It It may be here observed that Sir Peter Leycester is wrong in describing it as in Bidston Parish. is probable that before the Priory was founded all Birkenhead was in Bidston Parish, but, like many monastic holdings, it became extra-parochial at an early date, and so escaped all tithe, and this privilege has survived to the present day, and it acknowledged no superior Church. The following extract from Bishop Gastrell's Notitia (Chetham Soc., vol. viii. p. 156) will be of interest : "Birkenhead, Extra-parochiall, subject to no Jurisdiction,] Spirituall or Temporall, payes no Tyths. The Manour-house was a Priory, and the Chappell, part of it; the present owner of wch is M Cleveland of Leverpool,2 who allows ye Curate of Bedston 8' p.[er] an[num,] for wch he reads prayers and preaches ev.[ery] Sund.[ay] except ye first Sund.[ay] in ye month. "Pens.[ion] 14s 6d paid by Receiver to [the] Prince of Wales in B.[ishop] Bridg's time. "Here was a Priory, v.[ide] Mon. Sup. v.[ide] also St John's Hospital, Little St John's, Charities, p. 103.' The district served by this chapelry was the original lordship of Birkenhead, which had formed part of the possessions of the Priory of St. James, and probably included the lost manor of Wooton or Woolton, which seems to have occupied the north-western corner of the chapelry, including the district now known as Flaybrick and Gillbrook. The boundary of Birkenhead ran from the middle of Tranmere Pool up the stream which formerly flowed down the valley now occupied roughly by Borough Road, turned at a sharp angle, and ran in 1 Dedicated to St. Mary. Value in 1834, £153. Registers begin in 1719. 2 Part of this Priory is now furnished and used as a chapel, being a Perpetual Curacy in the gift of Francis Richard Price, Esq., descended from John Clieveland, Esq., M.P., who bought the manor of Birkenhead, and died in 1716. The last references are in another handwriting, apparently Mr. Speed's, the Deputy Registrar of the Diocese. a westerly direction between what are now Briardale and Carlton Roads, up Bennett's Hill to the corner of Bessborough Road. At this point the boundary turned and ran in a northerly direction along Slatey Road to Park Road South, then zigzagged across the Park to a point on the Gill Brook about 400 yards from Wallasey Pool (now the Great Float). Turning here sharp to the west, it ran up the Gill Brook to Toad-Hole Farm, through the buildings of which it passed. Continuing in a southerly direction for about 350 yards, it reached Upton Road. Here it again turned towards the west and joined what is now Boundary Road, and after a turn to the east reached Wallasey Pool a little to the east of the Halfpenny Bridge. Although this is the full lordship of Birkenhead, it probably contains two areas which should not strictly be included, viz. the hamlet of Grange on the Claughton and Tranmere boundary, and the hamlet, already referred to, of Woolton, lying between the Gill Brook and the Bidston boundary. THE REGISTERS OF ST. MARY'S, BIRKENHEAD, 1721-1812 BIRKENHEAD REGISTER COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 1775. BRYAN KING, Minister. [lower half of leaf torn away] BURIALS 1745 William Hughes ye son of John Hughes of Birkinhead Buried ye 18th of Nov!ber. Jenkin Davies of Tranmore (Officer of the Excise) was Buried ye 4th of January. 1746 John Flower, Servant to James Walto [?n] of Grange (was drown'd) Buried ye 26 of June, 1746. Sarah ye Daugh' of Jenkin & Eliz Mar [?y] Davis of Tranmore was Buried ye [?2] of September 1746. Marg Letherly an Irish Woma[n] drown'd ye 21st of September & Buried at [. . .] Chappel ye 22 1747 (Mrs Bo Ellen the Daughter of John and Ellen Janny of the Woodside was Buri[ed] the 24th of July. Charles Pemberton of Woodside was Buried at Whalasey the sec of December in ye 82 year of his . BURIALS 1747 John Severe on board his Majestys Ship y° Expedition Capt. Somers Comander, was buried at Birkinhead Chappel the 23 December. Sarah ye Daughter of Rob and Eliz Boyer of Toad-hole was Buried ye 10th of February. A Person unknown was found [dr]own'd & Buried at Birkinhead [c]happel ye 17 of February 1747/8. Rychard ye son of Richard Worall was Buried at Birkenhead chappel 27 Desember 1748. Bengemen y son of John Hazolar of Bidston was Bured January y 30, 1748. BAPTIZ'D 1746 William y son of Henry & Martha Preeson of Holt Hill Baptiz'd 15th of May. John ye son of Thomas & Mary Wrigh[t?] of Holt Hill Baptiz'd 27th of June. Amy y Spurious Daughter of Elizabeth Williams of Birkinhead by Richard Tisley-Baptiz'd 13th of July. Elizabeth y Daughter of John & Ruth Blundel was Baptiz'd 29th July. Sarah ye Daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Boyer of Toadhole was Ba... the 8th March 1746/7. 1747 Martha the Daughter of Will & M . . . Clare of Hinderton Lane Baptiz'd . . of August. Samuel the Son of Sam! & Mary Sarrat of Holt-hill Baptiz'd 31st August. BAPTIZ'D 1747 Gilbert the Son of Josepth & Marg Gerrard of Holt Hill baptiz'd ye 16 of September. Lydia the Daughter of Henry & Martha Preeson of Holt-Hill Baptiz'd the 27 of September. Ann the Daughter of James and Ellen Walton of ye Grange Baptiz'd the 6 of January. Johanna Daughtor of Elzabeth Williams was Baptized Desamber y 25 1749. Frances y Daughter of W & Mary Wood [w]as baptized ye 18th Day of December 1750. [Charles the Son of William & Mary Wood of Wood[sid]e was baptiz'd June ye 23 1752. MARRIAGES IN BIRKENHEAD CHAPPE[LL] 1745 Richard Willson of Bidstone & Mary Somerset of Tranmore were Married th.. 21st of August by Licence. ANN DOM 1739 November y 27th Elijah son of Samuel Sarrat of Tranmore was buried 1739. Decemb: y 4th 1739 Rowland Broadstock & Ann Wood . . .. Woodside were Married by License. Mary Daught of James Rusco by Marg his wife buried Jan 12. James Son of James Walton & Mary his wife Baptized January y 18 & Buried January 28. ANNO DOMINI 1740 Hannah, Daughter of Richard Worral of Tranmore by Dorathy his Wife was Baptiz'd September the 3rd 1740. Henry, Son of Tho Hughes of Tranmore by Ellen his Wife was Buried Jan. 10th 1740. Robert, Son of George Mayors by Mary his Wife, was Baptiz'd February 1st 1740. John, Son of John Haslas by Grace his Wife, was Baptized March 8th 1740. 1742 Phoebe, daughter of John Blundel was baptiz'd Decemb! 5, 1742. 1743 Mary daughter of John Davenport of Claughton was baptiz'd March 27, 1743. M' M' here must be remembered 1st page. Thomas Clegg, Sailor Buried Sept 6: 1744 from on Board the Lark Man of Warr. John Anderton of Tranmore, Labourer Buried March 8th [blank space] 1745 John Gallamore & Ellin Young of ye Wood-side were Married by Banns in ye Chappel of Birkinhead, June 10th John Hues,1 Boatt man of ye woodside was Buried ye 13 of Octobar 1749. Huldor y Doughtor of Samuel Sarrat of Hollt Hill was Buried March ye 16, 1749. 1 The last will and Testament of me JOHN HUGHES of BIRKENHEAD co Chester boatman 12 Oct. 1749.. unto my daughter Mary Sarratt the wife of Samuel Sarratt of Holt Hill in the Co of Chester mason £3, 3/- and to my son Joseph Hughes of Liverpool marrinar |