Thomas Hughes son of Thomas Hughes of Tranmore Buried August the 27th 1775. [At the back of this book is written] REGISTER BOOK OF BIRKENHEAD FOR THE YEAR 1719 A Coppy of a Receipt. . be Given to the Governo . . . of the Queen's Bounty. To Jeoffrey Elwes Esq. at Banker Hoars L... On Sight Pay to Mr Tho: Jen... (or order) the Sum of Six p... due on acc! under written. Rec of Jeoffrey Elwes Esq. Treasurer to ye Governours of ye Bounty of Queen Ann &c. the Sum of Six pounds, being half a years Interest due on Michaelmas Day last past of four hundred pounds appropriated for ye augmentation of the Chapel of Birkenhead in ye County of Ches... I say Rec by me the 2 Day of October in ye year of L 1740.. BAPTISMS 1775 1 Nov! 14, Catherine D of Robert & Elizabeth Jones Claughton Judith twin D's of Hugh and ye late Judith Riley Dec 9 Kitty J Tranmore. Bryan King. This volume, foolscap size, bound in law calf, lettered on back BIRKENHEAD ABBEY REGISTER. [Inside cover] The N of Inhabitants within the chapelry of Birkenhead A. D. 1801 were 110, Inhabited Houses 16. [On fly-leaf the above is repeated with the addition of the signature]" E. Newton Mint " 19 Nov 1743 a Rent Charge of £16 p. Ann was purchased with £400 for augmenting the C. of Birket als Birkenhead in the County & Diocese of Chester, payable out of all that new erected messuage, dwelling house & Tenement with the appurtenances situate lying & being in Claughton cum Grange in the County of Chester afores now in possession of Edwd Newby the younger, and also all those several Closes, Closures and parcels of land thereto belonging or formerly held therewith & also all those other closes, closures, or parcels of land now enjoyed therewith & late in possession of Mary Bennett, and also all those other closes or parcels of land now likewise enjoyed therewith & late in possession of Mary Dean. All which s closes closures or parcels of land are lying and being in Claughton cum Grange afores & contain together thirty eight acres of land of the large measure there used or thereabouts be the same more or less & and are now in ye possession of ye sd Edward Newby or his under Tenants, and out of all Houses, Outhouses, Edifices, Buildings yards Orchards Gardens, Lands, Meadows, Pastures, Commons Common of Pasture & Turbary, Hereditainments &c. 1776 Jan I Joseph son of Joseph & Mary Blundel, Bridge-end. May 12th John son of Tho? & Elizabeth Lisle, Claughton. D: 12, James s of Martha Smith & James Ruscoe nothus Bridge-end. Sept! 1 John s of Thomas & Martha Harrison, Birkenhead. Dec! 10 William s of William & Hannah Smith, Toad-hole. Bryan King. 1777 March 2 Betty D of Jane [written above Elizabeth, which is erased] Boyer & Samuel Harrison nothus. Ditto 30 Hannah D of Charles & Jane Arenshaw, Holt Hill. Oct! 26 John S of John & Martha Middleton, Holt Hill. 28 Tho S of William & Maria Dugard, New Building. Dec. 25 Tho S of James and Martha Roscoe, Bridge End. BURIALS 1775 Bryan King. Nov! 10 Elizabeth Stephenson, Liverpool. Decemb: 9 Judith wife of Hugh Riley, Tranmore. Ditto 14 Judith D of Hugh Riley, Ditto. 1776 Bryan King. Feb 8 Rich S of Samuel & Rachel Worral, Hinderton Lane. March 22 Kitty D of Hugh Riley, Tranmore. June 2 Margaret wife of James Roscoe, Bridge End. 9 Jno. Golburn mariner â Tender Lieut. Scott, Slyne. 1777 Bryan King. March 7 Mary wife of Robert Edwards, Slush Lane. April 7 Martha Lary aged 102 years a remarkable good liver, a Mother of 19 Children, was able to work till within nine months of her death, never remember'd sickness till about 11⁄2 years ago, had a retentive memory from King James ye 2 time till K. George ye 29 accession afterwards she remembered little of public occurences tho' she retained her rational faculties to ye last. June 20 Elizabeth Worral aged 73 Hinderton Lane. Bryan King. John Garner Thomas Webster Fanny Glover William Moors William Harrison Betty Buck Peggy Roscoe Sally Williams Jno. Garner, Holt Hill, Carpenter S" Thos & Ann Garner Jno. Webster, Woodside, Boatman S of George Jane Webster Jno. Glover, Claughton, weaver S of James & Ann Glover Thos Moors, Tranmore, Farmer S of Rich & Margret Moors Robert Harrison, Holt Hill, Boatman S. Jno. Margt Harrison Wm Buck S of Thos & Ann Buck James Roscoe Thos [erased] John Williams, Mariner 1779 BURIALS 1778 March 31 Peggy D of Daniel & Jane Ireland Liverpool. June 7 Thomas Roberts mariner found dead on Woodside Bank. July 14 Tho S of Samuel & Rachel Wirral Hinderton. Sept. bapt. Richard Ellaby S of Samuel & Nanney Ellaby born 29, 24 Oct. BAPTISMS 1780 John S of Samuel & Mary Rogers, Tranmore 9 Jany. July 2 William S" of Tho & Ann Bird, Hinderton Lane. Aug 14 John S of Jno. & Mary Robinson, Hinderton Lane. Augt 28 George S of ye Rev Bryan King by Ellen his Wife born 23 July, Tranmore. BAPTISMS 1781 Bryan King. June 10 Jeremiah S" of Tho & Ann Bird, Hinderton Lane. Sept. 9 Peggy D of Robert & Peggy Harrison, Hinderton. BAPTISMS 1782 Mach 31 Sarah D of William & Ann Smith, Hinderton Lane. Dec. 22 Peggy D of ye Late Rob Harrison by Marg his wife, Holt Hill. BAPTISMS 1783 Jan 14 Margaret D' of Rev Bryan King by Ellen his Wife born 29 Nov 1782 baptized 14 Jan 1783. BURIALS 1780 Jan 9 Jane Wife of John Goldson, Oxon. March 17 Thomas S of Tho? & Ann Bird, Hinderton Lane. May 10 Edward Jeffries Mariner Agd 37 Liverpool. June 21 A drowned man much disfigured taken up 19 inst. July 1 John Lea Ag 11 Hinderton Lane. 19 William Wood Ag 63 Woodside. Aug 10 William S of Tho? & Ann Bird, Hinderton Lane. Sep 23 Dina D of John & Hannah Owens, Hinderton Lane. Bryan King. BURIALS 1781 May 10 Lydia Long Holt Hill. Bryan King. BURIALS 1782 Feb 26 Martha wife of James Ruscoe, Bridge End. May 19 Richard Parry Price Esq. Birkenhead. BAPTISMS 1783 Aug 17 William S" of John & Mary Glover, Claughton. May 9. BAPTISMS 1784 Hannah D of William & Hannah Smith, Toad Hole. May 23 Richard S of Thomas & Martha Harrison, Birkett. June 28 Mary D of ye Rev! Bryan King by Ellen his wife born 28 May and baptized 28 June Tranmore. July 11 Phebe D: of Joseph & Mary Blundel, Bridge End. BAPTISMS 1785 Feb 6 Esther D of John & Jane Hughes, Woodside. |