صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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The blood is the juice, used in liquor-making.

Father and son (have) one name, the grandson (has) another name?

The Madukam tree and the flower (both have the same name : Madukam or Mahua (H)); the grandson is the fruit which is called dolā.

All sorts (of fruits) have peels, one has no peels ?

The fruit of the Mahua tree.

The whole fruit is used in making bread.

The children have dishevelled hair, the mothers are smooth ? The jara tree and its thorn-covered

fruit (used for dying purposes) The jara is growing very rapidly. The trunk has very short branches and the thorny fruits are hidden in the crown of the tree. The colour is used for thread-colouring and the juice as lubricating oil.

Sehel behel (sigil bigil) means smooth.

The flesh of a dishevelled cock (as in cock fight) is sticking to the teeth? Munga-vegetable. The young leaves of the Munga tree are the pieces of flesh of the dishevelled cock; it is difficult to clean the teeth after eating Munga vege

table, as the fibres are sitting fast in the teeth.

11. Q-Riti piti sakamtea karad Very small leaves and a spinning

lekā jō'teā ?

wheel-iron as fruit.

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15. Q-Dud

iron of a spinning wheel, holding the wool.

In a ruinous house are small evil spirits dancing?

Maize flour.

The Indian corn is roasted in a broken earthen-pot, filled with sand; when hot, the corns are jumping hither and thither. The evil spirits surround the men everywhere according to the belief of the Mundaris.

Go on, boys, I will curl serpent

like ?

The splitting of the Lama-creeper. In the month of Aghan (November-December) the fruit of the Lama-creeper splits asunder, by and by the fruit dries up and the seed is curling like a serpent.

The fat cow roams, the cow with the head bent down rushes in ? Fruit of the Janum (thorn)


The tempting round fruit invites, but the man who breaks the fruit will be pierced by the thorn.

mundite chara,' On the round fruit is hair and

ankri te bakoā ?

Or, Duing, duingteng charā'lia,
bankuteng bakulia ?
A.—Janum jō'.

16. Q.-Rājā rānikōā piți kam
ōṭā daṛia ?

A.-Haṭna jō'.

it pricks with a thorn.

I am covered with small hairs,

piercing with a hook.

Fruit of the thorn-tree.

The king's and queen's baskets you cannot open ?

The fruit of the Hatua tree.

It is impossible to open the fruit, without an instrument.

J. I. 9

“Rājā rānikōā" is often used to denote something peerless or


17. A.-Rājā chetanrē

A.-Sōsō jō' (Bhelwa.)

chetanre ghasi A Ghasi is sitting on a king?

dubakanae ?


Ara' haṛāa chetanre dhichua
dubakanãe ?

The Sōsō (Bhelwā) fruit.

It consists of the lower red and

the upper black part. Only the former is eaten. Black is a despised colour: therefore this part is thrown away. The red colour is that of usefulness and beauty.

On a red cow a quail is sitting; the uneatable black part thrown away being likened to the bird flying away.

18. Q.-Mā'tāe mindi sirmagi A beheaded sheep looks towards

sangilā ? A.-Naṛā.

heaven ?

Stubbles on the rice-field.

19. Q.-Miyad ore aprobre ja- A bird lays eggs under the wings?


romea ?

A.-Meral jō.'

The fruit of the Meral tree (which

is hidden within the leaves of the branches.)

Q.-Sirmā (rē) diyuñ, ote Hanging high (lit. in heaven), (ré) korej ?

A.-Jōjō; uli.

on earth the mouth full of water ?

The tamarind (the sour taste); the

mango (the sweet taste).

21. Q.-Jarkam turkam sãe ṭaka Dirty, filthy, but 100 Rs. have

soāvā ?

A.—Kanṭaṛ; kōā.

room in it?

The.jack-tree; the flesh around the seeds.

22. Q.-Miyad kora dō goṭā A man covered with teeth over the

hormoë datakanā ?

A.-Kantar; kōā.

23.—Q.—Engā dō risā risā, hon

dō jurur jurur?

A.—Kanţaṛ; kōā.

whole body?

The jack-fruit.

The mother has dishevelled hair,

the child is smooth ?

The jack-fruit.

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A.-Kantar; kōā.

26. Q.-Miyad horō nakië bahatadãe ?

A.-Koronjo jō'.

The speckled dog's intestines are very sweet?

The jack-fruit.

Grandson, thy stomach makes a noise, as if there was water in it ?

The jack-fruit.

A man has combs in his hair, (lit.
adorned his head with combs
instead of flowers)?

The fruit of the Karanj-oil-tree.
The oval shape of the fruit is that
of the comb, used amongst the
Mundaris, stuck in the hair.

27. Q.-Miyad horō data re guch- A man has hair on his teeth?

uakana? A.-Jondṛā.

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(Lit. a moustache.)

Indian corn.

"Where are you going, you cur-
led one ?" "Anywhere you
man, showing your teeth."
The jambur-snake.
The cotton-tree.

The cotton-tree is supposed to
scold the snake, lying under it,
speaking to it in an abusive
manner. The snake returns the
abuse by pointing to the open
fruit of the cotton-tree, looking
like one showing his teeth.
They are driving in white (sheep)
flocks ?

The cotton (when the ripe fruit
splits asunder and the cotton is
blown far away, being gathered
by the women and children).
In the dense forest bulls have been
tied ?

The cocoons.

31. Q.-Gae-hon jang, jang-hon The young of a cow is a bone; the


A.-Jarom; simhon.

young of the bone a calf ?

The egg; the chicken.

32. Q.-Rāja rānikōā piți kam You cannot put the king's and the queen's baskets one on the other ?

tiring dariyā?


Or thus: Rājā rānikōā poṭom

kam tiring dariyā ?

The egg.

Potom=the large rice-bales.

Or, Singbonga' potom kā Singbonga's rice-bales cannot be

tiringoa ?

put one on the other. Singbonga, the highest power, the Sungod as the possessor of all non-plus-ultra power.

33. Q.-Kundam kundam hathi- In the places behind the houses (it

potā ?



called "kundam") are thrown elephant-intestines? The rice-straw-rope for tying the rice bales (potom) which are thrown away. This is a sign of a rich landlord, as the poor peo ple keep the "bor from year to year. Therefore it is also said of a rich man :

Kundam kundam re hathipota Elephant-intestines are decaying

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in the places behind the houses?

34. Q.-Hathia lairē kuru duru ? (There is) conversation (heard) within the elephant's stomach? The house.

A.- Orā.

Or, Hāthiā lairē mainākō chērē The myna birds are chirping in

bērē ?


35. Q.-Seneyarkō balad-bilid ?

(palad-pilid; palab-pilib.) A.-Chuțua chalom.

the elephant's stomach ?
The people (inside the house.)
Bamboo sticks (are moved) up
and down?

The tails of the mice.
"Seneyar" is the split bamboo,
used in thatching. The tails of
the mice, sporting in the straw
of the roof are now seen and
then disappearing.

Aṭāmaṭā birkā talārē suikō In the dense forest needles are

Or thus:

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36. Q.-Hañ, hun ghați oṭā- Ringing open bells are to be seen,

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