[The following entries are crossed out] John the Son of John Blundel or Blackett was buried the third of October 1750. William the Son of John Blundel or Blacke. was buried the 24th of October 1750. Alice Sampson of Saughton was buried Feb. 2o 1751. John son of John Bold & Mary his wife was Buried March 2.. Mary the Wife of John Bold was Buried April the 1st 1751. Mary the Wife of Thomas Wright was Buried April 14th 175. Catherine Hazlor [altered from Haslor] of Bidstone Parish was inter.. July y° 23 1751. 1752 Samuel Sarrott was interr'd Jan! ye 10th 1752. [the next entry, in addition to being crossed out, is ruled Charles the Son [of ?] William & Mary Woods of Woodside was baptized June ye 23 1752. July the 9th 1752 baptized James the Son of John & Jaminah Hughes, Boatman, of Wood[side]. August ye 6th 1752 baptized Mary the Daug[hter] of Joseph £3, 3/-. . unto my beloved wife Eleanor Hughes bed bedding etc. on which I now usually lye . rest equally between wife Eleanor Hughes & my sons John and Robert Hughes.. all my children. Appoints Thomas Jennings of Berkett in the s Co of Chester Gentleman Exor. Tho. Jennings John Elin Janny John Janny Pro by Ex! 21 Feb. 1749, at Chester. Inventory by Thomas Sarratt and James Roscow Total, £35.7.4 Mentions Samuel Sarratt, John Davenport, Mr Penkett of Liverpool, Thomas Walton. In the name of God Amen I WILLIAM HUGHES of BIRKINHEAD Co Chester Mariner. . sick in body. to John Hughes of Birkinhead.. my lawful father all . . and under £20 makes him Ex Sworn 28 Jany. 1846. 15 Nov. 1745. William Hughes [Seal of Arms, Eagle displayed.] Robt. Washington John Janny Elin Janny & Betty [Woods crossed out] Hughes [written over Woods] of Holt-Hill. Mrs. Woods Son. Buried James Younge of Woodside, Marriner, Mar: 19.. [end of crossed out entries] 1743/4 John Jones & Mary Holmes of ye parish of Birkinhead were married by Licence in y° Chappel of Birkinhead Feb 26th 1745 Thomas the Son of Rich & Eliz. Whorell of Hinderton Lane Buried 13th of June. Thomas Woods of Woodside Buried 26th of June. Sarah ye Daughter of Jenkin & Eliz. Maria Davies of Tranmore was Baptiz'd 17th May. Alice the Daugh" of Joseph & Margar! Ger... of Holt-Hill was Baptiz'd 25th of May. Mary ye Daughter of John & Ellin Langley of Holt-Hill was Baptiz'd 19th of May. Robert ye Son of Will" & Marg Clare of Holt Hill, was Baptiz'd ye 27th of June. Elizabeth the Daughter of James & Ellin Walton, was Baptiz'd ye 9th of Septemb... Thomas ye Son of Thomas & Eliz. Woods of Hinderton Lane, was Baptized the 29 of October ( by Robert Washington Curate of Birkenhead. ANNO DOMINI 1731 Ann Young of Bebington Parish, Widow, Buried 15 May 1731. Thomas Son of Thomas Perry Baptized. Mary Daughter of John [Blundell, thereover is written Blaikey, both names crossed out] Blakey Baptized 15 March. 1732 Robert Son of James Walton of the Grange Bapt: 26 Ju[ne]. William son of William Skesbrick of Birkenhead Hall by Jane his Wife Baptized July 24, 1732. Thomas Whitehead of Neston Marriner & Hannah Young of Irbey married 17 August 1732. Mary Daughter of John Blakey by Ruth his Wife Buried 4 Octob... Sarah Lea of Brimstage, Widow, Buried 22 Decem.. Edward Son of Edward Bennet, Yeoman, by Ellen his Wife. Bap. Jan... 1733 John Anderton, Labourer, & Margaret Samson were married 2 April. Thomas Son of Samuel Nevet & Margaret his Wife Baptized 8 April. Susannah Daughter of the afores John Anderton Baptized 15 July. Elizabeth Lancelet, Widow, Buried 10 Septem.. Thomas Bennet of Woodchurch, Yeoman, & Mary Wilson of Claughton Widow were Married 18 Decemb. . 1733. Thomas Perry of Upton, husbandman, Buried 5 Nov. 1734. Thomas son of Thomas Mellin of Birkenhead Baptized I December. Sarah Daughter of James Walton of the Grange, Yeoman Bapt. 31 May 17 [35] Henry son of John Anderton, Labourer, by Margaret his Wife Bapt. 1 June. Sarah the aforesaid Daughter of James Walton Buried .. August 17[35] James Rusco, Labourer, and Margaret Ranshaw Married by Banns 31 [August]. Samuel Sarratt of Claughton in the Parish of Bidston & Mary Hughes of th . . Woodside Spinster were married by Licence 7 September 1735. Daniel Orred of Storeton, Yeoman, & Elizabeth Leene of Woodchurch Spinster were married 12 November 173[5]. ANN DOM 1736 Margaret Daught! of James Rusco by Marg! his Wife Baptized May 23rd William Illegitimate son of Ellen Stephenson by Henry Yo[ung] Baptized July ye 4th John son of John Blakey by Ruth his Wife Bapt Octb: 17th Mary Wife of John Hughes of Woodside Burd Octb: 31st Mary Wife of James Walton of ye Grange Bur! Febry 8th Henry Young and Ellen Stephenson Married by Banns 23d Feb.. ANN DOM 1737 John Hughes, Boatm", of Woodside & Elianor Tyrar Married by Banns April 13th |