This Marriage was Solemnized between us the Day & Year above mentioned. Wit: pst Will Glegg W Wood The X Mark of Joseph Smallwood Elizabeth Barton Charles Arrenshaw of this Parish & Jane Gerrar. . of the Parish of Bebington, Single Woman, . . . married in this Chapel the 19th Day of Sept. . 1768 by Publication of Banns by me Will: Hughes Mi ... This Marriage was Solemnized between . . . the Day & Year Joseph Goodacre of the Parish of Bebington, Single Man, & Jemina Hughes, Widow, were married in this Chapel this 25th Day of July by Publication of Banns 1768 by me Will: Hughes Min! This Marriage was Solemnized between us the Day & Year above mentioned. Wit. pst [no names The Mark of x Jos: Goodacre Randle Newby of Claughton, Single man, & Anne Walton, Spinster, were married in this Chapel by Licence this 2o Day of Oct! 1768 by me Will: Hughes Min! This marriage was Solemnized between us the Day & Year above mentioned. Wit. pst [no names] Randle Newby Ann Walton Elizth Dean of Peter Gaskell of this Parish, Single Man, Bebington, Spinster, were . . . ried in this Chapel this 18th Day of Oct! ... 8 by me Will: Hughes Min! .. Marriage was Solemnized between us . . . Day & Year above mentioned. Witnesses [Torn off] The mark of X Peter Gaske BAPTIZEMS 1768 Samuel son of Richard and Jane Williams November the 20. Pege of Thomas and Tamer Mores November the 20. Jane of Willam and Jane Cotrel November the 27. Thomas of Joseph & Cathern Beken January the 6, 1769. Richird of John and Als Bennett of Snuflane [?Snuslane] October the 1. Jams of Jams and Marey [? Marcy] Mele October the 15. Elizebeth of Charls and Jane Arenshew November the 26. 1770 Ann of Willam and Mary Woods January the 3. [above entry interpolated and in a different hand] Richard of Willam and Martha Brisco November . . . Nance of Willam and Jane Cotrel December . . . . 1771 Sharloter of Robert and Elezebeth Walten Jenu . . . John of John and Mary Evens April the 26. John of Willam and Elizabeth Pritchard April 2 John of Willam and Ame Marcer Febrary the 3. MARRIAGES 1771 Benjamin Longley of this Chapelry, Single Man, Mariner, & Martha Walton of Bidston Parish, Spinster, were Married by Licence this 23rd Day of April 1771 by me Will: Hughes Min! This marriage was Solemnized between us the Day & Year above mentioned. Wit: p Tho: Walton Benjamin Langley Randle Newby Jonathan Dean of the Parish of Wallezey, Widower, and Mary Neubey of the Parish of Bidston, Spinster, were married by Licence this Sixth Day of June 1771 by me Will Hughes Min! This marriage was Solemnized between us the Day and Year above mentioned. Wit: Thomas Hill present John Davenport Jonathan Dean BAPTIZAMS 1771 Pegey of Ann Buck August the 11. Jams of Thomas and Pegey Walton August the 18. MARRIAGES 1772 John Barton of the Parish of Liverpool, Mariner, Single Man, and Abbigail Woods of the Chapellry of Birkenhea.. in the County and Dioces of Chester, Spinster, were Marri in this Chapel this 9th Day of January in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy two by me Will: Hughes Min! This Marriage was Solemnized between us the Day and Year above mentioned. Tho Pemberton of this Chapelry, Single Man, and Jane Pemberton of the Parish of Bebington, Spinster, were married in this Chapel this Seventh day of June 1772 by me Will Hughes Min! The above Marriage was Thomas Pemberton solemnized between us J The X Mark of Jane Pemberton Wit. pst Samuel Pemberton Tho Harrison, Single Man, & Martha Booth, Spinster, Both of this Chapelry were Married this Second Day of November 1773 by Publication of Banns. Day of January 1774 her Joseph Harvey of the Parish of Bidston, Single Man, & Martha Longley of this Chapelry were married by Licence the third by me Will: Hughes Min! Wit: pst Thomas Hill The above Marriage Solemnized by us James Walton Ann of Willam and Mary Presen Aprel the 12. Samuel of Samule and Marget Richardson June the 28. Willam of John Barten and Abbegal Barten Novemb. 10. Willam of John and Abbegel Barten November the 10. 1773 Willam of Willam and Jane Cotrell March the 28. Mary of Jams and Mary Meley April the 18. Nancey of John and Mary Evens June the 28. Elezebath of Peter and Elezabeth Gaskel October the 24. Bette of Willam and Bette Bibe October the 31. Elezebath of Joseph and Marey Blundel November the 10. [above erased] Marey and Martha of Willam and Marey Presn Desemb[er] the [...]. 1774 Samuel of Thomas and Tamer Mors January the 4. John Devenport, Clark of the Chapel of Berkenhead, Bured the 12th of March 1774. N Bette D of Charles and Jone Arensha Babtiz? the 13th of March 1774. Charles Son of Benjamen and Elizh Merrcks Burd March ye 26th 1774. A person unknown found drowned bur! May ye 31st A person unknown found drowned B Sepemb! 14. John Middleton of ye Chapelry of Birkenhead & Martha Priestson of ye parish of Bebington were married by Banns this fourteenth day of May 1775 Witness William Preeson Tho Wilson by me Bryan King John X Middleton his mark her mark Robert Jones of Thurstington and Elizabeth Newby of the Parish of Bidston were married by Licence this twentieth day of June 1775 Randel Newby by me Bryan King Robert Jones Elizabeth Newby John Guile of Greasby in the County & Diocese of Chester and Esther Hughes of this Chapelry of Birkenhead were married by Licence in this Chapel this twenty fifth Day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand 700 and seventy five Nancy Daughter of Thomas & Martha Harrison of Woodside bridge Baptized the fifth Day of March 1775. John son of Thomas and Mary Brundrick of Claughton Comegrange Baptized ye 19th of March 1775. Bety [Billison erased] Daughter of Joseph and Kitty Billeson of holthill Baptized June ye 26, 1775. Elizabeth Johnson Daughter of Margret Jhonson by Omphrey Willcock Baptized July y 16: 177[.]. BURIALS Mary Price Daughter of Tho? Prce [sic] of Liverpool, Mariner, was Buried June ye 20th 1775. Samuel Worrall son of Samuel Worrall of Tranmore was Buried July y 19th 1775. |