assigned to the latter half of the 7th century. So king Madhava of our plates cannot be later than this period. The characters employed in the Buguda plates are stated by Kielhorn to belong to the same variety. But as neither photographs nor facsimiles of the plates are published with his paper, I cannot say whether the characters used in the two records are exactly alike. King Mādhava is stated in the new plates to have sprung from Sailodbhava's lineage, to have exercised sovereignty over the whole of Kalinga, and to have been a worshipper of the god Maheśvara. He is distinctly described as the son of Yaśobhita and grandson of Sainyabhīta. Dr. Kielhorn considers Madhava to be the son of Sainyabhita. He was perhaps led to this conclusion by the fact that after having described some of his predecessors in succession, the Buguda plates introduce Madhavavarman's name just after Sainyabhita. But they do not state the relationship between the two. So this circumstance simply means that Madhava was a descendant of Sainyabhita, but not necessarily his son. The new plates, although they give the names of three generations only, are clear on this point and distinctly state that Madhava was the son of Yaśobhita and grandson of Sainyabhita. The revised genealogy accordingly stands thus : Through Pulindasena's prayer was created Sailodbhava, the founder of the dynasty Ranabhita, (the descendant कुलन of Sailodbhava) Sainyabhita I, Ranabhita's son खूनः Yaśobhīta I, Sainyabhita's descendant तस्य वंशे जातः Sainyabhita II, Yaśobhita's son तनयः Yaśobhita II, Sainyabhita's son Mādhavarāja, Madhavendra or Madhavavarman, Yasobhita's son. We need not doubt the identity of Madhava of the new charter with Madhavendra or Madhavavarman of the Buguda plates. Both charters issue from the same place Kongoda, or Kaingoda. In both Mādhava is described as a descendant of Sailobdhava and a ruler of Kalinga. The village granted by the Buguda plates was situated in the Gudda visaya or district. I have not been able to identify the localities mentioned in the two charters. Many villages in Ganjam and the neighbouring districts have names either beginning or ending in the form "guda" or "guda." One of the two charters was found at Buguda; another village very near Buguda is named Kariguda; another is "Majaguda." Bariguda, Galiguda and Naruguda are in Despalla. A village near Narsingpur is called Kanagud. This last name is very near to the name Kongoda or Kaingoda. However, in the absence of other proofs, we cannot be sure that they represent the same place. But although the identification of the particular localities is difficult, yet from the frequent occurrence of the form "guda" in the modern names of the villages of this part of the country, as well as from the fact that the two sets of plates have been found, one in Ganjam and the other in Khurda, we may conclude with much probability that both these districts formed parts of the possessions of King Madhava. The seal contains the name of Sainyabhita; this shows that Madhava was still using his grandfather's seal or, more probably, that he had a second name, Sainyabhita. The figure of a bull in the seal is significant, as Siva was the god specially worshipped by this dynasty. SUBSTANCE. Hail! From the victorious camp at the residence of Kongoda King Madhava, -who is the grandson of Sainyabhita and son of Yasobhita, who is a devote worshipper of Maheśvara's feet, who belonged to the Sailodbhava dynasty, who has got sovereignty over the whole of Kalinga,-being in good health and having duly honoured all the present and future recipients of the royal favour (such as Samantas, Mahāsāmantas, Mahārājas, Rājaputras, Dandanāyakas, Kumārāmātyas, Uparikas, Visayapatis, and their employés], informs them thus : "Be it known to you that for the increase of the religious merit of our parents and ourselves, we give "Kumbhāracche1" in the Arahanna or (Arahanna) village attached to the district of Thorana, by means of a copper-plate charter to Prajāpatisvāmin, of the family of Vatsa and a student of the Kanva branch of the Vājasaneyi texts. So out of respect for religion, no one should obstruct him in its lawful enjoyment as long as the sun and the moon endure." 1. Next follow three benedictory and imprecatory verses. TRANSCRIPT. First Plate. स्वस्ति जयस्कन्धावारात्कोङ्गोदवासकात्सकलक्षमा (ह्या) तलो 1 Some three letters are lost after cch. I suppose the word kumbhārachhe signifies a part of the village, and that it was the part where kumbhāras or potters lived. It was this portion only that was granted by this charter. ... 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. पलक्षितच्क्षमानयविनयविक्कमस्य प्रतापवारिवारिस्यैन्य'- सततमयशोभौतस्य श्रीमतो यशोभीतस्यात्मजो भगवंमहश्वरचरणयुगलेकभरण्यः शैशव एव विद्याचतुष्ठ- र्थतत्वः खमतविरचितात्यद्भुतकाव्यार्थवोधनेक कार्य्यसङ्गहि Second Plate (1st side). 15 तविद्वद्दिदग्धजनसमूहो निजसुजवलावलेपावमि [०००..] स्तपर्य्यन्तसामन्तशिरोमणिमरीचिसंमूर्च्छितच [र(自)○○○○] च्छिन्नान्तरेतरारातिवर्गो यथाक्रमप्रवृत्तसमनुरञ्जित [०००००००] महानिपानमिव सर्व्वसत्वैर्यथेष्टमुपभुज्धमा [(न) ००] वभोगसारसत्वसारप्रकर्षप्रकाशितशैलोद्भवान्ववाय [(उ)०] नतसकलकलिङ्गाधिपत्यः सकलकलावाप्तकौमूत्र्त्त व जगता प्रमदः प्रवृत्तचक्रञ्श्चक्कुधर इव भगवान्माधवः श्रीमाधवराजः कुशलो थोरणविषये श्रीसामन्तमहासाम- त्र्त्तमानभविष्यतो यथाहें सत्कृत्योपदर्शयति भवतु ००१ चोरात्मनश्च पुण्याभिवृद्धये ताम्बपट्टस्थित्य [०००]11 1 Read सैन्य. 4 Read i instead of i. 6 Probably कौमद इव 1 2 Read पोच. 3 Read भगवन्मदेश्वरचरणयुगलैकशरणः 5 The reading might have been वनमितसमस्त 7 Cancel the first दण्ड 8 The letter was probably व 9 The last two letters were probably भव 10 The last three letters were मातापि J. 1. 37. 11 Read ताम्र • 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Third Plate. तदस्याचन्द्रार्ककालं यथास्थितिसुञ्जानस्य धम्मगौरवानकेन चिविदिघातकार्य उक्तञ्च ऋषिभिः वहुभिर्व्वसुधा दत्ता वज्जभिश्चा नूपालिता यस्य यस्य यदा भूमि तस्य तस्य तदा फलः । 1 मा भूदफलशङ्का व परदत्तेति पार्थिवा [*] खदानात्फलमान- विष्ठायां क्रिमिभूत्वा पित्टभिस्तद्ध पच्यते । |