Çaka-varuşaṁbulu 1276 gunēṁți Pra- Ep. Rep., No. 315, of | Verified. tāpa-vīra-Bāņu-dēvara pravard. Çrikurmam. (*dh)amāna - vijaya - rājya-saṁ(*va-) Bhadrapada Qu. 1, Wednesday=31st லம் 3 Vira-Ori-Bhānu-dēvasya pravardd ha - Ep. Rep., No. 324, of māna-vijaya-rajya-tṛtīy-āŋkkē Maka- or Çaka 1275, year 3, month Phalguna 754 A.H. or A.D. 1353 Orikurmam. Ep. Rep., No. 336, of Brigg's Firishta, II, Ditto. Ditto.. Excursion of the Bengal Sultan, Shams-u ddin Hājī Ilyas into Jaj-nagar. From the initial year of the succeeding king, we get Çaka 1300-1 as the last year of this king. The intervening period comes to 27th year against Last year. 26 allotted in the copperplates. As noticed under Nrsimha Dēva III, the total of years in the copperplates for these three kings, viz., 74, is just equal to the number of years intervening between 1227-8 and 1300-1. He was son of Nrsimha Dēva III by Kāmala Dēvi. He has Relationship and Ti. been variously styled as Çri-Vira or ViraÇri-Bhānu Dēva, and Pratapa-Vira-Bhānu Dēva. tles. No. 324, of Çrīkūrmaṁ records that the king gave images of ViraNarasimha-Dēva and of Gangambikā holding lamps, on the 1st day of Pauça çukla paksa. Historical Facts. In A.D. 1353, Haji Ilyas, the Bengal ruler, apparently hearing of the death of the king, raided into Jāj-nagar for capturing elephants. Later on, Sangama, the nephew of Bukka I, of Vijayanagara, is credited with having defeated the Gaja-pati, i.e., the Orissa king. Apparently |