A.H.), 10 zodiacal rupees (5 signs), and a half rupee of Nür Jahān and Jahangir of the Surat mint. Æ.-Ahmadābād coin struck in the name of Salim. Shah Jahan. -N. Daulatābād. R.-Kashmir, Daulatābād, Ujain. Two coins of the Multan mint (one in gold and one in silver) are dated 33 (julus) =1069 (A. H.) Aurangzeb.-R. Alamgirpūr, Gwalior, Kabul, Nārnol, Chināpatan, Machhlipatan, Makhsūsābād, Ahsanābād, and a Nithar of Shahjahānābād. E.-Multān, Haidarābād, Bairāt and Akbarābād. Shāh Alam Bahadur.-R. Multan, Chināpatan, Jūnagarh, Sirhind, Karimābād and Ahmadnagar. Farrukh Siyar.-R. Murshidābād, Burhānpūr, Gwalior. E.-Sürat (?) Rafi-ud-darjāt.-R. Ujain. Muhammad Shah. -A. Kora. R.-Ujain, Islamābād, Elichpūr. E.-Machhlipatan. Ahmad Shah.-R. Mahindrapūr. Alamgir II.-R. Balwantnagar, Baldat-i-Safa, Murādābād and Najibābād. E.--Najibābād. Shah Jahan III.-AR. Ahmadābād, Mahindrapūr. Shah Alam II.-R. Najibābād, Morādābād, Narwar, Deogarh, A.-Narwar, Najibābād, Saharanpur, Islāmābād Bedār Bakht. N. -Ahmadābād. Akbar II. AR.-Muzaffargarh, Dholpur, Sheopur, Braj Indrapur and Gohad. Æ.-Ahmadābād, Baroda, Jodhpūr and Jaipūr. Ed. 23. RUPEES OF AKBAR OF THE ALLAHABAD MINT. A recent find of 21 silver coins in the Rai Bareli district of Oudh contained 9 rupees of Akbar struck at Allahabad, of which three were dated 46 Ilahi and four 47 Ilahi. These rupees, especially those of the former year, are very scarce. The coins were acquired by Government and are in the Lucknow Museum. 24. ON TWO RECENT MINT LISTS. Ed. The current year (1904) has witnessed the publication of two noteworthy Lists of Mints-one prepared by Dr. Oliver Codrington, I.M.S., and forming not the least valuable portion of his invaluable "Manual of Musalman Numismatics"; the other_compiled by Mr. R. Burn, I.C.S., and communicated to the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The former List is characterised in a marked degree by the special qualities that distinguish the "Manual" as a whole. In order to its preparation not only scholarship and skill, but, that much rarer qualification, the faculty for patient plodding was requisite, inasmuch as the entire range of literature on the numerous classes of coins bearing either Arabic or Persian legends would seem to have been placed under contribution. It is not strange then that the resultant Mint List has assumed somewhat formidable proportions. It comprises in all the names of no less than 1,067 mints ranging from Spain in the Far West to Malaysia in the Far East. Of the various coin-groups included in this aggregate List that of the Mughal Em-perors of India-or, as the "Manual," in the effort after brevity, styles them, of the "Dehli Emperors "-is not the least extensive. We find here registered 189 Indian Mughal Mints, a sufficiently remark-. able advance upon the 80 recorded in the Coin Catalogue of the British Museum, or the 105 in the Lahor Museum Catalogue. In a work covering so vast a range, yet all comprised within 240 pages, one cannot in fairness expect detailed information regarding the coin-issues from the individual mints. It is just this detail, however, that Mr. Burn's Mint List supplies in abundant measure. From it we learn not merely the names of the Mughal Mints in India, but the reigns during which each several mint was in operation, and-for coin-collectors most welcome information-a cabinet in which can to-day be found specimens, whether in gold or silver or copper, of the coins struck at the different mints in the different reigns. As to place, this List is restricted to Indian Mints; and as to time, to the three centuries preceding the Indian Mutiny: yet, notwithstanding this comparatively narrow range, no less than 204 mints fail to be • registered. Thus the two Lists, Dr. Codrington's and Mr. Burn's, will be found to supply material mutually complementary. Their almost simultaneous publication has placed coin-collectors, and especially those in this country, under a debt of more than ordinany obligation; and the two Lists together constitute quite the most valuable contribution of recent years to the study of (modern) Indian Numismatics. The following notes on these two Lists may perhaps be of use for reference. A. Re Codrington's Lists. Mints of "Dehli Emperors;" Total 189. But Atak and Atak Banāras are merely variant names of one mint. Akhtarnagar Awadh and Awadh; Urdū, Urdū dar rāh-i-Dakhin, and Urdū Zafar Qarin; Banāras and Muhammadabad Banāras ; Dāral tasawwur and Jodhpūr; Zinat al Bilad and Ahmadabad; Sawā'ī Jaipūr and Jaipür; Sītāpūr and Sitpūr; Shāhābād Qanauj and Shergarh Qanauj; Mūminābad and Bindrāban; Nāgpūr and Nagor. *Thus the total number of mint falls by 18, that is to say from 189 to 171. Further, the following mint-names are too doubtful to be accepted for inclusion : Ajāyür, Jalūnābad, Kānān, Kandi, Kalkata, and Nagar. However, in Codrington's List (but not in Burn's) "Hasanabad or Husainabad" is counted as only one mint. It seems safer to regard them as two, Hasnābād and Husainābād: in which case the total rises from 165 to 166. Of these 166 mints 23 are not recorded in Burn's * In conformity with the prevailing practice both variants have been retained in the case of the following well-known doublets :-Agra and Akbarābād, Dehli and Shahjahānābād, Aurangābād and Khujista Bunyad, Patna and 'Azīmābād, Makhsusā bād and Murshidabad. List. B. Re Burn's List. Mints of the Mughal Emperors of India: Total 204. Here also each of the following groups contains merely variant names of a single mint : Atak and Atak Banāras ; Akhtarnagar Awadh and Awadh. Urdū, Urdū dar rāh-i-Dakhin, and Urdū Zafar Qarin; Aşafābād Bareli and Bareli ; Banaras, Muhammadābād Banaras, and Banāras Sirsa; Dar al Jihad and Haidarābād; Dār al tasawwur and Jodhpür; Salimgarh Ajmir and Ajmir; Shāhābād Qanauj, Shergarh Qanauj, Shergarh and Qanauj; Mūminābād and Bindrāban; Nāgpūr and Nagor; and, as before, Ajāyür, Būtān, Jalūnabad, Kānān, and Nagar scarcely justify their claim to admission. Hence the total in this List falls from 204 to 183. Of this latter number 40 are absent from Codrington's List. • C. The following are the 143 mints common to both Lists: N.B.-In this sub-list a mint's variant names are indicated by letters (b, c, and d), and the rejected mint-names by brackets. These lettered or bracketed mints may, or may not, be common to the two Lists. They are not included in making up any of the totals. 1. Etawa or Etāwā; 2. Atak, 26. Atak Banāras; (Ajāyūr); 3. Ajmir, 36. Salimgarh Ajmir; 4. Ahsanābād ; 5. Ahmadābād ; 6. Ahmadnagar; 7. Udaipur; 8. Urdū, 86. Urdū dar rah-i-dakhin, 8c. Urdū Zafar Qarin; 9. Arkāt; 11. Islāmābād; 14. Asir; 16. A'zamnagar; 17. Akbarābād; 18. Akbarpūr; 19. Akbarnagar; 20. Agra; 22. Ilahābād; 23. Imtiyāzgarh 236. Imtiyazgarh Adoni; 24. Amirkot; 25. Indrapūr, 256. Braj Indrapūr, 25c. Maha Indrapūr, (Maharandurpūr), (Maharpur); 26. Anwlā; 27. Ūjain or Ujjain; (Aujan); 28. Awadh, 28b. Akhtarnagar Awadh; 29. Aurangabad; 30. Aurangnagar; 32. Eliohpūr; 38. Burhānpūr; 39. Bareli, 396. Aşafābād Bareli; 43. Banaras, 436. Banaras Sirsa, 45c. Muhammadābād Banaras; 44. Bindrāban, 446. Müminābād Bindrāban; 45. Bandar Shahi; 47. Bankāpūr; 48. Bangala; (Butān); 49. Bahadurpattan; 53. Bharatpūr; 55. Bhakkar or Bakkar or Bhakkar; 57. Bhilsa; 58. Bijāpūr; 49. Bairāta; 60. Panipat; 61. Pattan Dev; 62. Patna; 63. Panjnagar; 66. Peshawar or Peshawar; 68. Tatta; 71. Jalālpūr; (Jalūnābād); 72. Jalair or Jālair; 73. Jammu or Jammun; 74. Jodhpūr; 75. Jaunpūr; 76. Jūnagarh; 78. Jhansi; 81. Jahangirnagar; 82. Jaipur, 82b. Sawā'ī Jaipur; 84. Chachrauli or Chhachrauli; 85. Chunar; 87. Chitor or Chaitaur; 88. Chināpattan; 89. Hafizābād; 90. Hasnābād (perhaps Ahsanābād); 91. Husainābād; 92. Hisar, 926. Hisar Firoza; 93. Haidarābād; 94. Khārpūr; 95. Khujista Bunyad; 96. Khairpūr; (Dar al jihad); (Dar al tasawwur); 99. Dāmlā; 100. Dilshādābād; 101. Dogām or Dogānw or Adogām; 102. Daulatābād; 103. Dehli; 104. Dera; 105. Dingarh; 107. Dewal; (Zinat al bilad); 112. Sārangpūr; 115. Sironj; 116. Srinagar; 119. Sūrat; 120. Sahāraupūr; 121. Sahrind or Sarhind'; (Sītāpūr); 125. Shahjahānābād; 126. Sholāpūr; 128. Sherpūr; 129. Zafarābād; 130. Zafarpūr; 131. Zafarnagar; 132. 'Alamgirpūr; 134. 'Azīmābād; 135. Fathābād Dhārūr; 136. Fathpūr; 137. Farrukhābād, 1376. Ahmadnagar Farrukhābād; 138. Farrukhnagar; 139. Firozpūr; 140. Firoznagar; 141. Qamarnagar; 142. Qandabar; 143. Qanauj; 1436. Shāhābād Qanauj, 143c. Shergarh Qanauj; 143d. Shergarh; 144. Kābul; 145. Kālpi; (Kānān); (Kandi); 147. Katak; 148. Kachrauli (perhaps Chachrauli); 151. Karimābād; 152. Kashmir; 153. Kalānūr; (Kalkata); 154. Korā; 155. Khanbāyat or Kanbāyat; 157. Gulburga or Kalburga; 158. Gulkanda; 159. Gangpūr; 160. Gwaliar; 161. Govindpür; 162. Gūtī; 163. Gorakhpūr or Gorakpūr; 164. Gokalgarh; 165. Lahor; 166. Lakhnau; 167. Lahri Bandar; 168. Malpūr; 169. Manikpūr; 172. Mathurā Islāmābād; 174. Machhlipattan; (Muhammadābād-Udaipür or Champānir or Kālpi or Muhammadābād Banaras); 175. Muhammadnagar; 176. Makhsūsābād; 178. Murādābād; 179. Murshidabad; 180. Mustafa-ābād; 181. Muzaffarābād; 182. Muzaffargarh; 183. Muazzamābād; 184. Multān; 185. Maliknagar; 186. Mulhārnagar; 187. Mumbai, 1876. Mumbai Sūrat; 188. Mandū; 189. Mahisūr; 190. Mirath; 191. Mailāpūr; 192. Nārnol; 193. Nāgpūr or Nāgor; 195. Najafgarh; 196. Najibābād; 200. Nusratābād; (Nagar); 206. Hardwār. بت Undermentioned are the 23 mints present in Dr. Codrington's List but not in Mr. Burn's : 10. Asfir?; 15. I'zābād?; 34. Budaun; 35. Badakhshān; 46 Binda; 51. Bhāwalpūr; 67. Tānda; 69. Jālandar; 70. Jalālābād; 77. Jahānābād; 79. Jahangirābād; 80. Jahangirpūr; 83. Chitrakūt or Chatarkot or Chatarkoh; 86. Champānir; 108. Rānajin?; 117. |