Thos Son of Thos? Partington, Miller, by Eliz: his Wife Bap: 5 July. Mary Sampson, Widdow, Buried November 14th Ellen Pendleton of Tranmore, Wid. Bur. Novbr 26th ANN DOM 1738 1 John Son of John Janny by Ellen his Wife Burd July 7th Frances Daughter of M: Thos. Jennings & Mary his Wife Baptized June ye 12th Mary Wife to S Thos. Jennings Burd June 23rd M: James Rowly & Miss: Sarah Jennings were married by License at Birkenhead Chapel Novemb! ye 14th by Rich Hartwell. BAPTIZED Ellen Daughter of John Gill of the Woodside by Elizabeth his wife Baptized August 29, 1721. Elizabeth Daughter of William Nevet of Birkenhead by Margar.. his wife Baptized January 23, 1721-2. Dorothy Daughter of Thomas Perry, Labourer, by Hannah his wife Baptized March 20, 1721-2. William Son of John Hughes of the Woodside, Boatman, by Mary his wife Baptized September 27, 1722. Elizabeth Daughter of John Janny, Mariner, by Hannah his Wife Baptized November 25, 1722. Charles Son of Peter Pemberton of the Woodside Baptized October [blank] 1723. Hannah Daughter of John Janny Baptized October 24, 172.. Simon Son of Rich! Whaley, Mason, by Mary his Wife Bap. Nov. 17 Ellis Son of Robert Griffiths, Boatman, by Mary his Wife Bapt. June 6, 1725. 1 In this year the following will was proved at Chester :In the name of God Amen I THOMAS BENNETT late of CLAUGHTON now living in a house belonging to the mannour of Birkenhead yeoman sick & weak... to my sister Margaret living near Hardin in Wales 5/ her two daurs 1/- apiece.. unto my nephew John Maurice 20/-.. my sister Elizabeth if she be alive and do come in twelve months after my decease to demand it 1/-. . unto my late sister Janes children 1/- apiece. . unto my loving wife Mary all the rest viz. hhld. goods cattle &c. & makes her Executrix 9 Sept. 1737. Thomas Bennett Proved by Exix. 12 Aug. 1738 his mark Richd. Smith Thomas Son of William Blundel, Husbandman, by Catherine his wife Baptized August 17, 1725. Jacob Son of Margaret Ranshaw by Isaac Hale Bap. Sep. 18, 17.. Thomas Son of W Nevet of Birkenhead Bapt: Oct. 16, 172. John Son of James Walton of ye Grange Bapt. November 17, 1725. Alice Daughter of Edward Bennet by Jane his Wife Bapt: Nov. 23, 1725. THE REGISTER BOOK OF BIRKENHEAD Ab Anno Christi Doni nostri 1726. Ellen Walton of the Grange (Daug: of John deceased) buried April 15, 1726. Mary Daughter of Rich Whaley, Mason, by Mary his Wife Baptized in the Chappel April 19, 1726 by Rich Smith Minister. Joseph Son of Thomas Perry, Labourer, buried May 9, 1726. Ellen Daught of Thomas Cotton, Mason, Baptized May 29, 1726. Samuel Walton of the Grange, Batchlour, buried Dec. 1, 1726. Anno Doni, 1727. Thomas Bostock Serv! at Birkenhead & Martha Jones Serv at Claughton were married April 4, 1727. Thomas Nickols, Weaver, and Elizabeth Rowland both of Woodchurch Parish were married April 4, 1727 in Birkenhead Chapel the Banns of Matr: being first 3 times lawfully published in Woodch. Parish Church. Evan Son of Thomas Perry of the Woodside, Labourer, Baptized May 4. John Son of John Hughes of the Woodside, Boatman, by Mary his Wife Bapt. Oct. 28. Ellen Daughter of James Walton of ye Grange by Mary his Wife Bapt. Nov. 2 John Nevit1 of Birkenhead, Yeoman, Buried Decem. 1. 1 In the name of God Amen I JOHN NEVIT of BirkenheAD. Yeoman.. weak & infirm in body. . to be buried in Birkenhead Chappel Yard .. unto the poor of Eastham Town £4 to be given to such poor inhabitants of ye sd. Town . . as the Overseers . . shall think fit. unto the children of my son John Nevit late of ye City of Chester deceased £20.. unto my son Samuel Nevit £150 & leaves him a bed in the parlour commonly called my bed & a chest children of my son William Nevit of Birkenhead all the rest to William Blundell of the Woodside, Yeoman, Buried Decem: 25. Hannah Wife of Thomas Perry of the Woodside, Labourer, Buried December 28. Dorothy Daughter of the aforsd. Thomas Perry Buried January 4. Mary Wife of Richard Whaley, Mason, Buried January 5. Margaret Daughter of Will Blundell deceased by Catherine his Wife Bapt. Janu: 9. Rich Whaley, Mason, Buried January 1 Francis Walton of the Grange, Widow, Buried January 1 William and makes him sole Ex! . . mentions Margaret wife of Wm. 28 Nov. 1727. Tho. Chamberlaine Rich Smith. The Mark of John Nevit Pro. 6 mar. 1727[-8] by Samuel Bennett and Thomas Jackson. [Admon bond enclosed to] Samuel Bennett of Saughall Co. Chester Gent. & Thomas Chamberlain of Saughall Gent. [and?] Thomas Jackson de Higher Bebington . . Yeman.. 2 Mar. 1727[-8]. Inventory of Goods & Cattle of John Nevett of Birkenhead Yeoman 7 Feb. 1717 [sic in both copies]. Tho. Chamberlaine Arthur Bennet John Oxton Total 1009. 08.06 In the name of God Amen I WILLIAM NEVIT of BIRKENHEAD Yeoman.. sick & weak . . unto all my children all that temporal estate wh my loving Father lately deceased gave . . to me exors. to sell goods & stock & that my loving wife shall surrender up the farm into the hands of the Owner. . to my loving wife Margaret £8 p. a... out of the interest of her own Fortune or Portion which is due and unpaid me, if she marry only £4.. unto my son Samuel Nevit my new Beuadore or Chest of Drawers.. my father John Nevit lately deceased.. my brother John Nevit's children.. my bro Samuel Nevit my watch & best riding coat & my gun and my will and mind is that a sermon shall be preached at my funeral on Phillipians the first chapter verse the twenty-third. Brother-in-law Samuel Bennet & loving relation Thomas Jackson Exors. 23 Jan. 1727[-8]. John Young Thomas Bostock [unsigned] Memorand Jan. 26, 1727-8 I Rich Smith Minister of Birkenhead do certify that the Testator William Nevit did publish... but was not able to sign & seal it & that it was written according to the will .. of the s William. Proved 2 March 1727[-8] by Exors. at Chester. M THE REGISTER BOOK OF BIRKENHEAD BURIALS The Rev Robert Janny, Clerk, Minister of Birkenhead and Overchurch, Died October 10, Buried Oct: 1719. Thomas Whatmough of Birkenhead, Yeoman, Buried August 15, I ... John Gill of the Woodside, Mariner, buried April 8, 1721. Thomas Nevet Son of John Nevet buried August 29, 1721. Elizabeth Daughter of W Nevet by Margaret his Wife Buried September 17 Ano. Dom. 1721. John Hayes, Blacksmith, who was drowned buried Nov. 27, 17.. Phoebe Janny, Widow, Buried March 10, 1722. Ellen Daughter of John Gill deceased by Elizabeth his Wife of the Woodside Buried Oct. 14, 1722. Henry Hailwood Serv! at Birkenhead buried Decem: 29, 172[2]. Esther Wife of Rich Whaley, Mason, Buried January 8, 1722. Hannah Wife of Evan Haling of ye Woodside burd Nov. 14, 1723. Evan Haling of the Woodside, Carpenter, Buried June 20, 1725. John Walton of the Grange, Yeoman, Buried June 21, 172. Edward Philips of ye Grange buried September 22, 1743. MARRIAGES IN BIRKENHEAD CHAPPEL Daniel Wilson of Moreton & Jane Stanley were married August I, 1721. William Gibson of Oxon, Yeoman, &, Mary Smith, Spinster, were married October 10, 1721. 1 In the name of God Amen 15 Aprill 1710... I JOHN WARTON of CLAGHTON Co Chester Yeaman . . . sick and weak in body . . . to my eldest son Thomas warton all my estate of tenement in Claghton my beloved wife. . my children . . until my son shall come of age if an opportunity fall to renew lese of Claghton tenement that money be reased for the same out of . . estate of Claghton & Bidston to my second son John warton estate of tenement in bidston [minor] to my son Edward warton estate of tent in lower bebington. paying the lords rent with boons & herriots with ye taxes and church leays . . to the child my wife is now with child of whether it be a boy or gearl £100.. to wife £6 p. a. ... John Warton his mark Proved by Elizabeth Warton als Wilson widow and relict & Robert Warton exors. 5 July 1716. Inventory by Robt Bennett & John Anderton £1820000. [Interalia], "In M Chantrells hands £1. 5/-”. William Blore of Westkirby, Blacksmith, & Catherine Clutton were married January 28, 1722-3. Richard Whaley, Mason, and Mary Troughton were married April 18, 1723. Joseph Owen and Mary Newport of Woodchurch parish were married June 4, Año Dom: 1723. The Rev. Isaac Hide, Clerk & Curate of Wallazey, and Amela Pemberton were married June 27, 1723. Thomas Cotton of Wallazey parish, Mason, & Martha Walton of ye Grange were married August 26, 1725. Valentine Glace & Mary Thorp Fellow-Servt at the Woodside were married December 7, 1725. Thomas Wilson of Bidston Parish & Esther Edwards of Birkenhead were married September 9th 1743. ANNO DOMI 1728, 1729, 1730 1728 Henry Young of Bebington parish formerly of the Woodside was buried at Birkenhead Sept: 24, 1728. John son of James Walton of the Grange by Mary his Wife Bur! Sept. 30. Martha Burgess Daughter of Wm Deceased Buried Dec. 17. Elizabeth wife of Peter Pemberton of ye Woodside Buried Dec. 28. Ellen Daughter of James Walton of the Grange by Mary his Wife Buried [January ruled out] February 4. 1729 Evan Son of Thomas Perry of the Woodside Buried May 18, 1729. Henry Samson, Senex, Buried June 15, 1729. Joseph Son of John Hughes of the Woodside, Boatman, by Mary his Wife Bapt. August 3rd Elizabeth Daughter of John Redding of Leverpool, Mariner, by Susannah his Wife born in Oxon & Baptized in Birkenhead Chapel Sept. 11, 1729 Dorothy Daughter of Thomas Perry of the Woodside Baptized Oct. 21. Francis Daughter of James Walton of ye Grange by Mary his Wife Bapt. Dec. 20. Sarah Daughter of Thomas Bostock by Martha his Wife Bapt. Dec. 31. Ellen Daughter of Edward Bennet by Jane his Wife Baptized Feb. 6. Jane Wife of the said Edward Bennet Buried Feb. 9. |