Mānadeva { 259, expd., Kartt. 1138, Oct. Camb., Add. 1643. 259, Bhādrap 1139 Wr. and Bh.-lal) 261 Pausa 1141 267 Māgha 1146-7 Paris, Burn. 104 V1, foll. 24-25a 285 [expd.] Srā- 1165, July | Camb. Add. 1693 Omitted by Wright and Bhagvanlal, though mentioned by Kirkpatrick. 'Monday, 10th October, 1138' (Jacobi). As to this date, see the foregoing article, Vl f. 24b, Plate fig. 4, 5. I have supposed See J.R.A.S. for 1888, p. 551. Full date (not given in R.A.S. Cat.): 286, Imperfect reading in Cat. supplemented 1 The date reads 186 māghakrsna divā daśamyā buddha [sic] dine. I suggested to Dr. Kielhorn (and he agrees), that divādané probably stands for dvādaśamyam tithau which gives 186 as an expired year (the usual solution for this era.) If however we interpret the date as meaning "on the tenth day," we have to take the rare solution (I. Ant. XVII. 252) of a current year, with the result (as Dr. Kielhorn informs me) Wednesday, 2nd February, 1065. * Son of Sankaradeva, born Samvat 177, Āsādha. V2 foll. 306-31a. 3 No doubt identical with Mahendradeva the yuvaraj (जौराज) in Sivadeva's reign after whom the tank Mahendrasaras 4 Son of a 'Sihadeva' (possibly here Narasimha or Narendra) born in 219 Vaisakha. Va f. 316. 5 According to V8 (f. 316), born in 233, āśvina and likewise a son of "Sihadeva." [ Ranaśūra] 3345 (No. 542 my Cat.) (336 [expd.] Pausa 1216, Jan. 342 Märga 1221 Arimalladeva (8) 317 Vais 1197 Cat. p., 113 Cat. p., 83. 322 [expd.] Āsādha 1201 May 326 expd. Srāv. 1206, July- | Cat. p. 96 Aug. Camb. 1648 Add. ... Not mentioned. Reading of Cat. verified by tracing from Date retouched. 'It does not work out' Probably Thursday, 11th July 1196. See note in B.M. Cat. Sk. MSS. p. 230. : 3 17 15 : MS. 1320D. at Jayadeva Jayabhīmadeva ... 380, expd. Caitra 1260 April... Tracing from 13, 3 mo. : ... MS. (Pañca-rakṣā) not described by Pandit. Full date from my notes: 367 Phālguna Sukla ekadaśī ādityav. Sunday, 17th Feb., 1247. (H.J.) See J.R.A.S., 9191, p. 688. A copied date and, doubtless copied wrong; for Dr. Jacobi reports that the week-day works out wrong and nakşatra impossible. Monday, June 7th, 1255 (K), when Punarvasu was the Naksatra; see the article, p. 8, note 4. See the same note. Wednesday, April 2nd, 1260' (Sewell); see p. 9, note 1. 349 : : ( The second form is taken from V2 fol. Tracing from MS. confirms reading of In the Cat. we must read, as my tracing 1 Though no MSS. of this reign are extant, Someśvara is duly recorded by Kirkpatrick (reign 6 years 3 months) and in V2 (fol. 32a), where we learn that he was the son of Mahendra and born in 240 Phalguna sudi 13, Ma Māghanakşatra. If the following phrase राजा श्रस्त वष ५३ means that he reigned and died in (240 + 53) 293, it will not fit well with the ascertained date of Amrtadeva. * According to V8, fol. 32b, Arimalla, son of Jayaśi [sic], Malladeva, was born 274, reigned 15 years (according to V1 25 years 10 months; but this does not suit with the other dates) and lived 62 years 10 months. This puts his death towards the end of 336, which our last date from MSS. will just allow. Now a (Plate: fig. 7. 1. 1) we read that in his reign the Probably there is something wrong in this last 3 Born 366, son of Rajadeva. He was apparently childless. For at 266 Yuvaraj (जौराज the usual form in the Chronicle) Jayādityadeva imprisoned his uterine brother, Jayānandadeva. Jayāditya, according to V8 (350), was the son of Jayabhima, and was born 358. J. I. statement. For it seems unlikely that Anantamalla should not only have superseded an older heir-apparent, but also have allowed him 1 Jayarudra was the son of Jayatungamalla. Jayāri is called svakuțumba, a vague phrase for 'kinsman' perhaps. The full date 2 Born 437, Phālguna krsna daśamī dhanesta [sic], brhaspati vāra; son of Jayānandadeva by a sangrahani bhāryā (V8, 456). The 8 Son of Jayarajadeva and Rudramadevī, apparently (see p. 11, note) born in 467, Vais sudi 7. (Vl, f. 286; Plate fig. 8.) According |