OF THE ASIATIC. SOCIETY OF BENGAL. VOL. LXXII. PART I. (HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, &C.) (Nos. I and II—1903.) EDITED BY THE HONORARY PHILOLOGICAL SECRETARY. "It will flourish, if naturalists, chemists, antiquaries, philologers, and men of science CALCUTTA: PRINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, AND PUBLISHED BY THE ASIATIC SOCIETY, 57, PARK STREET. 1904. LIST OF CONTENTS Page. BENDALL, PROF. CECIL, M.A. The History of Nepal and sur- rounding Kingdoms (1000-1600 A.D.) compiled chiefly from MSS. lately discovered. Written as an Historical Introduction WALSH, E. H. C., I.C.S. The Tibetan Language and Recent ... 362872 |