Furnished Captaine Leget troups to Sir Tho. Fairfax in his great need when he went to Cheshire service wth one geldinge and one mare wch were the best he could choose out of eight in my stable at Clyton apprized by Edm. Wane and John Travis. Charles Walker and Robert Jackson at Twelve poundes for wch Sr Thmas Fairfax promised satisfaccon and By virtue of a letter to me directed aboute the tenth of Februarie 1643 vnder they handes of Collonel Ashton, Collonel Holland and other deputie Lieftennts of the County chargeinge me vpon Mondaie morninge next after the receipte thereof to come by nyne a clocke to Manchester and bringe wth me all such money as I had received to be paid forth as by them I should be directed, and accordingly I came therewth myselfe and twoe men and three horses vpon my owne charge waited vpon them vntill Saturdaie Eaveninge at wch tyme by a generall consent I was appointed to paie all the money or taxe of twoe thousand poundes or soe much thereof as I had or should recd vnto Sir Tho. Fairfax or to his vse as he should direct me and receivinge this service by the first weeke experience would be verie chargeable and troublesome not only in receivinge the money of the pettie constables at home wch came sometimes by twentie on a daie sometimes more that dwelte twentie or five and twentie miles distant and all wch had reliefe and divers of them were all night at my house I conditioned wth the Treasurer Mr. St Nicholas that foure pence in the pound should be my allowance for the service wherevnto he agreed vpon condition that not only my servant should bringe him the money to Manchester but likewise paie out the money by p'ticuler sumes as the said Mr. St Nicholas should appoint him wch by my servant was pformed yet I have not put downe for my allowance any more than 3d pli because I am informed the nowe Treasurer li. S. d. 1353 09 05 £1351 03 03 1353 09 05 THE EXCAVATIONS ON THE ROMANOBRITISH SITE AT WILDERSPOOL DURING 1905 By Thomas May, F.S.A. (Scot.) Read 15th November 1906. No work has been done during the season just N° ended (1906) on the Romano-British site at Wilderspool, but during the autumn of 1905 excavation was continued by the writer, with the assistance of an experienced excavator, Mr. John Hallows (employed by the Museum Committee of the Warrington Corporation on condition of receiving the finds), in the home paddock of Messrs. Greenall, Whitley & Co., who very liberally renewed their permission upon the kind intervention of Lady Greenall of Walton Hall. Commencing in the south-west corner of the field and proceeding northwards in geographical sequence and in the order of discovery, the remains of the Romano-British settlement uncovered or explored during 1905 (the season being a short one, owing to the smallness of the grant) may be summarised as consisting of eleven separate items, viz. six refuse pits (1-6); two courtyards or oblong areas paved with cobble-stones or small boulders (7-8); lines of clay bedding, rubble, and other traces of walling on east, south, and west belonging to a dwelling or workshop, and a clay floor partly covering the enclosure (9); the base of a rever |