Gangū, a Brahman, e. 2. Gangzang-tha, country, e, 95. Ganjam, district, 282. Ganjas Gchod-kyi-bstab-pa-chha-drug, a Tibetan Gchod-kyi-gshed adul gdug-pa-tshar-gchod Gchod-kyi-sgo-nas ser-ba-bsrung ba-i-gdams Gchod lugs-mkho-chhang-bu-brgyn-rtna-i- Gchod-tshogs-kyi-suyen-thabs-tshog s-ky i- دو وو دو of the Bahmani kings, ас- Geru, province, e. 100. Ghairat Khan. Faujdar of Narnol, 297, Ghalib Jang, 313, 325, 333. Ghāziuddin Haidar, king of Awadh, 74. Khăn, 313, 325, 343, 344. Ghazni, a coin of, 244. Ghiladari, river, e 19. Ghiyāsuddin Abul Muzaffar Bahadur Shah, Sultan, 117. Balban, 66. Mahmud, 381. Tughlak, coin bearing the Ganjas, village, 35. Gang Gão-ghat, a town on the Jamnah, e. 35. Gargaon (in the Sibsagar district), a silver coin found in, e. 113-114. name of, 230. Ghrāwali, town, 279--281. Ghulam Ali Khan, e. 53, e. 55. Gilgit, town, 364. Girdhar Bahadur, the rebellious Gover- nor of Allahabad, e. 59. Girindra Nath Dutt :- Further notes on Go=headman, e. 102. Goa, Portuguese town, 51, 54. Godādhara Simha pr., n., e. 17. Gogra, river, 190, 197. Gogra-Gangetic valley, 248. Golapa Chandra Sarkar Sastri-trans- lator of Vivadratnákara, e. 25. Golding Edward, 207, 210. Gomiri, village, 254. mouza, e. 16. Gondhica, river, 260. Gong, district, e. 98. Gongmapa, family, 364. Gongsa-nga-pachenpo, the fifth Supreme Gonlung, a monastery in Amdo, e. 87. Goonsar, tāluk, 282. Gopal Bari, servant of Fateh Shahi, 187 Gopalji, temple of, 199. Gopeh jám, district, e. 102. Goraboe, place, 59. Gorakhpur, district, 180. ود city, 204, 247. Gossain Madhoram, pr. n., 201. Govind Ram, the Government farmer of Husainpur, 186, 204, 207. Gnyan-chhen mtha-la-gtad-pa, a Tibetan Graham, R., Mr., Collr. of Saran, his Graham, President, Board of Revenue, of, 130. mint coins of, 233, 234, 242, Gya, district, e. 98. Gya Chorten Karpo, the gate of the Gya-mapody, district, e. 100. Gya-ma-wa, monastery, e. 100. Gzuns-saags-dang de-bshin-gshegs-pa-i H Habungiās, people, 37. Hādā Rajahs of Kotah and Bondi, genea- 204-205. Thomas, Mr, 192, 203 Grambucanpa, family, 364. Gibbs, J., Mr., 229. Grierson, Dr., 245. Hadi Şahib, 265. Hafizābad, mint town, 79. Hafizullah Khân, 347. Haft Hazarī, a rank, 349. Hague, The, city, 274. Grome, Mr., Collr. of Saran, 189, 191, 192, Haidarābād, mint, 358. 204. Grongdponpa, family, 364. Gsang-ba blan-med-pa-i chhos-spyod lam- khyer gyi rim-pa, a Tibetan work, 162. Gudda, district, 263. Gugé, district, e. 99. Ho, dialect, e. 62. Hodal, place, 291, 292. Court of Wards, 201. [e. 94. Hoichen, the god of thunder and light, Hordu = a nomad Tartar family, e. 101. Hosha, a census commissioner of Tibet, House of Worship, 51. Hphags-pa-ajam-dpal-gyi-mtshan yang- Hphags-pa-bzang-po-spyod-pa-i-smon-lam a 'Tibetan work, 167. Hpag-shes-rab-kyi pha-rot-tu-phyin-pa dud-pa-tshigs-su-bchad-pa bshugs-so, Harish Chandra, one of the Booniale Humayun, Moghul Emperor, 181. Mithila, e. 25. Hardinge, Dr., 188, 210. [211. a Tibetan work, 176. Hardy, Major, 189. Huart, Mr., 20. Harington, J. H., 214 Huliya, 270. Rajas, 62. Harjye, place, 118. در . و Shah Bahmani, e. 10. Shah Zalim, e. 10. Hara Kumar Bans Tewari, pr. n., 201. Tahir, 1. Hierarchy of the Dalai Lama (1406- دو 1745), е. 80-93. of Sakya, e. 94-96. Himmat Khan, a Būrhah Sayyad, e. 30, Hiralal, the Diwan of Sher Afghan Hūņas, the, a people of Tatar origin, 368. Husainābād, mint town, 79. Husainpur, town, 182, 191. village, 202. Husain 'Ali Khan, 294-296, 306, 316, دو 319-325, 328, 336- 339, 341, 344, 345, 349, e. 43-45, е. 47-49, е. his arrival at Delhi, 328-333. his start from the Dakhin, 319- Husain Shah-al-Husaini, Sultan, 111. Husenābād mint, coins of, 233. Hüshang, pr. n., e. 3 Hutwa Raj family, genealogical table of the, 226. history of the, 178-226. in the Ain-i-Akbari, 225. table of landed property of the, 203. Huyupa, Lama, e. 96. Hwan-gsze=yellow temple, e. 80. - I'tişām Khân, 299. دو city, 226. Jay Mall, Raja, 181. Jazīra, peninsula, 58 Jazīyah or Poll tax, 302-304. 'Iwaz Khan, deputy governor of Berar, Jetsong khápa, reformer, 122, 142, 143, 321, ө. 36. 151. Je-tsun-Dampa, hierarch, e. 85. J Je-tsun-mila-ras-pa, 132. Je-tsun-mila-ras-pa, the life of, 129. "Jhang Chhub" an appellation, 170. Jharai, river, 182. Jherai, river, 196. Jhunsi, city, 74 Jilan = retinue, 335. Jiwan Rām, father of Khushbal Cand, Jabalpur, city, 225. Jābir-b-Anas, 270. Jacob van Hoorn, pr. n., 275. Jadopur, place, 187. Jagat Sinha, Raja, 180. Jahandar Shah, 290, 300. :د در a rare coin of, 241. 355. 1 Joypira, pr. n., 260-261. Kans, Raja, 113. Katrābūh, city, 58. Karahkah, place, e. 50. Jubraj-Shahi, Maharaja Bahadur, 183, Kapasia, thana, 59. 201. Jugginee Jungle, pargana, 208. Julian Pereira, priest of Satgaon, 53, 54, Karamnasa, river, 190. Jūnāgarh, mint at, 238. Juziya or poll tax, 302. K Káb-ibn-Malik, 207. Kabul, province of, e. 29. valley, 369. Kabul Mahomed, Rájá, 183. Kuchwāha, caste, 292. Kucmar, pergana, 247. Kadcanpa, family, 365. Kahanjara, village or mahal, 251. Kahdag (Ka-thog) monastery, e. 92-93. Kahror, Mihira Kula defeated at, 369. Kailash, mount, 118. Kalacuri, or Cedi dynasty, 246. Kali Dās Gajdānī, pr. n., 57. Kaligaon, perganah, grant of, 115. Kalmuk Tartars of Khalkha, e. 85. city, 181, 226. • Kalyan Mall, Rájá, 181, 182, 201, 226. Kalyan Singh, Mahárájá of Patna, 191. Kal-zang-Gyatsho, the seventh Dalai Lama, the life of, 127. Kāmā, place, 290. = exchequer, 328. Khalka, hierarch, e. 85. Kham, province, e. 85, e. 89, е. 92. Khamdo = female angels, e. 90. Kamwar Khan, 291, 292, 294, 299, 302, Khānahzad Khan, Hafiz, 302, 349. Khams-gsum chhos-kyi-rgyal-po- tsong. kha-pa-chhen-pos mzod-pa-i by- ang-chhub lam-gyi rim-pa-chhen- mo, a Tibetan work, 142. Khanbalik, the Tartar city, в. 96. |